How not to poach an egg…

Never accept your husband’s offer to poach you an egg for breakfast.

I always find breakfast a problem which is why I don’t always eat it until brunch time.

But he suggested a boiled egg and I wrinkled my nose.

Then, I thought, a nice delicate poached egg, cooked in lots of vinegar, would be nice though.

‘I’ll do it,’ he merrily volunteered.

Who’s going to refuse that offer?

Off he trots to get on with it.


My mother used to have one of those fancy egg poaching contraptions. A large sort of frying pan, with a frame, with four holes in it, in which you sat four little egg shaped scoops. Each scoop needed buttering so the egg didn’t stick, and the whole lot would need washing out :(

Eg this:

Egg poacher
Egg poacher

Washing up is best avoided, and I find those pans produce rubbery eggs.

Much easier method:

Take one non-stick pan, add water around 2/3 full plus LOADS of white wine vinegar.

Bring water to boil, then take pan off heat, slip egg gently into pan, and return to heat but NOT at a boil, it needs to simmer.

Using a slotted spoon, or something similar – I use a wooden spoon for everything – fold the white around the yoke.

Keep an eye on it until it’s ready. I used to like slightly runny yolks but after 30 years of living with Mr I Hate Soft Eggs, I no longer eat soft eggs. So mine cook for around 7-10 mins.

Then, with something slotted again, lift it out of the water and drain it over the pan.


‘Hmm,’ he says. ‘It looks a bit flat.’

It obviously hadn’t curled around itself. Not up to me to interfere.

He kept checking it. It was taking an inordinately long time.

‘Did you put in plenty of white wine vinegar?’

‘Yes but I used Jerez because there wasn’t enough white wine.’

Oh well.

‘Maybe it’s because I used last night’s pasta pan,’ he said apologetically as he looked at his creation. ‘I was trying to save you on the washing up.’

Eventually it arrived. I looked at it. It was SOFT! This from a cook who vomits at the sight of runny yolks.

I squashed the fork on the yoke to prove my point.

‘You eat it.’

‘Er, I’ll put it back.’

Another inordinately long time passed.

Just to relieve the waiting time the Podenco was barking for the now very cold toast.

I want my TOAST
I want my TOAST

He has learned that if he barks for something he gets it.

I know this is very bad reinforced behaviour but we live in a flat.

It starts with a slight grrrrr, and if we don’t retrieve the ball from under the furniture, dish up the dog biscuits, or feed him toast, it escalates to a full scale BARK!

Finally (somewhat over an hour) the poached egg and toast appeared. (putting it on the toast makes the toast soggy)

The Podenco was very near the plate. The toast had to be sawed apart thereby putting the egg in jeopardy. The chef de cuisine was in hysterics waiting for the egg to fall on the floor.

Luckily it fell on my legs.

I rescued it. The dogs got their share of toast. It tasted fine. We were all happy.

But I’ll poach my own next time.

More ways to poach an egg than you can poke a stick at.

If you want to do something fancy with them, my favourite is Eggs Florentine, spinach and hollandaise. Perfect. I had a lovely one in NZ, Auckland, I think.

From poached eggs to coffee shops, where I hope they serve Eggs Florentine. My review of T B Markinson’s latest novel. [I interviewed Markinson here on roughseas a few posts ago]

Confessions From A Coffee Shop

What an inviting cover. I love a good cover. This is T B Markinson’s third novel, following A Woman Lost, and Marionette.

imageWhile none of the novels are linked, they do have some common themes, among which are, personal relationships (friends and lovers), dysfunctional families, an educational setting, rich families, and the difficulties and fears that lesbians and gays face in admitting their homosexuality (or bi-sexuality) to the rest of the world.

Confessions is a somewhat lighter read than both her previous books. Marionette in particular had some very dark moments (which were well done) so this came as something of a surprise. It’s good to see an author not sticking to the same formula all the time.

It’s well-written, and is a nice easy read. Markinson has a fairly sparse style which I enjoy, so there is no superfluous prose.

Her main characters, Cori and her partner Kat, are well-portrayed, and I liked the twists, the revelations, and the relationships.

I’d say A Woman Lost was café con leche (latte), Marionette was café solo, (espresso) and Confessions is a cappuccino. Depends which coffee you prefer.

91 comments on “How not to poach an egg…

    • Scrambled is ok. He can actually do those better than me these days, although I used to do them well.

      Boiling was a fine art. A nice soft yoke, but no foetusy white bits. That did turn my stomach. So hard boiled ones are easy. Omelettes or tortillas are good too. Never had coddled ones, sounded disgusting.

      I like poached from time to time because of the vinegar taste imparted.


  1. Your favourite happens to be mine and while I cook eggs a lot, I admit to having never tried it myself. I have gotten the knack of doing scrambled though. The trick is to find the right low, even setting on the stove–takes a fair bit of experimentation as it seems every one is different. Oh, and a HEAVY pan for even heat. People in North America seem to equate scrambled eggs with”busted up omeletty lumpy things” but me, I love when I get nice small curdles. That takes patience but is worth it.


    • Actually I haven’t cooked it either. Idleness I guess. I can do the eggs, spinach in the garden, and I can do a mean hollandaise too. Guess I better try and report back.

      Small and large, soft but cooked, but not separate, curdles are perfect. I’ve lost the trick for that. Plus a drop of something to stop them hardening. Bah! I’ll stick to poaching and he can scramble!


  2. Laughing out loud in total commiseration although in my house it is fried eggs which have met similar fates. My chef de cuisine would never even attempt poached. He now serves only scrambled…..I love a soft gooey yolk and he could never manage the timing of it when making fried. And I did not know about LOTS of vinegar in poached – I will try more next time and see if that helps.


    • Fried eggs are pretty easy. Rather than flip the move though, best way to do a decent (ie yuk runny yolk) egg, is to tip the pan and baste the yolk with a teaspoon. You watch it colour over and set, but it won’t be hard.

      Men seemed to be able to do the scrambled ones. Maybe the yols are the issue?

      I like vinegar, so I throw in loads. If you don’t like it then, how to poach an egg website tells you how to get rid of the taste.

      The vinegar is meant to set the egg, I also chucks loads in boiled eggs too for the same reason. Well, and I like vinegar of course!

      In either case though, you can’t add too much. Make sure with poached, that it doesn’t stick to the bottom, that’s why you need to ensure it is curled over itself and cooks in the middle of the water.


      • I love vinegar so will experiment. Yes, the flipping part is the problem with my runny (YUM!!!) yolks. I will try the basting method which makes perfect sense. And I am planning to make the zucchini recipe you posted last week very soon. Tried a new zucchini recipe this weekend and thought of you, but then determined it might be too sweet for you. Italian recipe “Zucchini Agrodolce” made with a red wine vinegar, garlic, anchovy paste, and sugar reduction. To die for.


        • Regarding the vinegar, white wine keeps a beautiful white outer. If using others, eg Jerez, malt, red wine, apple cider, you may end up with a dappled white. Plus, white wine has a delicate flavour.

          Back when I wasn’t vegetarian, I cooked my eggs in bacon fat. Melt fat, add egg, let set, and tip, then start to baste. The white cooks anyway. Bacon fat achieved by cutting off rinds and melting down. These days I’d use olive oil, but keep the temp lowish.

          Red wine vinegar and garlic great. Anchovies no, and sugar yuk. Probably adaptable though. You posting it? I’m out of courgette for now. :( might experiment with broc or caul which I do have.

          Cooking is about lateral thinking and adaptation sometimes. I could never do it when I was younger but suddenly the light bulb flashes.


  3. I love poached eggs. I recently tried my hand at them for the first time. They were good but I made a meal of making them, I think. I tried Gordon Ramsay’s vortex technique. Much ado about nothing, if you ask me. I could have done just as well the way you explained it – sans hurricane in a pan.


    • I think the ones in the poacher on my poached :D pic look vile. Ramsay’s look ok.
      But I totally didn’t understand all that faff.

      I’ve just read one of my cookery bibles and it doesn’t mention such rubbish.

      You’ve never made them before?!!!

      Never read fancy TV chef techniques. It’s all about fancy TV chefs.

      If I get round to doing one at some point I’ll try and remember the pix. The key is vinegar and the right temperature. Whisking the water around? ROFLMAO.


      • LOL! I’m a pretty good cook but I’d always been intimidated by poached eggs. Not sure why. Maybe because it seemed so posh.

        All that swishing water did was spin the whites around and around like they were in a tornado. Didn’t actually wrap the whites around the yolks – which I think was the intent. Maybe my high velocity vortex wasn’t quite high enough? Or too high? It was just stupid.

        I do get some inspiration from fancy TV chefs but I usually end up making whatever it was much more earthy and homey. I do home cooking/comfort food – not fancy food.


        • I watched Spanish TV cookery progs for a while. They were pretty sensible. I think I remember learning to smash garlic from one, ie whack it with a knife, saves peeling as the skin falls off, and releases flavour plus smell.

          Basic cookery is often so much better, poached eggs or otherwise, but people need to stay in work and make it look clever.


      • And I did consider purchasing one of those contraptions but after reading your review of it, it doesn’t sound as though they’re actually poached. I’ll stick with the water in a pan method.


  4. Poached eggs…bliss!
    I generally make them as Leo’s hands are too paralysed to cope with swirling the pan as you slide in the egg. Vinegar, simmering, and a flip to wrap the white round the yolk. I drain mine on paper to get them dry before dropping them onto the buttered toast. Or, even better, buttered toast with a dash of Marmite.
    Roll on getting home to have some more as he refuses to buy eggs while we are in Spain.

    Fried eggs are great too….I tip the pan of hot oil, slide the egg in and then turn it with an oiled wooden spoon so that the white blows up around the yolk and keeps it soft while slightly crisping the white.

    A chef friend told me that when he was an apprentice his job was to make scrambled eggs….one of those steel containers over hot water and a knitting needle to stir the eggs. I do not go to those lengths!

    Eggs in buttered ramekin dishes – herbs, leeks or ham shreds in the bottom, egg broken in, cream and pepper added and baked in a bain marie….

    Goodness…it will be good to be home if just to eat eggs again!


    • He was going to drain on paper, I prefer it over the pan. Saves kitchen towel, if nowt else. There was a discussion about did I want yeast extract or butter.

      I think one of the supers does huevos de campo allegedly free range, Mercadona? Herboristerias have them too. If our chickens aren’t laying I’ve not bothered in Spain. At one point we were bringing them back to Gib.


  5. Kate, I wouldn’t be able in many years to make a story out of breakfast eggs. Your abilities amaze me. Nice story, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast even if it came several minutes late.


    • Um hardly a story…

      Just something a bit lighter. Sort of like poached or scrambled eggs. Sometimes people react to a frivolous post, we don’t need to think heavily all the time. Well, I don’t :D

      Plus, I find it interesting how complicated people try to make cooking a basic staple meal. Sometimes it’s nice to cut through the crap and say, this is simple, do it like this.


  6. OK I’ll chuck my favourite in,, omelette for me with lots of salt and pepper.. but if it boiled or poached it has to be soft yokes. wow! how to make poaching an egg exciting.. ???


    • Oh dear, I wished I’d never posted now! I do like salt and freshly ground pepper with my eggs too.

      You see, we all have a view on it though, soft or hard…. (moving swiftly on), salt and pepper, favourite style etc.

      And for the fancier ones amongst us, how we like our omelette (my fave is aux fines herbes) or our poached eggs (florentine), or hard boiled eggs (stuffed pesto style or stuffed curried). I used to do good soufflés too, prawn or mushroom or green veg.


  7. I once had an egg poacher and actually could make a decent poached egg. I say actually because my culinary skills are a decided notch below that of most males, which in general are nothing to write home about. These days, scrambled eggs are about as fancy as I get.


    • You mean the pan poached the egg. After a fashion. Not you?

      My partner’s skills are decent. I would have married him for the delicious roast chicken he cooked in Sydney if nothing else. It made up for him buying cheap chuck steak thinking he could grill it like rump which I then had to rescue and casserole :D

      This men and scrambled eggs seems to be a recurrent theme. Maybe I’ll write a follow-up post ;)


      • Oh, yes, the pan was a master at poaching eggs.

        The great thing about scrambled eggs is that kids love them. Scramble up a few eggs, toast some bread and you’re a breakfast god to the kids and, as we have seen, pets, too.


        • The great thing about scrambled eggs, it seems to me, is that men can’t mistime the yolk consistency…

          My dogs will eat the eggs, but it’s the toast they would steal off your plate.

          Back in the days when my father could do one of his two culinary achievements (the other was opening a tin of soup), he was feeding the dog with toast fingers as he ate his 3.5 minute boiled egg.


  8. I like the frying pannything contraptions… they work for me (Yes, we have one) Throwing any other method my way spells disaster. ;)

    Piccy piccy of my most favourite doggy in the world!!!! :D


    • Useless man! Who washes it all up? I suppose if you do it doesn’t matter. Don’t you think they taste rubbery? I do.

      Ah yes, the dog who thinks he’s a cat. He was pawing at me today (well most days) as though I was a ball of string :D

      Liked by 1 person

      • Of course I wash up. But, to be honest, I think I’ve used it once. Pat did them another time, but I don’t think she used the contraption thingymewatsit.

        You wouldn’t want it any other way and you both know it. :D


        • You consumerist! Buying a pan you don’t need. (Americanization for you)

          Spent ages this morning when he was tugging my leg. Ooops. Gotta go. Arm tug time… No. Reprieved. Alert and listening time. Egyptian cat/tomb dog mode.


          • lmao. Simply a case of, I though I would use it more.

            I am lazy when it comes to cooking though. Not like you. Not at all. All that you do requires diligence and skill.

            Now, I know men who can do it too, so no sexist connotations here when I say, best left to those who know how.

            Bye Roughseas, it was nice knowing you! :D Good doggy! :D


          • I used to make dough in the Kenwood, I got sick of washing it out and just kneaded by hand. Still do. Don’t even have scales in Gib, so real guesswork :D

            A is a fine cook (oops had to quickly amend that spelling error), we just cook differently. Everything is usually edible though, so that’s a start. The soya beans and beetroot mousse have been the only disasters I can recall.

            Bye Kev. *friendly wave* Grrrrrr, I’ll have him… [get down Snowy] I think Snowy is the new Gollum… or thinks he is.


          • Dough in a kenwood? I only know the old ways. I remember when one put it in a bowl, towel over, in front of fire waiting for dough to raise. ;) I could do it… just can’t be arsed.

            lol… what are you like?

            Bye :D :D :D


          • It has a dough hook which you attach, put dough in bowl and it kneads and creates washing up. As you knead (;)) to do it all by hand later why dirty the Kenwood? And use electricity?

            I put it on top of the Rayburn in the UK or on top of the electric cooker here (residual heat). Anyway, I’ve not done it since the Podenco ankle. Maybe laters.


          • I don’t get it… what do you knead a machine for if it doesn’t do the whole job? lol who Kneads it? Maybe, Ken would? :D

            Ok enough of the bloody brand names. :D


  9. Well, I am not lucky enough to have someone cook my breakfast or any meal. I like poached eggs but hubby doesn’t. Since I no longer really enjoy cooking I just scramble them or fry them because they are his favorites and I don’t want to cook two ways. I never tried vinegar to poach eggs, if ever I poach one again I hope to remember to give it a try. Hugs


    • I think a lifetime of cooking takes its toll. My mother, who was an ace cook, did superb dinner parties, (starter, soup, fish course, main course, dessert – usually a choice of three, plus cheese board of course) got sick of it in the end.

      The vinegar is key to getting the egg to set, if you don’t like flavour, remember to rinse off the egg before you serve it.

      I’m not a fried egg fan, but scrambled are ok. Sometimes.


  10. A fine topic for me to start the morning with, while I am fittingly eating my breakfast vege scrambled [in a pan although my aunt makes excellent microwave scrambled eggs] eggs. I had had a similar experience to A – eggs that simply wouldn’t cook for a dinner last week atop leftover veges. We do them simply in small individual bowls topped with a plate in the microwave – faux poached egg which are acceptable to us but don’t sound as delectable as your authentic vinegary water poached eggs. It’s interesting that the cooking of eggs was/is an arbitrary judgment of a person’s domestic skills… “couldn’t boil an egg”…. even if they were a brain surgeon! Like the weather eggs are a popular conversation subject common to most, and I’ve enjoyed as well reading the egg comments.


    • I’m not a microwave cooker. Inherited one in this flat, sold it for a tenner, and inherited my mothers, need to car boot that and sell it too.

      It’s not a very good test. My father could boil an egg but couldn’t cook anything else. Or chose not to.

      Nothing wrong with talking about the weather. Or eggs. I could have gone into the ethics of chickens and free range and organic, but a bit like the review, I wanted something frothy.


  11. I never heard of using vinegar in scrambled or poached eggs. I have never really looked at books and menus’. I either boil or fry eggs and that’s my limit with eggs. The perfect boiled egg is to bring water to boil with the egg(s) in it. Switch off the gas and let it stand for three minutes. Perfect and soft but not too runny.
    I am more of an Indian Raan cook and this dish used to be the Christmas dinner for the whole family. As we get older we either just eat something very casual (naan dipped in humus), Vietnamese chicken dish with rice where I do use some good vinegar, or get something simple ‘up the road’.


    • No vinegar in scrambled! Only poached. I’ve always like cooking with eggs. They are so versatile.

      The perfect boiled egg is how you like to eat it. And I do hope you eat it with brown bread (or possibly toast) soldiers.

      I agree, we do eat more simply as we age. No longer the desire to spend hours faffing around when you could cook or prepare the same food in less than half the time.


  12. roughseas, you know my penchant for eggs, including poached eggs. In addition to the vinegar, the real secret to poached eggs, I learned from my husband, a former poultry farmer, is the freshest of freshest eggs. The white is still firm and won’t run all over the place…. He is right. (Not that he poaches eggs; I do. His egg repertoire consists of either perfectly boiled or perfectly fried…) So, we only have poached eggs when we know that the eggs are fresh. Like you, my mum had one of those egg-poaching-thingies….I use my wok.


    • I’ve heard the one about fresh eggs before. But, tbh, I think if you know how to poach an egg, it doesn’t need to be fresh fresh. Any old egg will do. And I prefer poached to fried. He cooks fried, but I don’t, well not for me anyway. I just use a tiny pan. It works and is easy to wash up (always a big factor :D)

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Now that sounds like a good and funny morning to start off with Kate. And who cares about ‘bad reinforced behaviour’? They can’t talk like us. Barking is their way of talking. Simba does the same and I just adore it. :D

    Sometimes I cook the eggs, mash it up and add mayonnaise and put it on toast. Hubby’s favourite. :D

    Love the cover of the book. Great review hon. :D


    • It was funny. It would have been so much quicker and easier to do it myself but it meant I could get on with blogging work.

      Not all our dogs have used barking for talking. And interestingly, when he wants to go out, he stands by the door but doesn’t bark.

      We do have stuffed eggs sometimes, which has a mayo type filling, ie olive oil, mustard, garlic etc with the mashed yolks.

      I think it’s a super cover. When people are thinking of a book title they should think of a possible cover at the same time.


  14. I’m not much of a cook or an egg fan, but I have managed to learn to make decent scrambled eggs for the better half. I think poached is out of my realm. I’m surprised it took so long.

    Thanks for the review. Very kind of you.


  15. I’m ‘Allowed’ 6 eggs per week ( Alleged Diabetic / cholesterol diets)

    I always poach them 2 every other day for 2 mins. using a microwave on a Medium setting

    Boil about a a pint of water in a kettle

    Pour into a microwavable glass bowl and break two fresh eggs into the still very hot water

    Microwave for 2 min on Medium ( I like the yolks hard )

    Remove, and using a plastic spatula, separate the egg white from the glass bowl ( do it carefully and there’s nothing left sticking to wash up.)

    Tip into a sieve to drain and get rid of any surplus moisture

    Serve with plenty of black pepper ( No salt .. dicky ticker) on two slices of brown wholemeal or ‘Nutty Bread’ toasted and spread with Lurpak ‘Pretend’ butter

    Minimum washing up if plates and utensils are left to steep for an hour or several! :-)


  16. So many yolks and comments. (Got egg all over your face?) I don’t do runny eggs YUCKY so probably haven’t had a poached one – although one done by a skilled cook with vinegar…fried, scrambled or omelet some veggies/tomatoes without having to think probably wins here.
    Have Snowy and Molly been texting?…We are dealing with the escalating grrr to very loud bark here, too….Who’s training whom is always in question here.
    Nice weather below 80 this morning, so breakfast (fried egg and toast) and off outdoors. TIred tired of these walls. (Where is that bike pump?)


    • I do like egg cookery. I’ve had egg cookery goals in life. Mayonnaise took a while. Bread was another goal.

      I think so. Snowy keeps trying to tap the iPad so that could explain it.

      Pleased to be able to hobble right now without crutches, slowly slowly… A few results, small, but good, this week.


  17. I have to admit that when the subject of eggs comes up, I feel ashamed. Ashamed of my former lack of information and even more ashamed, because I lived by that lack for more than 50 years. I was already in my early 50’s before I ate and enjoyed a whole egg. When I was small I was sometimes given the upper part of the egg that is chopped off when one eats soft-boiled eggs. When I was really young I did not ask, but was curious when I got a bit older. I was always told that young girls should not eat egg yolk, because that made them wild and that in return would lead to never finding a decent husband. Since finding a ” decent ” ( meaning he does not beat you, cheat on you and brings food to the table ) husband was more important than anything I did without them and believed for a long time that they were from the devil’s own chicken coop.
    Then I escaped the village ( pop: 1200) because I was accepted to the biggest university in Berlin. I finally could do what I wanted, which included going wild on eggs…yay ! When I had my full entrance physical I was asked about family health history of which I knew none. I explained that my parents died when I was ten and twelve and in the 50’s parents did not discuss health issues with their young children. However I knew that my dad had died of a massive 2nd heart attack. ” You know, you won’t be able to smoke and eat cholesterol rich food like eggs ” was the doctor’s immediate response. So I did not smoke and I did not eat eggs….ever ! Only in my early 50’s did I discover that eggs do not cause high cholesterol in an otherwise low-cholesterol person. And since mine has always been normal to low I now eat eggs….except, I am not really crazy about them. I like them, but since I have no ” egg memories ” so to speak that deal with family or childhood traditions, customs and favorite ways to prepare them, I don’t get warm feelings over them. I do prefer soft yolk over hard, am an excellent egg poacher using just plain water , make scrambled eggs in about half a dozen different styles ( which comes from living in different countries, where they prefer their scrambled eggs in different ways) and must say that I don’t care much for the marble style scrambled eggs they prefer in Mexico . The whole thread, interesting to me, makes me think that I am seriously missing out on something….I am just not quite sure what it is.


    • Oh, I remember the cut off top part, used to love that :)

      Bizarre what we are told when we are young, and we believe it implicitly.

      A physical for university?

      My parents didn’t discuss health issues. I think because they gre up in the days of doctor knows best. I know what they died of because I handled everything at the time (about ten years ago now).

      I used to like cooking with eggs because they are so versatile. Although my father was a big meat eater, my mother liked my omelettes and he would happily eat one too for a main meal. Whenever I made egg mayonnaise (Mayo was bought) he would take half of that too, despite claiming he didn’t like it.

      Living in Spain, you can get a bit bored with tortilla español though. And I think their huevos revueltos are pretty yuk. Especially as it sounds like revolting eggs.

      I think what the thread shows, is, most people have a favourite egg dish, there are different ways of cooking the same dish, and not everyone knows that the simplest and old-fashioned methods work perfectly well.


  18. scrambled is my fave – ideally with mushrooms, red peppers, green onions and/or chives and some fresh garlic in the mix. almost an omelette. :) but i will have them soft-boiled too, but not so soft that they run.
    Snowy and Timmy seem to be related when it comes to voicing opinions about the speed of the next meal, or lack thereof. but at least at this end it’s a meow, or more like a maaaa-ow rather than a bark.


    • The only thing I have ever put in scrambled is chives, parsley but tbh I prefer them plain with black pepper. Although then I end up wondering what the dirty black bits are.

      I did have a wedding breakfast once, when I was bridesmaid in that deep blue/green frock on everypic with the clashing bouquet of roses, which was smoked salmon and scrambled eggs (and champagne) and I have to say it was quite delicious.

      Since Snowy arrived we’ve taken to leaving their biscuits down all day. Pippa was happy with set mealtimes, but Snowy tends to pick during the day. As neither of them eat for the sake of it, it makes no difference. However, should I not have noticed an empty tin, it is pointed out to me…


  19. This story was too funny! It also made me realize that I have never poached an egg! I usually scramble them or make them over easy. :)

    Confessions from a Coffee Shop sounds like a great read. Thanks for sharing your review.


  20. I look forward to reading TB’s new book. I really enjoyed her previous two. Poached eggs are lovely, as long as they are perfectly done. I haven’t yet perfected the art. Your husband’s intentions were good, but I also wouldn’t have been thrilled to have cold toast and egg on my legs. :)


    • Do we have the same reading list? :D

      I think they are easy, but, as with any egg dish, it depends how you like them.

      Snowy adored licking off the remains on my legs which were minimal, but still, a happy dog. He’s a good cook, (husband not Snowy) his rice and pasta are always perfect :) I just tend to do the fancy bits around the edges.


        • It will be perfect for reading on the ‘plane or by the pool. While it’s not as deep as Marionette, it’s well written, and gives you the chance to immerse yourself for a few hours.

          I do most of our cooking, but we’ve got a pretty flexible relationship in the kitchen. Moreso than in the garden… ;)


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