Ups and downs

The end of summer hours and the return to autumn terms signifies a change in the year.

After 14 years of school and three at university, autumn has always meant a new start for me. More so than the new year.

Change of weather and 17 years of indoctrination leave their mark. Plus working in journalism and the public sector, summer is usually a fallow period anyway. The house (of Commons) is empty, and summer heralds the well-known silly season when journalists struggle for serious news.

Here in Gibraltar, National Day is usually when the weather starts to change and we can expect rain. Not that we’ve had much yet. A little the other day.

But, being in charge of our block, means The Maintenance Man needs to keep an eye on drains. After the sewage floods in one patio, he noticed some more in another (we have three). Then, he noticed a broken pipe hanging off the wall.

On the patio floor were two broken plantpots that had clearly fallen off and en route, smashed the pipe.

So, at nearly sixty years old, he gets out the double extension ladder and skips up there to mend the pipe.

I mean, no hands! At all. Two floors up, ie ground, first, second.

I suppose it would be difficult to sand the pipes and apply the glue without using hands. Not only that, he’s looking above chatting to the neighbour telling him not to use the kitchen sink and dishwasher overnight while the glue sets.

I took the obligatory photos and dashed away from the window, freaking about his ladder antics. And yes, dear reader, I fell down over a bike or something …

By now I’m good at crawling, so I made the sofa. I told him I’d be OK in a couple of days. I am, sort of. Instead of hopping and leaning on him and a crutch, I can hobble around the flat with a bandage on my knee. Yes, the good news is, it was a knee not an ankle. This was a week ago though.

I can’t believe how easy it is to fall over. When walking, look where you are going instead of thinking about anything else.

So all that walking I’d been doing to try and exercise has bitten the dust and I’m sofa-bound again. I am also very busy, so blogging is now on Autumn Hours (a new one, I must © it). I’ll try and visit you all but it will be intermittent.

Some walking pix. Before the latest fall.


And, thank goodness Sukkot has finished. While Jewish people may wish to celebrate their festival of the huts/tabernacle or whatever in one of our patios (one without flooding drains), it would be nice if it wasn’t accompanied with screaming kids, hollering, shouting, endless banging of doors all until the small hours of the morning, and unwanted bits of bread and spilled juice in our hallway.

If you want respect for your religion (not that I think Jews care hugely) it would be nice if you showed respect for others.


In other news, I left the oven glove on top of the cooker and wondered why there was a burning smell.

A couple of days later I decided to make baked beans but after half an hour in the pressure cooker the beans still weren’t cooked. I gave them another half an hour. Another acrid smell. Beans still not cooked. All water disappeared though, hence unpleasant smell.

‘That pressure cooker is going out. It’s useless,’ he pronounced. And then pointed to the water on top of the electric cooker that had dripped out from the worse-than-useless seal.

So out it went. If anyone took it, good luck to them. They even got the still hard beans. And yes, it’s had new seals. He bought me a tin of haricot beans from Morrisons the next day.

Not my week for cooking.


And the dog had a bout of vomiting for a few days. He’s better though and back to his demanding lively self.

This chair is MINE
This chair is MINE


If anyone has been following gun debates on various blogs, I recommend the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report: Global Study on Homicide 2013. As well as reams of statistics for data addicts, there is some interesting analysis, particularly around the categories of homicide:

  • Homicide related to criminal activities
  • Interpersonal homicide
  • Socio-political homicide

Relevant case studies and specific figures from various countries, eg Australia, Brazil, South Africa, UK, Europe (see figure 3.4 on gun ownership and firearm crimes) accompany the text.

What’s missing for me, is a socio-economic analysis, but this is a data evaluation report, so I suppose it’s outwith the remit. However, if higher rates of murder are within poorer areas/countries, then it should merit attention. Unless it’s been covered in a previous report.

And I’m sure it’s coincidence that Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi have the highest murder rates in the USA, and just happen to have high levels of poverty.


121 comments on “Ups and downs

          • Fair enough….but at ‘nearly 60’, trying to tell him to do things differently possibly doesn’t go down a treat, I suspect…at least you have the camera on hand to capture the moment if it did. Oh dear, would you shoot or jump – now that would be a bit of a tough one for me! According to the well heeled wives who have been doing this expat thing for a bit, the difference between D and B is fairly extreme. D is big, shiny and happening..B is the sticks…City Mouse / Country Mouse..I suspect that B suits me better although I haven’t experienced D, although apparently D has maintained and developed its beaches where as B is sadly lacking in this area for some odd reason. And I do enjoy a beach…


          • Wouldn’t dream of telling him, just worry until he is safely on terra firma again. Now I’m going to have to look up UAE and refresh my memory. I do have an appalling ‘joke’ about Dubai …


          • Mmmm…perhaps best to share joke when /if we meet up at some point. We are a 2 minute drive from the Causeway to Saudi. Eric works in Saudi so Causeway trials have become a part of our life. Now that we are dealing with it, I often think back to your earlier causeway posts..


  1. As I was reading about the Maintenance Man on the ladder, at 60+, I thought it was he who would fall, not you! I am sorry. Falling is no fun. The Husband, a couple of years ago, at 67 was fixing a chimney (not ours, but at another house in the village), 2 floors up and fell off a ladder and landed on the veranda roof. Thwack. Brocken ribs. Sad, sore man for 2 months. But lucky as another villager had a similar fall – broken hip and a subsequent replacement. Although he won’t stay off ladders, The Husband’s a little more circumspect now, and I don’t watch, let alone take pictures anymore. Anyhow, hope it’s not too long before you’re out walking again – in between jobs…..


    • Oy! He’s nearly 60. Not 60+! Anyway, he was the Up, and I was the Down. Would have been a damn site worse if he had fallen :( Me and a bad knee is manageable. But that sounds dire when your husband fell. Broken ribs must have been well painful. But as for broken hip? !! Lucky there were verandas mind … could have been worse.

      I reckon it will be at least another week. I can’t believe it. Start limping better with the ankle and bash the knee. Probably as well it was the bad leg, at least I still have one decent leg :D Touch wood.


      • Oops! big difference between nearly 60 and 60-odd; sorry! The broken ribs were very painful – and he has an inordinately high pain threshold. The veranda was a good thing. Just glad he didn’t bounce off it and plummet to the ground. I think in the other case, the angle of the fall was bad, and that particular handy husband wasn’t 60 then….

        One good leg. Good. Proverbial bird in the hand, hey. Happy healing.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hey, at this age, who cares really? We have high pain threshold too. Worst pain ever? In my life? Trying to stand on the broken ankle last year and kidney stones this year.
          Let’s hope for fewer falls for all older people :)

          Liked by 1 person

          • I’ve not had kidney stones, but from what I’ve heard it’s pretty much an “11” on the 1-10 agony scale. I’ll take a broken bone any day. Hopefully you’ll have fewer experiences with pain in the coming year.


          • I read somewhere that if you’d had childbirth it was nothing compared with kidney stones. I did spend all night in absolute agony with the first episode. It does not go away. Evil. Just evil. A neighbour said gin helped. I tell you, I now have vodka in the cupboard for dental problems, and gin in the fridge for kidneys!

            On the agony scale I rarely rate anything above five. Sort of three ish. Trying to stand on broken ankle was 20. Kidney crap was 10. But 10 for ten hours. Fuck ibuprofen. I’ll try gin first.

            Liked by 1 person

          • But oddly IB worked the first time. Second time, it was like cornflakes. Full of nothing.
            Broken bones take longer to heal. If you can knock out the pain from the stones, they aren’t as long term. No doubt I’ll post about the next episode * hope I’m not tempting fate *

            Liked by 1 person

  2. I stay away from ladders these days as over the years they have been a grand source of amusement for those at ground level watching.
    Told from my daughter’s perspective, who always seemed to witness my Buster Keaton antics, several listeners have been reduced to tears from laughter.
    I never found any of the tales humorous. Sore on most occasion, but never funny.

    As for you falling, I think it’s about time we addressed this issue of you putting Vodka on your Rice Krispies for breakfast, don’t you?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. And yes, dear reader, I fell down over a bike or something …

    You sure are clumsy. Did you fall because you were also ‘looking’ at something other than HIS ladder? I’ve seen this sort of engaging-trick before, but with handkerchiefs :P

    P.S. The cooking looks delicious! Can smell it through my laptop’s screen! <3


  4. I am very sorry to hear about your fall. I can kind of relate, since I was the one in my family always breaking things (though I was never considered accident prone). It gets to the point of just being a hassle. I hope your recovery doesn’t dampen your spirits too much.

    As far as crime data goes, the Uniform Crime Reports (which I bad-mouthed over on my reply to you on my blog) are still the leading source of crime data that criminologists use. I haven’t looked at that in a while, but I might eventually have a gander. What I’m curious to know is whether research is done on what kinds of firearms are used in crimes. So far, handguns seem to be the biggest contributor. It’s no surprise, though, that nobody’s trying to keep track of relevant information in the U.S.


    • Thanks. It’s just a problem of being off-balance I think. I never thought I was breakable, but lots of people seem to avoid broken limbs so who knows? I’m very whatever will be about it.

      I didn’t analyse the data sources on the UN report, but a quick gamder said they looked at crime and public health. But, as a broad brush comparison, I think it serves well enough to draw statistical comparisons.

      Drawing detailed info together for reports is so time-consuming. It doesn’t improve front-end services and takes a hell of a long time. And yet, we all want that data. For many parts of the world, breaking it down into, firearms, sharps, other is sufficient. It’s only in gun toting countries that type is relevant, and a lot of that may be down to gangs. Depends what one is looking for.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Rotten luck to have a fall….I think you’re right about being off balance being the origin. Leo has – thanks to his many attacks – very little balance and goes down like ninepins.
    And pressure cooker …inventions of the devil. I loathe the things.


    • What’s frustrating is I used to have great balance. Then tinnitus, broken ankle, add the two together and I’m staggering around. It seems to take ages for the muscles to warm up and coordinate so I can attempt to walk like a real person.

      Pressure cookers are ok when they work. Slow cookers are truly from hell.


  6. Love the Autumn … the older I get, the more I love it.

    So sorry you had a fall … knees are complicated inside, hope you’ll heal well and fast.

    And yes, the arms debate is running wild again … as usual. Nothing changes. Yesterday and today they’re on about an 11-year-old boy who shot a little girl over a puppy.


    • Yes, autumn is glorious. Even without changing leaf colours it marks such a change. Change of clothes, snuggle down, and still nice sunny days.

      Don’t tell me knees are complicated! I do not want to know. Seems to have eased up.

      Yup I read that. It’s beyond my comprehension.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Husbands on ladders give me the heebeejeebies… but you are the one who falls :( If it’s any consolation I’ve made a mental Roughseas note to myself to take more care a la “If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning”. Fortunate you’re busy with things you can do while you recuperate. The alternative would be terrible.
    As for the pressure cooker… when in doubt chuck it out!
    Great pics but the guac got my attention… The G.O. doesn’t eat avocado so more for me, neither does the MiL although she does like that ‘green stuff’ :)
    Enjoy autumn hours… I don’t like to wish time or summers away… but it’s my favourite season.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love autumn :) I don’t know why but I love the mellowness. I always have done, so it’s not an age thing either! Just the soft light is beautiful.

      We both eat guacamole. I never buy enough avocados but getting them just right to use the same day? :(

      Actually I do hope my stupid accident strikes a chord in that we all need to be careful as we age, you young thing. Falls are easier and recovery takes longer.


  8. Blimey! Ouch. The offer’s still open for the magnetic bandages if you want me to send them over with the next cheque… ;-) Sympathies – I know how annoying achy bits are. Glad the Pod is well again though.



    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, I just love Autumn and around here it becomes more quiet as well then. Spring and Summer brings all the tourists and yeah, the silly season is close. Not one of my favourite seasons for sure.

    We’re also waiting for the rain. I do hope you get yours soon as well. :)

    Looks like your ‘maintenance man’ is doing a great job. Being that high up doesn’t look very good. I don’t like heights, especially being on a ladder. He does have guts for sure.

    Gosh! Looks like its our turn to fall down. Another blogger friend of mine, Fozziemum also fell down. I fell down about 2 weeks ago and hurt my knees and hands – lots of skin scraped off and blood everywhere. Now it’s healing but parts still swollen and hurting. The fibro doesn’t make it easier. First time that I was grateful for the extra fat on my body. LOL!

    The knees are the worst. I am just glad you didn’t break anything this time. You’re so right. Also, don’t look around to see what else you can take photos of instead of looking where you’re walking. :D

    Love the walking pix, especially the tax office. You are so good at taking photos of architecture and especially night shots.

    I don’t know how you stand it. I would be going out of my mind. Some don’t even have respect for their religion, why would they have it for others?

    That guacamole looks so good. I will eat that every day. :)

    Sorry to hear that Snows were not feeling well and very glad to hear he is better. What could that have been that caused the vomiting? And look how adorable he looks on that chair. The perfect picture of innocence and love. Please give him a big hug and kiss from me. :D ♥


    • Thanks Sonel. Sorry to hear about your fall – and your friend’s – hope you, and her, are feeling better by now. I spend more time worrying about Partner who has been working at heights for years than I should do.

      Of course you are coming round to spring and summer. Haha :D we’ve had some rain this last week. But no rainy pix from Ms Dodgy Balance.

      Snows is what Snows is, lots of dogs vomit with grass so as it didn’t seem major, or permanent, we just cleaned it up. Not an issue. Innocence my foot! Especially when he tries to bite my foot if he’s lying on it and I want to move.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah well, guess it comes with age or whatever they call it. Just told you so you won’t feel alone. :D Fozziemum hurt her back and is not doing to well but my scrapes are all healed by now. I still ache a bit now and then and it’s still tender but it could have been worse.

        I would too and luckily hubby doesn’t have to crawl around in roofs anymore to install LAN cables and such. He used to do that. That goodness for wireless. :D

        Yeah, don’t remind me. Especially not the tourists that come and visit down at the dam and leave all their rubbish behind. Makes me wonder what their houses looks like.

        We’re waiting for our rain. Our dam’s water level is very low. Every afternoon the clouds become grumpy and grey and tonight we had a few drops and then it stopped, but it’s building up. We’re going to have good rain this year.

        Better safe than sorry Ms Dodgy. Don’t want you falling again.

        Seems it was too much grass. Maybe he had too much acid build-up. Good that it came out. I am just glad he is feeling better. :D

        hahahah! Well, then don’t move your foot. He was lying on it, so how dare you try and move it? LOL!


        • I think age is right, although you are younger than me, just saying :) but yes, it’s nice to know I not the only off-balance idiot around.

          We have the reservoir problem every year in Spain. Why haven’t really clever people sorted water shortage by now?

          No grass. Just a morning vomit. Dog stress I reckon. Hmm the worst is when he lies on a knee and the rest of the leg. How can a small dog be SO heavy?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ha! Try 52 + fibro. Makes you feel much older than you are some days, but I am not complaining. That could have been worse as well. I know some people who can hardly walk.

            hahaha! Well, then I am glad I could make you feel better about that. See, you are not alone at all. :D

            No idea and I guess if they did, no one would buy bottled water. We have water restrictions here as well and luckily we have a borehole, but some people aren’t so lucky.

            Awww shame. What is he stressing about? Worried about you?

            Hopefully not the injured knee and don’t ask me. Simba does the same. Sometimes my legs and the rest of my bodyparts that he lied on goes to sleep and then I can’t move. I think that’s the idea – so we can’t move. LOL!


          • I’ve got another blogging friend with fibro but she is 60 I think. Sounds crap.

            We always planned to buy a place in Spain with its own water, but, the best laid plans …

            Dogs are too sensitive sometimes. A change in tension and emotion and whoosh they are on it immediately.

            Last night he slept on Adrian.Flipping good thing Pippa never came to bed! 40kgs on top of us :D

            Liked by 1 person

          • It sometimes is, but you get used to it, especially if you’ve lived with it your whole life. I can’t drink any pain medication as the stuff they gave me when I was younger, messed up my stomach, so if I drink meds it gives me heartburn like crazy. But like I said, I’m one of the lucky ones that doesn’t have it so bad and I have a high pain threshold.

            Yes, I know about those best laid plans. Never works out like you want. :D

            That is a fact. I think it’s because they’re so tuned in to everything around them.

            hahahaha! Bet he had a good sleep. LOL!

            Awwww! They do keep you warm in winter. LOL! We had a Boerboel Mastiff and Rottweiler that used to sleep with us, or should I say, they shared our bed with us. hahaha!


          • Yeah, my pain threshold’s pretty good too. Just been out for an early morning lurch though while it’s quiet and not too many people to see me staggering around or knock me over and I need a nap! I need some energy.

            Boerboels are beautiful. Never seen one though, only on blogs. Our Labrador used to share the futon with us until we realised we were ending up on the floor and he had most of the mattress, although Snowy can be like that. He also paws at your legs to move them if they are in the wrong position. And paws at shoulders so that we have to lift up the sheet so he can get underneath. But yes, he is nice and snuggly warm. :)

            Liked by 1 person

          • Love the quiet times when there are no people around. Don’t want to see them – don’t want to talk to them. :D

            I’m only half away. Haven’t had my second cup of coffee. * hands cup over for refill * I need some energy as well.

            They sure are and great protectors. :D

            hahahaha! Sounds like lots of fun. Ours did the same. They are so adorable and yes, snuggly warm for sure. :D


          • Yes, it seems they are waiting for you and know your walk times. LOL!

            They do make the best hot water bottles, don’t they? :D


          • Oh, don’t be. The water is still a bit too cold for my taste, but it’s better than drowning in sweat. LOL!

            It certainly does. You are more than welcome to teleport here and join me. :D


  10. Snowy! (Of course the chair is his…especially if feeling poorly. It’s written down somewhere, humans must give up the best places for a poor pup…or a well one)
    They won’t stay off ladders. We are older than you guys. We have a new tall ladder (hopefully more sturdy). I may not go out and look, but I no longer leave the house if the ladder is out. Hopeless to offer to help or intervene. Sigh. I am hiring someone to trim the palms next spring: much too tall and those spikes on the fonds are just too much.
    I have decided that falls are like biting the inside of your mouth/tongue…once you do it once, it just repeats. It’s probably good the weather is mild so I can wear real shoes. Molly and the German have a bad habit of dawdling too close and stepping on the back of my flipflop which means I end up lurching forward. (Luckily big dogs can work like canes and stair rails.)
    Always enjoy a glimpse of your world with your photos.


    • The chair. The sofa. The bed.

      Are you that much older? Hmm.

      A neighbour over the road fell off trimming the palms. Broke his ribs.

      Aaagh. Great analogy. I do both.

      Flip flops. I’ve alternated between trainers and bare feet in the last 18 months.

      Thank you.


      • Finally cool enough for clogs and some retro style tennis shoes – red ones…and they felt good I found a blue pair on sale. Cheers for online shopping…traffic is horrid with all the road construction…of course they wait until rain and upcoming holiday season to start.


          • Wore them for years long ago. Then found a small shop that imports some from Scandinavia. I like them around the place – especially outdoors when it’s soggy as you feet don’t get wet – and you can kick them off once indoors. They don’t work very well on cobblestones though.


          • They used to wear them a lot back in the days when everyone worked in the mill and I bought mine from a traditional manufacturer a few towns away. Most of the mills had closed so this was rather more of an eclectic shop catering for weirdos like me. They were black and lace-up as I recall, proper full shoes rather than slip-on/offs. I think I had them tipped with metal too! They were a definite statement but not one I chose to make very often.


  11. I don’t tend to do ladders but I guess Partner is a pro. Maybe The Rock needs covering in that spongy stuff they put in kids playgrounds then you youngsters would bounce. Take care, winter’s coming.


  12. So . . . if I read this right, you got hurt again. Also, Autumn is coming (no wonder GRRM went with Winter; sounds more dramatic). I climb ladders and my wife worries. The trick is keeping the weight centered as much as possible. Leaning sideways, not so good. Leaning backwards, very bad. Also, never let go of anything until you got a hold of something else.

    As for the crime report . . . humans! The funny thing with crime reports and other reports aimed at telling me why it’s a bad idea to have guns make me want to get more guns, more training, and become more proficient than the next bad guy I encounter.

    There was a comment about the uniform crime stats here in the US. Actually, a shitload of data to be had if one cares to look. Shitload; a scientific term I employ with some facility.


    • Yeah, but it wasn’t a hospital job. Hospital is desperation zone. I leave the laddering to experts but it’s still freaky to watch.

      Vigilancia huh? Sort of like Mad Max? I didn’t train to be a police officer. One of my uni mates did and got some armed award. Even the UK police have guns occasionally. Well, on ranges ;)

      Shitload is a fine accurate term.


  13. I’m so glad it wasn’t your ankle again but I wish you’d be more b****y careful. My heart can’t keep taking shocks. The Partner is obviously much less of a worry, up a ladder or not. I hope the flat above listened to him and allowed the glue time to set.
    Being responsible for the maintenance of the building is quite a task but he’s still capable of it at nearly 60 while I’m not so sure of you being in charge of a camera at a similar age when you can’t be trusted to stay upright.
    I’m glad the podenco is alright, my dog used to have periodic bouts of sickness after chewing grass yet it never seemed to stop him.
    xxx Sending Massive Hugs xxx


    • Me too. Yup, the pipe seems pretty good, no leaks, and I got a nice apology from the person who lived above, the Plantpot Owner. Or rather not the plantpot owner after they smashed on the floor.
      Yes, I should stick to the pen. It’s far more my skill.
      Ours used to eat grass in the UK, it’s a dog thing I suppose. Even when there’s no grass to eat. Thank goodness for tiled floors and no carpet :)


  14. My initial response to your “yes, dear reader…” comment was “NOOO!!!” I can imagine that yours was even more emphatic. Enough already!

    A few years ago I discovered that my center of gravity had shifted. I discovered this when I went to play an outdoor game with a group of younger people and suddenly found myself flat on the ground, staring into a cloud of shocked faces. Not the most gainly position. What did I do? Eventually lost a chunk of weight (ie ate healthy for a period of many months) and found my center again. Then lost it when I reverted to past habits. You are way ahead of me in this, because from all I can see you eat really well! Now I work out every day, and generally eat healthier again, and not only is my center of gravity pretty good, I am also discovering muscles I didn’t even know I had. This is no exaggeration. Whether this will help my balance in future I don’t know for sure, but I’m enjoying the process in the meantime. One of my aims in the working out was to build muscle to protect my aging bones. I’m not sure how successful that is, because my bones are more visible, but I am ever hopeful.

    Strangely enough I got to climb a ladder today. A step ladder, that I climbed a whole two steps up on. That’s about my limit. I think I was up there for about 30 seconds in total. No hand-less conversations with neighbours for me! Partner seems to be a pretty handy guy to have around. May he survive a good long time yet! And you also, I might add. Thank God for two arms and two legs, so that when one is not great the other can be made use of.


    • Oh — and did I detect a hint that your family may be increasing in number again in the not-too-distant future? I can’t now find the comment that made me wonder, but wonder I do. And look forward to the stories that come out of that.


    • It was one of those slow motion scenarios where you can see it playing out and you are powerless to stop it.

      Oddly, I was hoping to go to the outdoor exercise park, to start trying to get some muscles used again. Figured I could get there, and before I got round to it …

      I really need to build my legs back up, and that would be ideal. The other possibility is getting on the bike again when we are in Spain, but I honestly don’t think I’m up to that yet :( We do eat well, if ‘well’ is defined as organic where possible and vegetarian. I’m making a veg pie today, cauliflower, mushies, carrot, potato, leeks, courgette, onion, herbs, and I’ll chuck in some quorn steak (chopped) that he bought last week for a change. The pastry will be heavy on the butter though, as that’s how I make it, still, it’s a rare occurrence. And tea/supper us nearly always a salad.

      Cog changing is interesting. I think mine has just gone! Or it stays on the sofa when I move off it :D


      • I would like you to live in my house and cook me meals like the ones you describe here. I don’t mind cooking if I have a good recipe and time and space to cook — but I’m finding more and more recipes include ingredients I am not familiar with. Had to look up quorn steak, for instance. That was a new term for me.

        Oh — and I often don’t have the time and space to cook. So my attempts at cooking are pretty basic, unless I encounter a really good salad recipe.

        I have to admit to being confused by your closing comment about cog changing. What is that? I googled and I got sites that talked about bicycle parts. Somehow I don’t think that’s what you meant — or is it?

        I love the idea of a new pet in your household, especially if it means the rescue of a thrown-out puppy. May she bring great joy to you, Partner, and Snowy! (and yes, I realize that this pup is not yet in your family, but somehow the “she” fit better than either “he” or “it.”)


        • Quorn has been around in the UK for some time. Had problems getting into the USA, not sure about Canada. I think it’s too high in protein for me though, so I cook it for partner from time to time. I just ate the veg in the pie. We do have quite a few casseroles in winter. Today’s will be beans, potato, carrot, onion, mushrooms, herbs, and some leftover tomato and leek sauce from yesterday. Throw in oven, and because there’s no meat, it’s ready quickly. And only one pan to wash up. Win win.

          I’m confused too! Leg changing maybe that predictive text changed? In reference to your comment about having two?

          Hmm. It’s off the agenda again today. We’ll see.


  15. I won’t seek sympathy for the tin opener cut (it turned upon me quite savagely!), or the smashed wine glass that bounced of my foot first (leaving a mess all over me and the bedding). Such is life. I smashed another in the sink this morning but I was wary and it didn’t get me. Maybe the drinking habit will have to go :)
    Take it easy, Kate. :) Doesn’t sound like there’s much choice.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. It doesn’t sound like it’s been your week, Kate. So sorry about your latest fall. I also have my heart in my mouth to see hubby at 71, balancing on scaffold without a care in the world. I tell him he’s a match for Superman. :)


  17. oh no, Kate. say it isn’t so! am so sorry to hear of your fall. A on the ladder reminds me of my Dad who had worked in construction most of his working career – carpentry when in Germany, and then as a masonry contractor (= bricklayer) when arriving in Canada. first as a bricklayer helper, and then running his own business until retirement, all of which involved climbing up ladders.
    and after retirement, which was only retirement in theory, his ladder climbing was still very much part of what he did, whether working on the barn at my parents’ hobby farm, climbing up a tree for something, or taking on new construction projects together with my brother. up the ladder he went, well into his 70’s – fearless and active. whenever i saw him, it would drive me crazy how insecurely the ladder would be propped up against a swaying branch, etc. but he would not be stopped, and all was well.
    but falling – that can be no fun. when i was in Ephesus earlier this year, walking along some of the uneven pavement of the ancient roadways, the tour guide kept warning us about falling. i had experienced a fall while in Germany a number of years earlier – when i missed a small step. my first thought was – i hope nobody saw that. and the second was – i hope i didn’t break anything. both hopes were happily realized, but for a number of years now i have had to make it an intentional decision to walk with my eyes ahead of me, and to stop if i am looking around.
    glad to hear that Snowy is back to his adorable self again. he looks great.
    your dishes look yummy. sorry about all those beans too :(
    that falling is no fun at all. in any case, may you recover quickly! and no more down-ing for you! do take care. Timmy sends purrs.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. So sorry to hear about your fall, Kate. And after all you’ve been through with your bloody leg! I guess that does make it easier for you to fall. Do hope you recover soon. Stay well, sweetheart.

    Btw… like the pics… no need to tell you which is my favourite. ;)


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