‘I’m free!’

A get out of gaol free card. Well, more or less. Almost like escaping from hospital!

Last year, Partner was called for jury service.

‘That will be an interesting experience for you,’ I said loftily, having sat in more court rooms than you could poke a stick at.

My first court experience was at school.

For some reason, it was deemed important that the girls at the high school went to visit the local Crown Court. Off we walked down the road in the obligatory crocodile, to pile into the gallery and gaze down at the proceedings. Crown Court was about five or ten mins walk away.

But Partner, growing up in South Wales, did not have a Crown Court nearby, nor attended a school that thought a visit to watch the legislative procedure was an essential part of education. And as he’s not a crim or a journo or a lawyer, he’d never visited court.

Nor did he want to, despite my encouragement about what a fascinating revelation jury service would be.

He attended three times and was never called.

This year, I received my summons. Most unfair. I’ve sat in boring court rooms. I’ve done the murder, GBH, goodness knows what else for days on end. I so did not want to do jury service. Suddenly that interesting experience for him was a pain in the arse for me.

For some reason, he thought it was funny. ‘Interesting’ was the word of the month.

Now, being a reporter is one thing. At least we could sneak out. Jurors have to sit there. All the time.

I felt sick. In fact, I was sick as I thought about it. Literally.

The day arrived.

Jury Service Part 1

My neighbour had been called too. I heard her door go at 9.30 and grudgingly went out a few minutes afterwards. Roll call at 9.45.

I chatted to my neighbour as she finished the dregs of her fag and we approached the Supreme Court.

Everyone stands around outside under the vines, waiting, waiting, waiting.

Names were called. Hold up your hand and stand over there.

We’d missed the introduction, so when our names were called our hearts sank.

Then, the official said, ‘you lot can relax’, uh?

More messing around went on and we continued to stand about.

Next, a different official came out.

Names were called again.

It looked like they had pieces of paper taken out of a hat.

This was the real thing.

These people had to go inside the courthouse.

My neighbour was called. OK I didn’t snigger much.

Other people were called.

Then, a long pause.

More names. Sporadically. Two, or three. And then another two or three.

And then, even more name calling.

This time, it meant marching to the front to receive a piece of paper.

‘Jurors in waiting are requested to attend the Supreme Court on …’

And off we went with a ten day reprieve.


Ironically my neighbour said the case she was on was interesting.

But the last day wasn’t so good, she said. Five hours locked in with no toilet and appalling food?!!

I heard that and started feeling sick again.


Jury Service Part 2

The next day came around. Jury service involves three appearances. After that you are dismissed. This was my second.

Same routine, except I got to hear better this time, I actually heard them say they were calling the register at 9.45. So, not calling jurors initially, just checking who hasn’t turned up so they can fine them. Or whatever.

Acknowledged my name and dutifully walked over to the law-abiding citizens’ part of the courtyard.

Then … nothing. Just nothing.

Panicking about five hours incarceration, I decided to go to the toilet. And sat down after that inside the foyer. Ankle was playing up anyway.

Supreme Court, inside the foyer
Supreme Court, inside the foyer

Some time later, we were urged to leave the foyer. Naturally those of us inside ignored it.

‘No, no, outside.’

There are no handrails up the steps to the courthouse, so on my unsteady way down, I grabbed a pillar. I’d just got stabilised when an official said, ‘Jurors in waiting are released’.

A puzzled silence ensued. No one was sure what that meant. Could we go? Were we free? And then, people started leaving, and we figured it was really true.

Over. Done with. Released. Out of jury service, free.

For another two years, anyway.

Note: Jury service in Gibraltar applies to adults between 18–65 on the electoral roll who have lived in Gibraltar for five years continuously.

82 comments on “‘I’m free!’

  1. I would like to be part of a jury (came close a few years ago), but I am afraid I might snap and slap someone silly for lack of rationality, logic, and/or basic intelligence. Also, that someone might feel the same about me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I wouldn’t have minded years ago. I guess when I was in the court circuit and it was part of my job anyway. Interestingly lawyers can be exempted, unsurprisingly, but journalists can’t. I never knew of any journo colleagues who were called though.

      I’d probably snap at other jurors for not realising what they were there for. You listen to the evidence, that’s what you go on, not emotion, or appearance. And yet, you sit in court, listening to a not guilty, the jury finds them guilty and then, and only then do you hear the record.

      Not an easy job. Where I live it’s quite difficult. It’s a very, small, place. Back in the UK, Crown Court cases were often held further afield. Can’t do that here.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You convey the experience evocatively… I see merit in the system but being a cog in that system is quite different. Maybe for some it’s a new and interesting experience, an opportunity to do their bit. The waiting, the closed off environment… here in the basement of the court house. The logistics of putting of your life on hold. Made it not for me. I’ve been called up twice and excused twice because of work commitments but I had to show up to go through the process. Not even far more senior government bureaucracy people than I called up at the same time who were working on the same project were able to be excused without doing so. So I guess it’s fair.
        I’m happy you’re off the hook though.


        • I think it depends what you are doing. It’s a nightmare when you are working for yourself. I think my dad managed to exert some influence (typical huh) when he was called, or maybe said he would if he was. Can’t even remember. The problem is proving loss of earnings when you are self-employed as he was.

          Interesting you were excused. There is in theory, an option to be excused if your work is critical, essential, and your boss provides a letter but it’s not guaranteed. Please explain before the judge. Both days, women turned up with kids in pushchairs. Primary carers get excused too but please explain before the judge – yeah, take one screaming kid into court and explain why you can’t do jury duty? Nice one :D


  2. I can understand your anxiety about jury service. I almost found myself on a jury once about 25 years ago. I got off because I have a very bad back and can not sit for an extended time. That was my escape from a murder trial. I’ve never received a jury summons since then.

    Nice post, Ms Gib. Very enjoyable.


    • Thank you Yvonne. Actually I would have been Ms Fidget. Given my sciatica from some years back (stress related), cramps and pins and needles from the broken ankle, plus general inability to sit still, I would be the juror from hell. Or the one in contempt of court :(

      Murder trials are a pain. They are not short. I remember having to phone in the daily proceedings to my newspaper. Good escape on your part.

      At one point my sciatica was so bad I had to sit on the floor at meetings. I really couldn’t sit in chairs. At home, I could manage a high stool, or again, the floor. It’s better now. Hope yours is too :)

      Liked by 1 person

        • The sitting is always the killer is it not? Especially in restricted positions, ie where you can’t move and fidget much. Mine eased up miraculously after leaving work, and I was quite able to cope with the long journey down through the UK, France and Spain, thereby proving my theory it was largely stress-related. I’m sure it would come back for jury service!

          Exercise used to help too, so walking, gardening, just generally moving around. None of which are of any use for a desk-based job.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d like to be a ‘professional juror’, or is that called a judge? :) I’ve never been asked. I’m sure I’d be great at it. I judge people ALL THE TIME. I’d even help educate the other jurors with information they might not know :)
    Anyway, France only has jury trials for serious crimes (murder/rape etc.) so that dream is over.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sure you would be perfect darling. Sadly the juror’s role is not to judge people (although some may well) but to weigh and assess the evidence to determine guilt or innocence. When sitting in court, I thought it was amazing how much not just jurors, but magistrates too, seemed to be influence by appearance and status. Nothing new of course, but it shouldn’t influence a supposedly objective and impartial process.

      I don’t know what the case is in the UK now, but when I was reporting, any Tom, Dick or Harriet could elect for trial at Crown Court if they were pleading not guilty. There was a proposal to stop that so it may no longer be possible. Committal to Crown Court was for rape, murder, usually nasty GBH, and can’t remember what else. Anything involving big sums of money I suspect. Kidnapping, those sort of crimes. I understand a lot of the cases in Gib are fraud/financial :D

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This was interesting to read! We’re just watching a BBC TV-series on Netflix, named SILK. So much terminology that’s new to us both, and different from here.

    Four years ago, there was a rather high-profile murder here in our little city. They never really solved it, but now the son of the victim will be going to trial and they had jury selection just the other day. They had to do it in the hockey arena — more than 3,000 people were called.


    • Thanks Reb. There was a phase of law drama programmes in the UK at one point. I rarely bothered watching them. I always found them too slow.

      Calling 3000 people?! That must have taken hours. I guess the idea is to attempt to get an impartial jury. But why not move it out of the city? That’s what used to happen in the UK. Of course, it’s easy enough if a crime happens outside a Crown Court city, as is often the case. On my first newspaper, we regularly attended three different Crown Courts, all sort of equidistant from our town.

      On another paper, I covered a murder trial where an old woman had been killed by a former lodger, a young girl and her boyfriend, because they wanted to steal a pittance of money. The price of a life? It was a very sad story.


  5. I was ineligible…the last thing any judge wants is some smart alek lawyer telling his colleagues on the jury that the old bugger on the bench hasn’t a clue about limiting his directions to those bearing on law, not fact.
    That is to say in PC speak – the value of the jury is its sheer lack of knowledge of law and its representative character

    I used to know a local official responsible for summoning jurors…he made no secret of the fact that he deliberately did not call people from certain areas of his territory – unlike his colleague at Snaresbrook who had no option but to call fellow villains who would understand as that was all that seemed to be available in his catchment area.

    The first chap made no bones about telling me that even were I to be eligible he would refuse to select me for anything involving a Scot, an Irishman or the Official Secrets Act…..he wanted no perverse verdicts on his patch….

    I had no dealings with juries in my line of work….I feel I would have needed the assistance of Marshall Hall’s whooppee cushion in order to retain their attention.

    I know, from the physical point of view, that you had a lucky escape…but you would have made a good juror.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was debating with myself, if called, whether I would be a pain in the arse quibbling with everyone about detail, or whether I would just go with the flow for an easy life. I suspect at the end of the day, my conscience would get the better of me. In fact this second time, I even forgot to take a pen. I was more interested in making sure I had a tomato sandwich with me in case I was locked in over lunch. While the hospital mostly managed to provide vegan food, I can’t imagine it would be an automatic option in the courthouse. I assume they just nip round to one of the sandwich bars. It would make sense, one would think, although why should that be relevant? to ask jurors what sort of sarnie they want.

      I suspect I would be the one in the 11–1 or the 10–1 verdict.


  6. Hah. Partner must have loved that you got called to have a turn at the ‘interesting’ experience! The sticky bits that keep relationships interesting and provide fun tensions to play with. I know how you feel though. When I was getting ready to fly across to the Middle East with the girls to join Eric, friends would mention how exciting to be flying across the world and all I could think of was the boring drain of an overnight flight in cattle class with a short one on either side….even though it has been 20 years since I have flown regularly. While I really do appreciate the convenience of it all and so on I still think that long flights are for the birds, really! Perhaps a bit like how long court sessions must feel to you..


    • He has had much enjoyment over the last two months. Sadly we get plenty of notice, so he has made the most of that lengthy period of waiting to remind me how interesting it would be for me should I be called.

      It’s a long time since I’ve flown too. The last long distance was UK to NZ, and on the way back from Aus to Heathrow we got the worst seats on the plane ie in front of the toilet. Apart from the endless disruption of people toing and froing and doors opening and closing, the real bummer was the fact that you were sat straight up, no chair movement, with the ones in front gaily leaning back into your lap. Cattle class? Never again. And as I couldn’t afford anything else, nothing further than UK–Málaga, and even that was last century.


      • I may be wrong, because my previous experiences in the air also date back to last century, but I am not sure that a seat that moves even matters anymore. The seats are so squashed in and close together that the slightest movement back gets you scowls and groans – and I think that is just because your seat literally lands in the lap of the passenger behind you, not because they are just being mean! And of course the worst is having to walk through Business Class to get to your seats. On the other hand it is still astonishing to me that we can fly across the world with such ease and so on. I just need to try do it during the day because the sleep deprivation does nothing for my mood!


  7. It doesn’t sound like much fun at all Kate. I am glad for your sake, although I think you would make a great juror.

    Here in South Africa trial by jury was banned in 1969, and supposedly a good thing, because it would have had a huge impact on the trial of Oscar Pistorius who was accused of shooting his girlfriend. Apparently she was in the bathroom, he thought it was a burglar and shot her through the door. Something like that. I never followed the story. But here’s one link that you might find interesting:


    The South African Law Commission had a number of reasons for the decline of juries, including:

    1. Expansive powers of the Minister of Justice to order trials without a jury.
    2. Reluctance of the public to serve on juries.
    3. Widespread exemptions leaving few competent jury candidates.
    4. Fears of racial prejudice among jury members, give SA’s complex race relations.

    It seems there are law experts called assessors, who assist judges but when it comes to sentencing, the judge has the final say.

    Thanks for another interesting and thought-provoking post. :D

    Hugs to you and Snowy. ♥


    • I don’t know why anyone would think I would be a good juror! I would be missing my little boy and thinking about my stomach and charging for the toilet at the first opportunity.

      That’s interesting regarding banning it in SA. Mind you, I suppose it was yet another reminder of the former colonial system, I understood Brits imported most of our cranky habits worldwide.

      I did actually follow Pistorius, not sure why. That article was interesting, because I have to say I found his defence – that I read – hard to believe. How can you not notice someone in bed/not in bed next to you? You usually sense their presence/absence even before you look. But I suppose if he was paranoid about an intruder, that might hold water. Don’t know. Still sounded dodgy to me.

      The reasons are interesting.
      1 sounds Draconian
      2 applies everywhere I would think!
      3 only MPs, lawyers, clergy, and some crims were exempt when I studied law, don’t know about now
      4 that one I can understand.

      Thanks Sonel. The same to you, Simba and Russel 🐶

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, we just think you would be a good juror, but we know you won’t enjoy it. LOL! Yes, we do sure miss them when we’re not with them. :D

        What I heard now and then, I also don’t believe his story, but his monkey, his circus (as my hubby would always say). So many people didn’t believe him. I don’t know him, so I don’t care. But it’s like you said … it is a dodgy story.

        Very interesting reasons. :D

        You’re welcome and thanks. I will hug and kiss them for you. ♥


  8. Nice dodge. :-) here’s to another two years. I know you would have bitten the bullet and done your civic duty but I can imagine it’s a right pain when you’re self employed. Perhaps you don’t have a trustworthy face! Mwooooaarhahahahrgh! Phnark.


    • Dodge indeed! Yes, it is a nuisance when one has ‘other commitments’. Can’t imagine the judge would be too impressed if I took an iPad or even an iPhone in to edit away …
      Do hope I don’t look trustworthy. Anything that makes me look unsuitable is fine by me. Didn’t wash hair, no make-up, casual T-shirt, fairly scruffy shorts and trainers. Mind you that applied to half the jurors in waiting :D


  9. Lawyers can’t in GB, I understand: it used to be thought lawyers could persuade others too well, but then any jury will have articulate, persuasive people, and sheep, and one may have undue influence.


      • Unclear indeed. I thought you meant they couldn’t do it :D they couldn’t when I started off in journalism. So much law has changed since then. Interesting that it’s an option in Gib though, one can see why. The place is so small, you are bound to hear all the gossip on the legal network.


    • I think it’s valid to say there could be articulate persuasive people. Not that they would persuade me. I suppose a lot depends on who is chosen as foreman/woman too. That was something else I wanted to avoid if I had been called.


  10. In my younger years I would have loved to have been called, although I suspect I would have made a miserable juror. I’d have probably driven everyone crazy with my need to know and understand every point,and the logic behind every decision, or claim — and would have been extremely frustrated if the lawyers didn’t ask the questions that I wanted the answers to. And then I’d have been very reluctant to condemn anyone to a “guilty” judgement, just because I’m not good at that kind of thing. The one time I was called (just last year) I was able to request to be excused, by applying online, and I got a really quick “ok” response. As a result, I have never yet been in court — except when watching those “reality” judge shows on TV occasionally.

    I wonder if one can be excused because of the need for regular bathroom visits? It seems ludicrous that they forbid bathroom breaks for long stretches, and still expect the jurors to be able to concentrate and not rush into a precipitous decision.

    Enjoy your respite!


    • That pretty much sums up my perspective when I was younger. Plus, as I was used to the court system, it would have been pretty much like work anyway, just swapping the press bench for the jury bench. I never actually knew anyone who was called so I guess it implied status back then. Now, it’s just a flipping nuisance. Being excused here is a lot more complex. You can get a doctor’s note but it’s not a guarantee. If you have a holiday booked and can prove it, you can get deferred, but not excused. Other cases, eg child care or other caring (doubt it includes dogs), essential work plus note from employer, have to go before the judge to be determined. It’s easier to suffer and get it over with.

      I think the toilet rule is weird. I thought jurors had a toilet next to their ‘retiring’ room. It’s uncivilised and unhealthy to prevent people using the toilet, in my opinion. But, until I get called, I can’t comment on that one first hand. And, I hope not to be able to.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I don’t think there is any trial by jury here. For serious offences, you get maybe a three judge bench or something of that kind but no jury of your peers- or whatever lawyers call it


  12. About 13 years ago I was called, and it was very boring. I missed out on being called for a big murder trial, [lasted for over six months, guilty verdict] but I did stand on an assault, guilty verdict was eventually agreed. Interesting to some degree but mostly boring.


  13. I once sat on the jury for a medical malpractice case. It was “interesting” in that a Jehovah’s Witness who’d gone in for surgery ended up in a coma after having a stroke and required a blood transfusion to live. The doctor had asked him beforehand several times about receiving a transfusion and the plaintiff had said ‘no,’ as Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t do blood transfusions, except on one occasion when the plaintiff said he would consider it. The doctor, unable to get consent from the comatose patient, went to the patient’s mother, the next of kin, to request permission. The mother, not a Jehovah’s Witness, gave permission. The patient survived, but suffered from the effects of the stroke. He sued the doctor, alleging the doctor committed both malpractice and battery by giving him a blood transfusion against his wishes. We were unable to reach a verdict, and the case ended up before the state supreme court. Listening to the reasoning abilities of those in the jury room with me after the trial did not give me a very good feeling about being tried by one’s peers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 20 years ago, between the times of me slipping on an icy forecourt , breaking my elbow and putting myself out of the job of Metro Driver and me suffering my first heart attack, I was approached by some deluded but otherwise upright citizens and asked if I wanted to become a Magistrate!… Intrigued by this unannounced invitation, I duly went up to the quite modern Magistrates’ Court in nearby Bedlington and was advised to gain experience of the court procedures by “sitting in” thorough several routine cases.. This I did and became fascinated by the grand panoply of life which staggered, lurched, marched or crept timorously into the glass fronted Dock area directly opposite my “seat of learning”

      My last visit coincided with the realisation that my partial deafness ( all high notes above 8 Db. are non existent to me, even with the use of ever more expensive hearing aids) was preventing me from completely understanding all of what was being said around me and the appearance in the dock of a young man charged with supplying class A drugs. I watched, mesmerised, at the audacity of this young man who stood up as the Magistrate was about to summarise the evidence, reached into his pocket and calmly passed a clear plastic envelope plainly containing a considerable amount of white powder over the Dock rail, into the clutching hands of his several mates in the well of the court! The Lady Magistrate had an attack of the vapours which co-incided with the crash of the young tyro’s head hitting the Dock floor, as at least 3 very large court orderlies pinned him to the deck!

      Liked by 1 person

        • Sadly, no. My deafness is becoming more of a barrier as each month passes and the aids, although initially very good, are needing to be ‘tweaked’ electronically much more frequently.

          It’s probably for the best, as apart from deafness I find myself becoming more and more judgemental as I age.

          This came out during a second interview with the small group of the selection committee and I was asked to give my opinion on two or three examples of cases which come before a Magistrates’ Court. Presumably, I completely misjudged all three cases and was politely told that the ‘Bench’ would not require my services.


      • Well, the problem was, the patient had said at one point prior to the operation that he would consider a transfusion in case something went wrong, and the doctor’s medical records indicated that. The doctor, unable to talk to the patient after the latter went into a coma, went to the mother, who gave the OK for the transfusion. As a member of the jury, I felt that, given the doctor’s Hippocratic Oath and the fact that the patient had at one point said he would consider a transfusion, he had no choice to try to save the patient’s life. Eventually, the Supreme Court agreed that the doctor was not liable.

        The entire jury process was nightmarish because the doctor was white, the patient was black and a couple of the black jurors accused me of not finding the doctor guilty of malpractice and battery because I was a racist. Good times indeed.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Nah haven’t done coverage in India but outside where I’m based. Find court rooms very boring stuffs to do..Lolzkitabein jhaankti hain band almaari ke sheeshon se
        bari hasrat se takti hain
        maheeno ab mulakatein nahi hoti

        jo shaamein inki suhbat main kata karti thein, ab aksar
        guzar jaati hain computer ke pardon par
        badi bechain rahti hain kitabein

        inhe ab neend mein chalne ki aadat ho gayi hai
        koi safha palatta hoon to ik siski nikalti hai
        kayi lafzon ke maani gir bhi parte hain
        jo rishte woh sunaatee thein woh saare udhre udhre hain

        aur woh jo kitaabon mein, mila karte the sookhe phool
        kitne maangne, giraane, uthaane ke bahaane rishte bante the
        na jaane unka kya hoga?

        woh shaayad ab nahi honge!

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank goodness that pillar was there when you needed it. No railings on stairs is much more of a worry than they used to be. Jury Duty – anything but interesting now. Been called much to often ( the rumor here was you actually showed up to serve/served once, they would call you up every 6 months. I began to believe that was true. I hated driving into the city, finding/paying for parking, then sitting sitting sitting in rows of auditorium type hard seats waiting to be called. Usually everyone around you is hacking, coughing, and sneezing. Finding lunch was expensive, too – and with so little time allowed to weave your way through the street people/drunks. Great experience.
    You can get called for city, county, state, grand jury hearings here.
    Had to drive last year to Galveston when called. Nicer waiting room. Had to watch a long boring outdated movie about the legal system. (Guess they decided to entertain us for a bit while waiting). Other than a water fountain, there was no place to get drinks or food anywhere near: a courthouse in the middle of a vast sea of parking lots and marginal areas. Anyone who claimed they didn’t speak enough English to serve were immediately dismissed ( a pretty good chunk – some had been chatting earlier on their phones in English just fine).
    Then all those who thought they had a real reason to be excuse went one by one in front of a judge with their story…Few of those escaped and the judge made sure those people were the first ones selected for trial panels.
    Most cases now have long question sheets created by the lawyers that you fill out either on line ahead of time or while waiting. Lawyers cut people using those answers.
    Finally the rest of us got to go but had to check on line in each morning for 3 days to see if we had been selected for a jury and to find out which courtroom/city to report to.
    I can’t standing sitting still for long periods any more. Hopefully I’m invisible enough.


    • Just evil. Reading your comment was as bad as standing there. Worse. At least my courthouse was five minutes limp away. Do people not realise we have dogs to walk and things to do? Jury service is for the employed. Not the busy people.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I’d like to be a part of a case, at least once in my life. The possibilities for a writer to day dream in there, especially a compulsive day dreamer like me, are endless. At the very least a courtroom drama may possibly ensue.

    Sorry to hear your ankle still bothers you. It’s been a while. I know when I broke my ankle ( in Grade 8) it took years for it to be as strong as the other. I can still sprain it far more easily than the other. Hope it gets better and better.


    • Possibilities for daydreaming are everywhere. But yes, a courtroom drama might occur in one out of a hundred cases. Meanwhile, falling asleep …

      Thanks. It’s just stiff. These things happen in old age.


  16. Another classic egg sample of how lack of proper organisation wastes time and taxpayers’ money. I wonder if there is a really slick system for such things anywhere in the world?


    • Online has been mentioned above. Tbh, I think turning up should be required. Yes, it’s a waste of time, but, at least it’s real time. Real people, appearing, saying ‘Yes’. I’m only saying that cos I escaped though :D


  17. “For some reason, he thought it was funny. ‘Interesting’ was the word of the month.” – Hahahaha. I’d be much the same.

    I enjoyed reading this, which is not to say I don’t normally enjoy reading your posts (*looks honest, and is*), I can relate to your discomfort, both on the jury duty, and the potential of having to sit still for long periods of time. I too have problems in that area, and ‘fidget’ is definitely the word for it. Forced to sit for a while, I am equal to Michael Flatley at times.

    My first thought, at seeing the post title in my email box, was an image of you with ‘Free the Gibraltar One!’ emblazoned across a photo of your face, a la Deirdre. Hahahahaha. I’m very glad you spent no time – doing time.

    I too hope that ankle improves soon, at present I have bursitis of the wrist, so I’m typing with a splint on. Joy. I’ve had it in the ankle/foot too mind. My next Riverdance performance has, sadly, had to be postponed.

    – she who sits upon a Cloud


    • He was telling my neighbour I’d been released (the one who got called) and she said the same to him, ‘oh you’d find it interesting, I did’. Whereupon he replied, ‘I’d rather be painting these doors (to our block) and chatting to you’.

      I’ve never been able to sit still. Even as a kid. Add sciatica into that mix and at one point I couldn’t sit. Apart from on the floor.

      Somehow I don’t think Free the Gibraltar One would gather much momentum. I’m hardly Nelson Mandela.

      It’s just slow progress, if it can even be called progress. Compared with 15 months ago it is. Compared with last month, it isn’t. *shrug*

      Sorry about the cancellation of the performance. River dance on the cloud would have no doubt been a sell-out.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. I’m one of the lucky one’s who has escaped! Don’t think I would like to be involved in judging someone… although, I did do a role-play once where I was the prosecuting attorney and it was based upon real court case research… the class found me very convincing… and some even wondered if I should pursue law! My answer: Acting is one thing, I love theatrics… the real thing… no chance!


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