WordPress. Gotta love it.

Here is what I get when I log in.

I’m waiting for the happiness chappies to enlighten me.

So, no comments from me for now. Although I can log in to mine.

Another improvement. Presumably.

Logging into wordpress. Or not

113 comments on “WordPress. Gotta love it.

    • With extreme difficulty I can comment on my blog.

      Jeez. I have two main suspects.

      1) WordPress, obviously, because they have to justify their existence to improve things, especially for people on mobiles and tablets

      2) Apple, which really doesn’t give a fuck

      Liked by 3 people

      • I wondered why you’d gone all quiet. Can you not get in by doing your address/wp-admin.php in safari. Then you add your username and password and you’re in. I hardly ever use the app because it’s weird, even on my phone.

        Alternatively, I blame Apple. Recently an author friend of mine got an email from apple informing him that after it had been on iBooks for 2 years they had removed one of his books from sale because he was required to make some changes. This is what they said:

        – This book uses the term “iBookstore.” The term “iBooks” should be used to refer to the entire iBooks ecosystem, including iBooks for iOS, iBooks for Mac, and the iBooks Store. The term “iBooks Store” may also be used when referring specifically to the online store where customers can preview, purchase, and download books. Do not use the term “iBookstore.” Please correct. See the iBooks Store Formatting Guidelines, section 1.1.”

        He used the term ‘iBookstore’ in one link to the second book at the end of the document.

        The person who wrote that, be it manually or as an auto respond, clearly hadn’t had a poo in a long time.



        Liked by 1 person

        • Loo! I mean lol, at that last comment. I can, for now get into my blog. I am just getting nowhere with wp.com. Log in: blank page. Bring up roughseas, even though allegedly logged in, I have to log in again. Must tell a happiness engineer of that delight. I’ve tried to not use the app but it won’t let me. Maybe disable it. So I’m switching between laptop and halpad. Annoying.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Especially the endless improvements and upgrades. Much as I always wanted an Apple initially cost deterred me and I bought an IBM with good old DOS. So easy to sort and fix. Year 2000? A breeze, into DOS and there we go. Now? Ugh. I should really have learned linux at some point, but you know, so little time etc.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Two current edits, corporate papers and accounts, turned down a critique, dealing with the office for his business, churning out estimates and telling people, ‘No, if you haven’t confirmed, that’s why he’s at another job. Not yours.’
            Yeah. Really got time for Linux, if only, much as I might wish. Did I mention a scruffy flat to clean too? :D

            Liked by 1 person

          • It is but so far it isn’t really about Betsy. It’s about how Betsy’s girls end up at Betsy’s. And trafficking. And Major Pylup, one of the Grongles who was in the army, but in intelligence with General Moteurs. He arrested Deirdre I the canteen. It might go up to 80K as I tie it all in with Trev and the old ladies. However, it should be done, with a beginning, middle and end, by 60k. I git so into it yesterday that I missed school pick up. I was only 15 mins late but I had to tell them I was on my way. I cycled the mile to the school in 6 minutes!


          • I do remember MP. In fact it is beyond me why I don’t dream about your characters!
            Trafficking? Sounds a bit hard. Although while K’B is an easy read, there are messages underneath, should the reader choose to look. You are really motoring with your, er, shorts? And, I think partner does a lazy 4km cycle into town in about ten mins? But he is 60!

            Liked by 1 person

          • Have no fear. Its not as hard as it sounds … I hope. Mist of The trafficking is Trev’s clandestine rescue activities with The blacklisted.

            On the dash front…The mountain bike has knobbly tyres and a top speed of 20mph so it’s a bit slow at the best of times. The school is at the top of a hill and I’m at the bottom.:-) says she slightly defensively.

            If it’s any consolation the characters are betty vivid to me, too. Half my reason to write at the start wad so that my family will know who I’m talking about when I finally go senile and think they’re real people. Phnark!


          • Mist of the Trafficking? Is that the title? Or a typo?
            A uses a mountain bike too. One of his rescues, apart from the KTM which was his 50th birthday pres. First new bike in his life!
            Betty vivid? Or Betsy vivid? Or …

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ah no, I was thinking, for the title of just, Traffick, (if that’s how it’s spelt) or possibly something like, Inhuman Traffick but it might send the wrong message. I’m just riffing with title ideas at the moment but have none to speak of, really.

            Betty vivid … jeez, rolls eyes, I meant Pretty vivid. I really loathe auto correct. The new Samsung phone is taking a bit of training. ;-)

            A is definitely fitter than me then ;-)


  1. Knowing WP, they’re probably messing with something that doesn’t play well with your device. Personally, even if I had the income to purchase a domain with them, I’d still be hesitant. Here’s to hoping they’ll fix whatever’s broken sometime reasonably soon.


    • They are always messing with something. But considering they have been focussing on mobiles/tablets, I’m not impressed it’s not working on the ipad but comes up on the laptop. Talk about justifying a job. I assume if they went by if it ain’t broke, half of them would be out of work.


      • I have a Samsung, and have not had problems. i guess that’ll happen when they upgrade the android app. I hate all the changes – just as you get used to one thing, they do something else…. Not that I’m getting to spend much time here at the moment :(


        • I haven’t even done an upgrade on the ipad. It’s just suddenly stopped letting me stay logged in which was bearable, but now I can’t see the reader? which is how I kerp updated on other blogs. I am so NOT having my email box flooded with flipping updates, I tell you. So seems like a combo to me of Halpad and WP. A very bad combo.


          • I am so with you – only a couple of select bloggers arrive in my inbox… Not staying logged in has not happened to me. I have a few tabs that automatically open when I open my browser (chrome), and the reader’s one of them. I do know, though, that if I clean up my computer, then I do have to log in. It used to have an option for staying logged in. Does WP not have that anymore? Hmm, I shall see – I need to do a bit of a clean-up! Incidentally, I also use a password package which helps for logging in – never type anything anymore and it works over all of my devices – laptop, tablet and phone. Drop me a note if you want more info.


          • Some of the blogs I follow post daily. Or more than once! In my inbox? Not in a zillion years. If I think I’ve missed ‘select’ bloggers I just check them out. Or click when they comment. I would have a brain fry with all that crap coming in every day.

            Well I’m still not logged in perm but I now see reader not a blank page. Better than nothing.

            I do have a password thing too. But I also have multiple identities :D

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Well that makes me feel better. Been unsettlingly quirky recently.
    Can’t wait to see what new and improved thing that we never wanted appears.
    (Have you noticed the huge increase of companies and businesses on WP – and how many off the “new” changes are made to benefit that market? Guess that’s the direction they are going …)


    • Oh good. I like to create the feel-good factor.
      I know. It’s like having to upgrade ie buy a new computer/phone when there is nothing wrong with the original.
      It’s free I guess. For now. So, we suffer.


      • I knew you’d feel fulfilled
        After reading here, I went back and read some WP “news”about updates. Apparently to make it easier for iPads, to offer new and improved Reader, and to get even cozier with Google to add ability to work on Google docs/drive and download straight into WP blog from there. (of course once images and other stuff is on Google’s territory, Google’s fine print says you give them some rights….) And there’s more tweaking like it or not bloggers (who presence attracts the coins…)
        (I’m about to dig out those old images of Gib of my grandmother – will let you know ahead of time…I’m pretty lazy right now so don’t wait up)
        Good time to go outside – scorching weather and mosquitoes coming soon)


  3. I can’t make changes to my blog appearance. Initially I could until I tried recently. It is a free blog (set up) but I pay extra for my own name but have never done it and to keep away ads. I don’t like what WP has done at all with any of the changes.


    • I haven’t tried for ages. No energy or time for that. I would only get frustrated if it didn’t work.

      I’d like to be ad-free too, although they say only busy blogs see ads. Either everyone I visit pays to avoid ads or they aren’t suitably popular!

      It’s age, Y! We don’t like change :D But seriously, if there is no improvement, why change? I assume any change is money driven for advertisers.

      Liked by 1 person

        • Laugh. Only have peanuts here in Gib because we have monkeys. (Pay peanuts, get monkeys.) Actually it’s illegal to feed the monkeys. What do the taxi drivers do? Take people up the rock and feed the monkeys so they can all get close and take nice piccies. Abuse I say.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes, I remember you mentioned the monkey problem. I love all animals but I don’t find looking at monkeys as entertaining. We have a very top rated zoo in my town and I have never gone. Zoos are great to keep species on this planet but I’m no fond of looking at wild animals up close and personal. Sorry I strayed from the topic and then couldn’t stop. :-)


  4. It just seems to be a bit slower here and there, especially with loading the Reader. Although I have noticed on occasion over the past couple of days the screen stays blank for a few secs.
    I am so glad it is not my Laptop!


    • A few seconds. Hmm I have the patience of a gnat. If it doesn’t load immediately I am gone. It has to be something linked with mobiles/tablets as the laptop *touch wood* still works. Or did yesterday.


  5. It does that with me, but usually when I start the app in my Win 10 tablet, only for about a minute, not usual though on laptop. I don’t use Android anymore, as it was quite frustrating… 😉


    • I’m not up on non-Apple stuff. I was heartily sick of boring slow old Windows at work, endlessly crashing and being so dull that when my last PC died, I finally got me an iMac. Only took me 20 years to get what I originally wanted. Now I’ve got an iPad and a Mac Airbook, or whatever these things are called. Normally they serve their purpose and they are fast. Windows? I was on the point of throwing the HP laptop through the window it took that long to load. Maybe I should leave the iPad for a minute and see if reader comes up. Doubt it mind.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Enjoy the break, if they ever fix the damned thing properly your inbox will probably flood. It’s a major hassle continuing a conversation from a comment now as secondary comments don’t carry a reply box and the Comments section is quite well hidden away since all the changes to the ‘My sites’ menus.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


    • Or should my readers enjoy the break? :D
      I don’t use emails for blogs. I’d end up deleting everything and reading nothing!
      I use the little orange thingy for comments, you can comment away to your heart’s content using that :)

      Cwtch xx


    • Ha. Ha. Trouble is, while I used to use blogger ten or so years ago when WP was dire, WP has improved, and I can’t see me going back to blogger. Nice entrepreneurial move Atomic or whatever it’s called. Why mess with a good product though? Why not, is probably the answer. It were better when I joined, five or so years ago (I think).


  7. I clicked ‘Like’ but only to let you know I stand in solidarity with you, because there’s not much to like when the happiness engineers get to work. Hope they’ve stopped tinkering and allowed you back in to the fold (I did see you on my blog so hope that’s the case). x


    • I just have to keep logging in every time I leave the page. Which I do, because wp is a slight distraction rather than my life! So having to log in every however many minutes is no fun, especially when I have ticked keeped me signed in. But, same with FB and GR, which is why I suspect (ssssh evil) Halpad.

      Liked by 1 person

        • I think there is a conspiracy between Halpad and WP. If I leave wp open and don’t cheat by looking at other sites, they seem to not cut me out. If I mess with other sites, I get the rap on the knuckles. Crazy stuff! Halpad hears, sees and knows all. But I am so not a windows/ms person, so, c’est la vie :D

          Liked by 1 person

          • me either, except when I have to be at work, and I curse it fairly frequently. No matter how frustrating Halpad is, it doesn’t seem to reach the depths that MS does (*crosses myself, looks around nervously) Strange to think that Bill Gates started at Apple…


          • When I chucked work, some five years later I finally bought the apple I’d wanted a zillion years before. I would be working on some long doc at work, and the system, or at least my computer, would crash. So I spend another two hours keying in amendments. Oh. No. Never. Again. And … sooooooooo sloooooooow.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I’ve been Mac for the past ten years, but have just started working somewhere and they are MS based *sad face* And yes, still slow, still clunky, still asking stupid questions…. Ah well, first world problems I guess haha


          • Mac from 1980 something on newspapers. Seeps into the brain. Indoctrinates. Tolerated the other for work, but just go home and open bottle of wine to recover. I joke not. It was bad. There were never problems, ever, on mac, on newspapers.
            So, if my choice is shit made in china that works, and shit made in china that takes three hours to load and faffs around, there is no choice.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I dunno. There are so many antimac people. My partner rarely uses the computer (well he’s watching a film on Haltop) but he finds it intuitive.

            I was good on DOS and IBM but things move on and deteriorate. Part of the problem at work was the stupid assumption that accountants needed the most capacity so the rest of us were given nada. And we were clicked out at some stupid hour. I so didn’t want an IT person telling me what hours to work, and how much power I could have. I mean, that was a fucking joke. Jeez, they were locked in the backwoods, and sadly locked in the rest of us. For a while.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Oh no! Do you get the massive flying ones? I used to really hate those when we lived in Sydney, especially one night when one flew in the open window straight into bed with me!


          • OMG. I had the same flying experience in Sydney too. Ugh. Well it didn’t come to be with me, but yeah, been there, done that. Apparently they do fly here according to our Indian neighbour, but I’ve avoided seeing them. Mostly they are huge and scuttling in the bathroom. The bloody podenco, useless hunting dog, stands and barks at them. Really helpful. What sort of hunting dog is that? Hello, master/mistress, there is a cockroach, now get on and sort it. I’ve told you about it.

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  8. Oh, Blimey! This is the stage I’d just turn off the computer and go do something else instead. Your post has really touched a nerve and I’ve enjoyed reading through the comments, some so witty and funny.


  9. thought i’d stop by before i embark on my hiatus. that doesn’t look too promising! sorry to hear about your Reader woes.
    my Reader is faring a bit better, but it’s far from perfect. i see some posts, but not everyone’s. always room for improvement, isn’t there!? :|
    haven’t seen one of yours in months, actually. i only see them when i stop by and things have been quite busy that i haven’t stopped by anywhere much. trust you are keeping well otherwise…


  10. I have had issues with Reader links lately. Fortunately, email notifications still work but the process takes longer so many sites I want to visit go unvisited.


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