The black god. Or dog.

Anubis. He waits. In the shadows.

He takes you to the afterlife, sorts out your mummification and weighs you in the balance.

But he’s basically a dog. Or a wolf. Or a jackal. Or, whatever you choose to believe.

I was discussing ancient dog breeds with a very good internet friend. We both agreed that Egyptian type, greyhound-based dogs were well up there as a contender for oldest dog breeds.

Huskies are also meant to be olde dogges, and Pippa was called wolf and lobo more times than enough.

To me though, Snowy hits the mark.

Anubis, although without the necklace and albino not black.

So, oldest dogs? Podencos should have a shout. Show me one dog that looks more like an Egyptian Pharoah dog than Snowy.

92 comments on “The black god. Or dog.

        • I never really thought of that. You are right of course. They do have a sort of ancient hunting wild dog look. Although not when curled up on sofa. It’s the skinniness and the silly ears though, I guess. And the haunches. Snows is one mean muscle dog at ten kilos.


          • There’s nothing surplus to requirements with them, pared down to the essentials. They are made for hunting and surviving in a pack. They are beautiful for that alone.


          • That’s true. But my big husky/GSD was a natural hunter too. We should add, amazing guard dogs. Even if barking at 1am isn’t quite desired. Pack animals? Totally. Three of us curled up on the sofa. They can live a terrible life and adapt immediately. No bad dogs, only bad owners etc.

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          • Spitz look gorgeous, but don’t think I’ve ever seen one. They are pretty huskyish. Although most of the basic hounds are regarded as sighthounds, pods are meant to be all three, ie sight, smell, sound. They are what they are. Tosca could pass for a golden jackal, and Snowy for a white Anubis. Both discarded.


          • I think Huskies belong to the Spitz group so they’re cousins. Yes, it’s hard to understand the mentality that treats dogs as beautiful as pods and galgos like used tissues.


          • Once you start to look into the dog groupings and genealogy it’s pretty basic (or maybe I am).

            Big furry husky types (and I loved mine) from Northern Europe/Asia and slimmer slighter greyhound builds from the North African wolf/jackal.

            But to argue which is older? I just think based on Egyptoan paintings, Pods should be in there. Of course, they aren’t even KC acknowledged. I ask you.

            Liked by 1 person

          • They evolved in different climatic conditions, I suppose. But what’s certain is that most domestic dogs didn’t evolve at all. They are all genetic manipulations to fulfill a function or a notion of cuteness. They aren’t ‘dogs’ anymore, they’re extensions of our fantasies.


          • I think we can differentiate say between a Doberman – totally bred, much as I love them – and galgos, pods, huskies, etc.

            Once dog-breeding got underway, supported by the evil KC, for money, then real dogs were left out in the wild. Don’t start me on this!!

            I want an indefinite ban on breeding. You want a dog? Home one. Don’t give me crap about I need a pedigree puppy, I want to mould it to what I want, I want this breed, the other breed, blah blah.

            When we took Snows, we told our vet in Spain, that we would take the first dog that came up. No caveats.

            That, to me, is about homing a dog. Not cute, (well, he is), not prestige (he’s that too), not pedigree (well, he is puro), but the point is, you take what there is.


          • It’s like the intelligence thing. I get angry when I hear people say that galgos are stupid because they are reserved, won’t go near people they don’t know, won’t do tricks, chase balls, roll over and play dead, take blind people across the road, round up sheep etc etc. They are DOGS for fuck’s sake. He acts like a dog, talks to dogs in dog, expects them to respond in dog, and as for what people do, I am the only one he pays any attention to, but all I have to do is ask him to do something and he does it, because it’s me and he trusts me. I’m god, so he listens. And I don’t ask him to do senseless things like fetch the newspaper or slippers, or skateboard or run round in circles. There’s intelligence and there’s mindless obedience.

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          • Galgos are beautiful intelligent dogs.Fin. We have never insisted on tricks blah blah. We did take Ben to training. He jumped out of the Land Rover window, crapped on the dog run, and, we didn’t go back. Never tried that again. Five dogs later. We don’t do crates, and we try to respect them. They are pack animals. Big point that people miss.


          • Most people just don’t want to understand dog. They want dog to be human. Dog is either friendly dog or unfriendly dog, nasty or nice, good or bad. Always with a human characteristic. Never dog.


          • No need to anthropomorphise. They can be friendly with some people and other dogs, not with others. No different to us. So it goes. Why expect different? I know who I’d trust though.


          • The number of numbskulls with big, dominant male dogs who get affronted when my dog gets his fangs out when they come bounding over, ready to sort out the new boy. ‘Oh, but he’s friendly!’ Like hell he is. With you, maybe, sunshine, but you’re not a dog. Stupid.


          • We always ask. Friendly, or not? Sex is irrelevant. Bitches dislike others and dogs, just like dogs do the same. To be fair, ours aren’t aggressive – until someone else is. Know your dogs, people.


          • Finbar has a healthy respect for bitches. He’s neutered, but doesn’t always realise it, and females on heat don’t seem to care. He had a run in with a big female Akita, on heat and sick of male dogs pestering her. He always approaches very carefully now.


          • Toscy was spayed the second week we got her. Oh no. No more unwanted podenco puppies. Although even our neighbour said Snows and Tosc would be a good pairing. True. But so not the point. Snows isn’t castrated but is really more interested in my legs.


          • I only need to look at Hope for Podencos to know I could never be selfish enough to breed my dogs. We’ve not had a puppy since our first dog, and it was nice to have puppy Snowy. But here, you can get pups from the perreiras anyway when the pregnant bitches are abandoned :( I can live with my legs being shagged, it was the broken ankle that was a pain!


          • Did he pull you over? The first time we took Finbar out on a long lead into the field, my eleven year-old was holding it. When he took off, so did she. Literally.Flew through the air and was dragged a couple of metres on her front.


          • Nah. Pippa did though. Cat chasing. Had a useless arm from May to September. Still, it got better. Snowy’s achievement was cannoning into me from behind when I called him (off lead – good dog for coming). Dislocated bi-malleolar fracture. Aka broken ankle. Endless posts on here about it and my fantastic fracture blisters if you have nothing better to do. ‘It was very bad,’ said my surgeon. Endlessly.


          • South African I think. Had a great Spanish nurse who came from near me, good bloke. Nobody really mentioned Snows. The excitement was over my blisters (maybe should have operated immediately, but … it was bank hol).


          • The dreaded bank holidays. I’m thinking about that very thing today. It’s son’s birthday today, and 22 years ago it was Easter Sunday morning, consequently no staff at the maternity hospital, a blizzard blowing outside, no public transport, and a taxi strike for good measure. I was ‘put on hold’ until somebody turned up to deal with me. It took another twenty four hours for labour to start again.


          • I did wonder if I’d had an orthopaedic surgeon to hand if things would have gone differently. Well, and there was a fully staffed theatre, I think we both experienced similar. The other day to avoid is the August changeover of medics. I can’t remember when it was but they are all so busy sorting out themselves they have no time for patients.

            Put on hold indeed! Inappropriate isn’t the word. I spent enough time in the NHS and there should be a range of professional cover at all times, not just a registar or whatever.


    • Well actually, Pharaoh Hounds are a real breed and are in the group of dogs called “sight hounds” aka greyhounds, borzois, Spanish greyhounds, Italian greyhounds, salukis, deerhounds, silken wind hounds, whippets, etc. so yes, a Pharaoh Hound is more “pharaoh”houndish than your dog which appears to be a white Italian greyhound. I have 5 Italian greyhounds. Pharaoh hounds are the oldest breed basically. Italian greyhounds originated in Turkey and Greece and are also an ancient breed but pharaoh hounds are older. Cheers.


  1. Podencos are beautiful animals and the upper right hand corner pic really is a winner and he looks like the Egyptian god dog. Are you not lucky to have both your dogs?

    I have a four pure bred dogs and four mutts, one of which belongs to my sis who is in a nursing home now. They all came from the streets or barren countryside. One I got from the shelter when he was on the euthanasia list. I don’t care if mine or an old breed or a new breed. I found them all they had been thrown away and I would not trade them for anything. I do love some dogs and (cats). But then I have a severe case of dog and cat weakness.

    Enjoyed the discussion between you and Jane.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Y. I have another pic of S where he looks the spitting image of Anubis but I just grabbed the first three. Lazy me.

      In our married life we’ve only had six dogs. Mainly due to where we lived so two or three was the max. And they all lived so long! My little boy and fat belly girl could well see us out. If only I had money and space … there would be donkeys there too though. The dog and donkey home?

      Jane is for a great discussion. Lovely woman. She has a galgo, Finbar, there’s a chat and a pic of him on a previous post, not too far back.

      You feeling any better?

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m over the worse part of Influenza A. Had to go to ER for txt of afib. I hope that I’m not repeating myself. Afib got really bad- could hardly walk or stand and had to call an ambulance to come and get me Monday about 5pm. Given IV Cardizem and Na chloride 1000ml. Left ER about 11pm. Afib not back and I’m coughing much less and beginning to get some strength but I’m not much for food and or feel like cooking. Eating rice, applesauce and soy and frozen blueberries. Able to take care of the pets. My son and his girlfriend came Sunday Pm and helped a bit. And Monday she brought me some food. Kids are of little to no help. Life is a bitch sometimes. :-)


        • No you aren”t repeating yourself. I’ve lost interest in cooking. A bought some veg kievs yesterday and I left mine, he ate half. I read recently that good foods for bad guts are bananas, apple sauce, rice … maybe our ailments are the same in a way?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Could be. I’ve eaten bananas, rice and applesauce for years.It’s my standard breakfast, snack and supper. Easy and I don’t feel sick from eating this combo at all. I eat bananas and apples too.


          • Green salad can’t be beat. I don’t care for raspberries at all. Too much sour is bad for GERD. I so envy folks that can eat anything and not have a problem. Oh well, it could be worse. :-)


          • When I ate meat (ie 30 years ago) I thought steak and green salad was a perfect meal. Maybe I just liked the salad! I’m ok with anything fresh, but I start to get a problem with processed food, eg quorn, which has too much protein for me. I should really just be vegan, it suits me better. Had my statutory apple for breakfast 🍏🍎Will prob do pasta and tomato sauce for lunch.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I wouod be totally vegan if not for the need to have extra protein. I’m not crazy about chicken because of how they are produced for the market. Salads are nutricious and good for you. I can’t do pasta because gluten makes me very ill. It was not always this way but as my body aged, gluten casued me untold misery.


          • I prob do have GERD. Old age I guess. But, we get our protein from legumes, dried and fresh, nuts sometimes, tofu, seitan, tempeh, so not a worry. A gluten problem would be difficult though. Couldn’t eat chicken in a zillion years these days.

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  2. The ‘I am Anubis’ photo of Snowy is spot on, turn it into a negative and he becomes the black Anubis.
    Beautiful pics too K.
    As for my hooligan god (dog) only knows his distant heritage, though I did think he looked like a wild African dog when I first saw him.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve always admired that particular Anubis statue and thought your Snowy was a close mirror to it. And from what you’ve said, it is an ancient breed.
    The Alaskan breeds/sled dogs/malamutes/ and huskies are supposedly from the Eastern European/Russian wolves not the N. American ones. It’s off how Molly can morph her looks to very wolf-like in a blink.
    I think the older breeds tend to be more reserved, more analytical, and more creative thinkers. Definitely strongly pack animals. Molly’s pack behavior is so different from the Bouviers de Flanders, or the Westie, English setter (all throw aways and rescues from death row) and even the ordinary pound mixes. I’ve gotten to like the less domesticated and more original dog creatures.
    Snow is quite elegant with those ears and legs.
    (We had a cat stray that adopted us a long time ago – she was a mirror image of an Egyptian cat with ears and long lean lines…and an aloof royal attitude. Staff was expected to serve and occasionally pet, but there was to be no attempt to pick up or cuddle. Very intelligent cat. Maybe she stepped out of an art/history book somehow. Not a cat person, but she appointed me to notice when she was ill and ready to die. Strange creatures we share life with.)


    • There is a good book by Beryl Brennan, well I assume it is good, but it is called ‘from pyramid to perreira’. Which says it all. They certainly look like close rellies of N African wolves to me. As with the Alaskans etc. How many times was Pippa called lobo? Yet how many timescwas he approached by strangers stroking, patting and hugging. It’s all in the eye.
      Our previous pack behave differently, but not so differently. When we had three dogs, one in the hallway or kitchen to guard the back door, one on the landing, maybe one at the top. They varied it. But they all played a role that was mutually agreed by them. The gate dogs at the finca: Prince, Pippa, now Tosc and Snows. Pods are evil guard dogs though. Nothing gets past them. Great for flat life! Not :(
      I’ve seen those Egyptian cat pix. Beautiful. The lineage is strong.

      Liked by 1 person

      • “Not about Gib specifically” Are you kidding? We are getting ready to go to war with Spain. You had better check your insurance policies! Fabian Picardo was on TV here yesterday, I have to say that he is very impressive!


        • It’s not about Gib though. Gib is the political football Spain has always chosen it to be. Let’s hope, from my pov, this is one match they lose. Lying bastards ceded it in perpetuity. More than this than meets the eye. Good if Picardo was standing his ground though. Unlike his predecessor Caruana.


          • I suppose modern Republican Spain might choose to ignore a treaty negotiated by a Bourbon monarchy three hundred years ago?

            All politicians lie, you know that!

            Spain won’t get Gibraltar, it is like an opening move in a chess match and the EU goes for an aggressive start and immediately brings its Knight into play.


          • I suppose old Spain ignored it too when they kepy trying to reclaim Gib and failed. Plenty of sieges. Silly old Spaniards.
            Of course all politicians lie, but Spaniards? Can lie and be above the law?
            Nice analogy. My chess days were long ago. Just hope the UK is good at it. Personally, I am with the fuck right off brigade, but hey, if you want to earn your money chatting, at our expense up to you.
            Better off funding Gib than the EU ;) Strategically.


          • Gibraltar is a side show isn’t it? I wonder how many Spaniards in Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria really worry about Gibraltar? It is a mosquito bite not a tumour!


          • Nobody gives two hoots until the politicians whip it up to distract from the latest unemployment figures, high youth unemployment, bank bail outs, public service cuts and corruption in the govt. The usual really. Of course, the ones in La Linea, San Roque etc would be well hit in terms of employment. Even more people on the dole.

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  4. Gibraltar. Forgive me for adding this comment in advance. But why don’t we just give it back? It’s nowhere near the UK , I’ve been. Was most unimpressed!


  5. You do have a point, Kate. Several, in fact :) :)
    I tend to like my dogs more hirsute but in your climate I expect that would be uncomfortable. Glad to know he has no ego problems. Happy Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha :D
      We’ve had both types, mostly hairier ones. But Snowy turned up needing a home so … and who wouldn’t want to live with a god dog? Our other dog Tosca is wire haired and fills the place with fur. And Pippa, who we had for some ten years or so from the streets of Spain, was a gsd/husky and very furry. Just a big furry teddy bear really. So there are plenty of hairy dogs around, although fewer bigger dogs (flat life).

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  6. Snowy is so spoilt that he has a sunshade over his chair! I’ve read about looking after albinos and applying sunscreen, but basically he is sensible so when we go inside at say 11 am, so does he. Instinctive? Don’t know. But we make sure he isn’t out in the heat in summer.

    I read something recently that said podencos aren’t old dogs at all and just a mix of European hunting dogs. I defy anyone to say that looking at Snowy’s photo(s).


  7. Snowy surely has the look of Anubis about him, and I love what Vic did with the pic. Our Deez, a Koolie bred by early German settlers in Australia from dingoes and various working dog breeds, similar to a Kelpie bred by the English similarly, has appearance and behaviours which resemble his dingo heritage remarkably. I like all dogs but I find these older breeds fascinating.


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