Geckos, gardens and Gib

This young gecko had a narrow escape when he made a slight movement.

Out of the corner of his eye, Partner noticed it, and quickly picked up a shoe to give it an almighty whack. Fortunately he put on his glasses before he did and realised it was a gecko and not a cockroach.

Gecko was left alone to wander around the stone archway of the front door.

Lucky gecko

Later than day, young gecko had moved the full length of the kitchen ceiling, upside down, and made his way half way across the bedroom ceiling. We lay in bed, fascinated, watching him crawling happily across. What amazing suction they have – and – no fear of heights either. Our very own wildlife programme at home for free.

I like geckos. I like to think they eat cockroaches, which is a good reason for avoiding spraying nasty toxins around my home. I would rather the geckos eat unpoisoned cockies. At one point we must have had a colony of geckos as there seemed to be bits of dead cockroach legs on the bathroom floor every morning.

Geckos also eat spiders and mosquitoes. Now I’m happy with them eating the mozzies too, but not so keen on them eating the spiders. After all, spiders eat flies, and I like to think every spider in my house is a money spider. I guess that’s the natural cycle though.

But I did see a couple of pretty striped spiders who had escaped the attention of young gecko so hopefully they found a safe place to catch flies. Meanwhile the last I saw of young gecko was when he had travelled into the bathroom and was winding his way around the railings on the windows. Cute.

During the day, I saw a far larger one shooting around the garden but he had disappeared before I had chance to even think of a photo.

However, in the heat of August, here in the garden, is my escarole, still going strong courtesy of my wonderful neighbour – and – new parsley seeds that I scattered from the old plant seem to have sprung into life. The mysteries of gardening are beyond me, but if it works and survives great. Letting plants go to seed, look scruffy, and then saving the seed, or letting them reseed themselves is one of the many things I have learned here in Spain. Hardly difficult, but a more natural way of life than tidying those scruffy plants.

Escarole and new parsley shoots

Geckos weren’t the only contented animals we saw. En route, there is what looks like a horse/donkey animal sanctuary. I wish. If only I could do that too.

Happy donkeys and horses

But still, geckos and spiders are a start.

Continuing with the animal theme, I visited our vet for some Cox-2 inhibitors (NSAIDs) for our dog. And took a couple of pix of our former flat where we rented ten years ago, and the green park we looked over.

Third floor flat

I found it very strange living above the trees on the third floor. Most unnerving. Little Roughseas would climb trees, but live above them? We would watch the locals wander into the park every morning with their bottles and their joints and they happily passed the morning away causing no trouble to anyone. The park hasn’t changed, but the people are no longer there.

Peaceful – empty – park

What doesn’t change is the sea. On the way up, the beautiful shimmering, glistening sea.

Sunlight on the Med

And when we left Gibraltar, what amazing light.

Gibraltar North Face

But on the way back – where had Gib gone? Who had put down a filmy cover and stolen her?

Hey! Where is Gib?

Ah, phew, here she is. Here we are in the boring old queue for the frontier, looking at western beach. Good to know the Spaniards hadn’t towed you out to sea after all.

Enjoying the sun at western beach

Courtesy of The Pink Agendist I discovered there had been a suspected bomb in Gib last night.

Apparently a rucksack was exploded remotely by the Gib Reg bomb squad and the frontier was closed for three hours.

Good to live in a safe place like Gib? But great to have the Royal Gib Reg and all the other armed forces on hand. Round of applause for people doing a very special job.

But while all this excitement was going on, we were happily ensconced in King’s Bastion Leisure Centre, celebrating my partner’s first day of freedom after being sacked due to lack of work. There was a Bourne film advertised so we happily went along.

Another unfull cinema, and a good film – The Bourne Legacy.

Plot: Nasty CIA are still messing with people’s heads and turning them into robots and then deciding to kill the ones that malfunction. Or something like that. But one always gets away and needs to be chased.

No Matt Damon as Jason Bourne, who was no notable absence in this film, but a great new character in Aaron Cross played by Jeremy Renner.

Top marks to Renner, who I really liked. Looked like a cross between Steve McQueen and Daniel Craig, so not a bad start.

Rachel Weisz is OK as female lead, but the character struck me as being a bit naive. You work in a government lab, faffing around with DNA and don’t realise what you are doing? Even though you have a PhD? Huh? Nowhere near as good as Olga Kurylenko who played the excellent Camille in the last Bond film (Quantum of Solace). That’s a comment on characters not actresses. At least I think it is. Speaking of Bond, Skyfall is due to be released in October/November this year depending on your part of the world.

Back to The Bourne Legacy. Partner met a couple we had noticed in the cinema last night. She liked it, the kids liked it, he didn’t. That’s 3/4. We liked it. 2/2. So that’s 5/6 on the scale of nothing to do with rotten tomatoes, so worth a watch if you like a shoot the shit out of them action film. NB, it includes a long motorbike chase. Well these sort of films always include some sort of long chase don’t they?

If you want an incisive critical review, there are plenty on the internet. They basically say the same as mine but take longer to read.

Sources: The Pink Agendist (as cited above) and the Gibraltar Chronicle.

64 comments on “Geckos, gardens and Gib

  1. I love the little gecko, a good job he escaped the shoe, especially with his taste in insect control.

    A spider and gecko sanctuary :-) you’ve got one up on me, just a spider sanctuary here.
    I’m with you with horse and donkey sanctuary too :-)

    Some lovely pics of the rock, especially like the north face image.

    Not ventured near a cinema for years, though I have bought one or two DVD’s recently (that oddly, still remain unwatched).


    • The gecko looks best on the header image, so sweet :)

      We had a chameleon at one point, they are protected here, not sure if I have posted him on everypic, if not I will (a film pic).

      The donkey and horse pix were snatched out of the window, but couldn’t resist.

      The north face image was another out of the window treat. I put it up as the header image first but decided to swap for gecko, I can use it later. Thanks, I love that one too. Fluke – as ever :D

      Gib cinema is so cool – ten minutes walk away, a fiver each, and plenty of room :)


  2. We had an emergency call from British renters once (in the middle of the night)- “There’s a large animal in the house”. My partner got up, got dressed, walked down the street… it was a gecko.
    Is the work market in Gib bad? I keep hearing it’s the only hope of people on the other side of the border. That Gib keeps the other side going etc. etc.


    • Too funny! Even a large gecko isn’t exactly a large animal.

      The job market has changed considerably over the last couple of years, and specifically the last 12 months or so. 1) the general economic downturn, which particularly affects construction (one of Gib’s biggest sectors – in which cross-border workers are employed) and 2) the change of government which had tried to clamp down on employing cross-border workers at the expense of locals, not entirely successfully.

      The last firm my partner was working at was largely Spaniards, a couple of Morrocans, a Gib contracts manager, and a Gib labourer. Oh and two Spaniards who actually live in Gib. But yes, for a lot of Spaniards in La Linea (one of them actually travelled from Algeciras), they have no hope of work locally and Gib is their only hope, even now with less opportunities. ‘Twas always so however. I could write for hours on the unique Gib labour market and employment situation. I may do a post on Clouds about ‘equal ops’ ;)


  3. You didn’t get to visit the horse and donkey sanctuary? Love the geckos. Your description of lying in bed and watching them reminds me of my childhood visiting my grandparents in Hawaii and watching them crawl all around the bedroom at night.

    All this intrigue in Gib. Didn’t realize that it was such a dangerous place to live.


    • I’m not too fussed about visiting them. It’s just nice to see them happily enjoying life in the fresh air and in the case of donkeys, not being overloaded with heavy burdens, and in the case of horses not being used for horse-racing or other so-called ‘sporting’ activities that people carry out that often bring pain and death to the horses.

      But here – – is a local donkey taken a while ag who we regularly used to cycle past and feed with carrots/apples. I love donkeys.

      That sounds an exotic childhood! Can’t compete with that. I’m cool with them in the house. If it’s safe for them to live, that means it is good for me too, none of us are breathing in nasty pollutants.

      As for Gib. I don’t think it is inherently dangerous, but the recent terrorist alert has obviously made everyone very sensitive. Gib is a strange place, but you only realise that when you live here. Otherwise, it’s monkeys, a part of Britain’s colonial past, and some interesting history.


      • That’s exactly the way I always imagined Gib: an calm, exotic little island in the Mediteranian. Although nowadays, I guess you can’t be in the Med without being at least a little in the line of fire. Interesting to see from your pic that it really is a little island. Or a big rock. I’d seen description, but never a picture.

        I’ve heard horrible stories about donkeys used to cart tourists up and down mountains. And recently I was at a site that housed a thoroughbred rescue. Sad that people bred race horses and then when they were no longer useful, simply threw them away.


        • We look like an island and even I’ve fallen into the trap of calling Gib an island, but we are connected to Spain by a narrow isthmus, which was later expanded into the runway.

          I’ve seen donkeys in Spain piled so high with whatever I am surprised the poor animals could walk. And such gentle creatures too. Animals are just commodities – get rid of them when they no longer make money or provide value :(


  4. Another excellent collage of your everyday in Gib. I don’t my the natural world co-exiting with my domestic world (to a certain extent… not cockroaches) and I’d be happy with a gecko/lizzie & spider sanctuary but the G.O. wouldn’t be happy with the spiders. I’m glad you decided to celebrated Partner’s freedom, that’s the way we’d go as well. Sometimes things are a blessing in disguise. It’s a blessing I’d be willing to “cope” with. I’ve seen the advts for The Bourne Legacy – must go and see it. Glad to see you are spending your hiatus enjoying the simple things…


    • Thanks ED. I’m just lazy and combine a few posts into one. Saves readers getting too many posts to read as well. But in a way, I do want to give the impression of the whole mix of life so that works better as a single post.

      I’m talking Spanish spiders – not Aussie ones!! They’re a different kettle of fish (bit of an inappropriate metaphor there). I don’t think I’d be too keen on funnel webs in Sydney or red-backs in the sticks. When A worked on Cockatoo it was full of funnel webs. I think they had anti-dote on site just in case.

      That celebration was Saturday. Yesterday I drafted a CV/letter for him and he’s gone out to drop off a few… We’ll see how long the ‘freedom’ lasts.

      The film was total fluke. We’d enjoyed Contraband and the whole experience at King’s Bastion, so I thought it might be an idea for the weekend. And when I looked up what was on, I knew it would be a dead cert when I told him what the film was. I’ve sensibly added the cinema to my bookmarks bar to remind me to check every week now. Did I ask before? What’s the price in Sydney these days?


      • You haven’t asked before… movie tickets aren’t cheap but it depends also on when and where, different cinemas, suburbs, times. Last time we went on a Saturday night & paid (I sometimes get free tickets via work), it was about $35 ust fro the tickets to go to the Hoyts Multiplex at Broadway Shopping Centre… we never buy snackies at the box office, always visit K-mart first. We have a Dendy membership ($15 annually) so the tickets are only $9, and it’s [the only one now] within walking distance, and we prefer it as you can take in a coffee or a glass of wine… very civilised. At our old apartment, we had a variety of cinemas we could walk to, so we went more often. We also have a Quickflix account where for $5.99 per month we get 2 DVDs mailed to us [which never fully take up], as there are no longer any local video shops.

        We also have quite a few Aussie non deadly/scary spiders which I’m quite happy to co-exist with. The ones I hate are the small white tips which like to get into clothes, and their bites can turn into horrible skin eating lesions (happened to a friend of ours, truly). Those I will kill.


        • The reason I asked was because I vaguely remember going to the one in central Sydney a couple of times and thinking it was pretty expensive. So it was a real delight to find there is a flat rate here that isn’t expensive. No glasses of wine or coffee allowed though! Only popcorn and coke bought from the concession neither of which I like.

          With the exception of Sydney, I don’t think I have ever lived anywhere else with Scary Spiders. Didn’t know about the white tips, they sound horrible :(


  5. I so love the sea… and am waiting to see the Bourne film – I am hearing good things about it! You make me happy tonight – I have never seen a cockroach in real life. The unexpected benefits of living in a snowbound land? :)


    • Thanks melody. I take endless photos of the sea, doesn’t matter what mood, light or weather. But that morning the light was beautiful all the way up the coast.

      The critical reviews about the film are pretty mixed, and don’t seem to like it as much as the first three. But basically a review is just someone else’s opinion. Renner’s performance was good enough to carry the film, and the baddy was good (as in performance) too. I thought the motorbike chase could have been shorter, but my partner loved it. As I say, depends what you like – and he likes motorbike, and car, chases :D

      I think my first cockroach experiences were when I started travelling. Don’t remember seeing them in the UK, although with global warming I am sure they are lurking somewhere. The flying ones in Aus were the worst, although they fly here too. I think that’s one experience you don’t need to add to your ‘must-do’ list.


      • Hubby will probably love the chase scenes too – a little testosterone thrown in always was a man magnet. And cockroaches – if I never see one, I don’t suppose I am missing out on much… :)


        • Chase scenes are usually too long for me, but it seems they are an essential part of an action movie. They are invariably too loud for my liking as well. But hey, I can live with one extended chase per film.


  6. Not sure I’d really like that lizard crawling across my ceiling but a cockroach would be even worse! I thought for a moment there you were going to give the entire plot away! Good picture of the rock.


    • Don’t worry, they don’t drop on you and they are totally harmless. Certainly more frightened of us. They tend to run out of the way if you get near or they sense movement. Cockroaches on the other hand scuttle, which is why they freak me out.

      I did give the plot away! That’s all there is too it, unless I missed something. I like simple plots as I am useless with anything complicated. I didn’t give the end away though. We liked the end. The guy who didn’t like the film, didn’t like the end, needless to state :D

      Thanks. As ‘can we just stop for me to take a few pretentious photos and faff around for half an hour’ isn’t an option, I’m trying to learn the art of taking pix out of the window of the Landy without too many street lights, trees and other intrusions cluttering up the picture. I was amazed some of the bush fire ones worked out reasonably well, so it is possible to get a decent image in focus from a moving vehicle. You just have to accept there will be quite a few to throw out too!


      • I hate cockroaches. Once we checked into a hotel in Naxos and when we turned the light on a monster scuttled across the floor. Kim was mortified and unable to speak all through evening meal. I reported it to reception staff and they said they were surprised because they didn’t usually have roach problems and then produced an enormous spray can full of killer. I nuked the room with it and almost suffocated but it slowed the thing down sufficiently for me to smash it with my sandal!


        • I hate the smell of those sprays. We only use them as a last resort, and try to spray before we all go out of the house so we aren’t breathing in the vile fumes too. I have been known to whack a few baby ones, but the huge ones freak me out. They’re nearly as big as my flip flops!


  7. Enjoyed the photos, the flat reminds me of a flat I once lived in above the trees, I also dislike living up high. Felt like it made me unbalanced…just was an odd feeling. Lovely shots of Gib, and like how you narrated the day. Laughed when read where is Gib. The sea looks marvelous. Ya know I told the hubby that I really wish to have the talking gecko from the Geico car insurance commercials – cutest little lizards.


    • Thanks Liz. Exactly the feeling I had looking down on the trees. It was bizarre. All I could think was, if I am meant to be living up here, I should have wings (preferably not as an angel). Trees, are for looking up at and admiring. Or sometimes for climbing. But living above them?

      We often joke about Gib disappearing behind the mist and wondering if it has just broken off from the Iberian peninsula and floated out to sea.

      I don’t know why people are frightened of tiny lizards. They do nothing harmful and are extremely useful IMO.


      • Know what you mean, for some reason, the height induced fear for me. Fear of fire, because too high to jump, and woke up in the morning with an odd feeling in my stomach. It was also odd to hear the other people in the flats below my flat. Often tip-toed around not wanting to disturb their sleep, because I knew they could hear every footstep.

        Your jokes about Gib are so funny, I may just pack a bag, hop on a plain and move to Gib, might as well. :)

        I know, I could kiss a tiny Gecko, and I wish the Geico Gecko was a real lizard, and my pet/best friend.

        Guess, kissing lizards, people might think, “Liz has lost it.”

        Actually purchased two little cute geckos, but they cannot survive here. I spent a ton of money on heaters and everything, but the poor things still couldn’t get warm enough through the winter, even with the heat rocks, and pads. Think I spent about $500.00. The pet store should have told me that geckos do not normally survive here, but guess they wanted to make money. Poor geckos – the little things loved crickets.



  8. Oh, and had to giggle with the Spain hauling away Gib joke, funny. What is going on with all the bomb threats etc there now? That’s really nerve wracking. Oh, I remember think you wrote that Gib has a history of religious wars from long ago – if I am remembering correctly, and that’s why the terrorist are interested in Gib. Going to have to re-read your earlier posts about the religious history of Gib – or did I read that on Wiki…Anyway, the geckos made me smile and thank you – loved the little jokes mixed in with this post and the Geckos. What beats jokes and geckos?


    • Save you looking back, both Gibraltar and Andalucía were ruled by Moors from North Africa at one point. Gib was Moorish far longer than it was Spanish.

      I am not saying terrorists are interested in Gib. The facts are that an alleged Al-Qaeda terrorist was arrested in La Linea who had been working in Gib for a number of years. What the proposed target may have been has yet to come to light. And it may never.

      Gib has always been a place of strategic importance because of it’s position at the entrance to the Mediterranean sea. One of the reasons for fighting over it in the past. And although much reduced, there is still a British military presence here.

      I worked in London amidst the fears of IRA threats. It’s like people living in Belfast, or Beirut or whereever – which is not to compare the threat of terrorism with living in a place at war, I add very quickly. Rather that you have to get on with your life and consider yourself lucky that you have one. Chance of dying in a terrorist-related incident are pretty low for most people in the western world. For those living in countries at war, those chances are significantly higher.


  9. gecko’s I like and can only imagine how entertaining ti was watching this one’s antics while strolling your ceilings…heeehee. its when they bring their brothers and sisters and start having a party. I can imagine the noise at night when trying to get to sleep and all you can hear is the crunching of cockroaches shell. and bits of leg falling on the bed….
    I cannot think of anyone other than Matt Damon doing this Bourne series, but will not judge until I see it. For action it was a great series of film, I enjoyed the way he always come out alive after every skirmish..Bit like Bruce Willis and his Die Hard series… Thank you roughseas’ another enjoyable read….


    • They don’t seem to party on, that I have noticed. Luckily we never hear the banquet, although I do occasionally hear the odd cockie scuttling away in escape.

      I thought Matt Damon was OK, but nothing special, there were others around who could have played the part as well or better, especially now I have read Ludlum’s books. I wonder if he is trying to avoid getting typecast? Anyway the Legacy, is basically the same sort of film but with a different lead character, who I thought was good.


  10. Love this, we don’t get geckos, or even lizards but when we are somewhere warm enough I love to watch them. What sort of motorcycle?


  11. We have geckos just like that one. It’s a challenge to keep them out of RC’s paws…she loves the thrill of the hunt…but we know something’s up when she starts running and leaping…it’s the only time she moves fast….sorry interrupt her exercise, but we try to scoop them to safety outside.
    Love the pixs as usual.


    • Bad RC Cat. Pippa gives a big paws down to naughty RC. In fact with any luck, he would whack his paw on RC Cat, although I suspect she might be too fast for him. He is not remotely interested in geckos. As in, we all live in the same space. Large, small, he is happy with any animal. lizard, bird (ok he was interested in the chickens at one point), but largely lives up to his name as a shepherd dog. There is only one animal that sends his ears, eyes and nose on alert. Oh, and the one that rhymes with it – rat. I think he thinks rats are small cats. Anyway, they need chasing, and er, killing.

      Onto photos. Thank you. Have you taken/posted your marina pix yet? Have I missed them or have you been too busy with other posts?


      • I’ve tried to comment and send this 4 times.( How annoying)
        Did you see that “Rat Crossing” sign those people made for their neighborhood? It was funny – then they showed night vision pixs of this army of huge rats swarming at night. Pippa’s right – don’t let them get big…rats…that’s what I meant, RC, really….
        No you haven’t missed the pix – I’m still inside. We are under extreme heat/humidity advisory ( dew point 103 last night) with mosquitoes – bad outbreak of both St Louis and West Nile. It’s the people dying – and me being a mosquito magnet. But a coolish front is one the way – and that should clear out the haze.
        Now I will try to see if this send will work….


        • Never mind the sends, I don’t get notification of blogs I follow, or comments made half the time. I think WP must be inside hiding from mozzies too.

          I didn’t see the rat thing no. I have seen one rat being swung happily by its tail from Pippa’s mouth (!) and another large one snarling in a rat-trap so er then we had to decide what to do with it. Don’t ask.

          Paws crossed for cooler weather. We are fluctuating right now, well our weather is, but temps are dropping.


  12. Did seem like you had lost Gib for a while there!
    I will not rest till I chase lizards out, even though the cute babies do make me feel guilty. I am sure they creep right back in…..R says they are now adept at staying out of sight when I am around :-)


    • Aw they do no harm and they eat the not so pretty creatures. Just so long as they still, you may not notice them.

      We do worry about Gib disappearing when we come down the coast and it seems to be lost! We haven’t been within a few yards of it before and still not seen it though.


  13. No geckos here (nor cockroaches, thank goodness) but plenty of spiders – more than I prefer to have in my vicinity :-) I enjoyed this glimpse into your life in Gibraltar, Rough Seas, though I’m sorry to hear about your partner’s current lack of a job. Hope that situation changes soon.

    I’m another who hasn’t been to the cinema for longer than I can remember….


    • I’m cool about most insects but cockies and me don’t mix too well.

      always used to acquire houses in the UK that seemed full of earwigs :(

      or were they wood lice? or maybe flying ants? we all have our own annoying insects.

      we hadn’t been to the cinema since leaving the UK (ie more than ten years ago) so the first film we saw – contraband – was a great change. And who can argue with a cheap empty cinema? Not me :)


  14. Just loved this post. The best movie review I have ever read. In fact I have never read a movie review before that was allegedly shorter than the official ones, yet still managed to include geckos, a tour of Gibraltar, commentary on Spain, the pro’s and con’s of certain creepy-crawlies, some beach views and more.
    Just had a moment in between repairs/reno’s, but hope to be back again soon. Thanks again! Looking forward to seeing the movie some day, too. :)


    • Haha! Thank you. But you forgot the exploding rucksack – worthy of inclusion in the film I think, the disappearing Rock of Gib, hanging out about above the trees.. oh wait, that would all be covered under ‘and more? ;)

      Do hope you get sorted soon, only for selfish reasons of course, missing your posts :D Film was a good two hours entertainment. Nowt on this weekend that we fancy so gotta wait another week to see what comes up.


  15. Adorable gecho pics. I never use pesticides in or outdoors. Just flea and tick stuff on the dogs and cats. I want to keep as much of the native minkies/insects/butterflies around as possible.

    Terrific shots of the rock and the sea.


    • I have never used pesticides in my life. Nasty Agent Orange stuff. I don’t like using the dog flea and tick ingredients but after Pippa had tick disease a few years ago, I’ve bitten the bullet on that one. I’d like to use natural ingredients, well semi, ie essential oils, but the poor dog was suddenly so sick with canine erlichiosis that I have bought drops/collars ever since. I do try and give him a few months off though.

      I’ve tried to attract other insects with my companion planting this year and have seen hoverflies due to the tagetes. I do get a few butterflies and far too many bees and wasps.

      Thank you, it’s all about the light I guess.


      • Right- the light. :-) I have some tagetes that has the best aroma.I have been told that this one is a sub for French tarragon but then I don’t know and I don’t cook French anyway. Just plain and simple from scratch. I like the very aromatic odor of this particular tagetes though.

        I too have some strange looking large bees and wasps. Today I saw a large bumble bee type that I had not seen before. Very odd looking. it nectared on about three various nectar sources.


        • I haven’t used tarragon for ages. tagetes smell more like nicotine to me (not one of my fave smells at all), I do cook French though. I swap the meat/chicken/whatever recipes for vegetarian ones and get great sauce/gravy.

          Think it was a huge bee that stung me a few years ago. Was wearing my wedding ring, no idea why as I don’t usually, and it got me above the ring. Wasn’t sure whether the ring or the finger would be chopped off first. Finally eased it off with soap.

          And cooking sweet potatoes? I had an army of wasps trying to invade the kitchen. I don’t think I have cooked them since.

          Must move my idle self as got to buy my man a bread roll, take it up to him at his workplace.

          Hope you and your animals are well. Get some sleep though, we all need it.


          • The Mexican Mint Marigold (Tagetes lucid) is what people grow in Texas as a sub for tarragon. I grow it because it is a native of Mexico, is hardy, and smells like anise, which I love. For some reason I have none this year or rather I did and the weed eating guy moxed it off at ground level. It freezes back and returns in the spring.

            The Copper Canyon daisy (Tagetes lemmonii) is native to Sonoran desert of Arizona and northern Mexico. It is not a sub for tarragon but the leaves are very aromatic and it grows to be a mediim size shrub with delicate and airy type leaves.Mine has not bloomed yet. Maybe I planted too late. It returns in spring also but mine had died out for it was not in a good place at all.

            I can not imagine wasps being attracted to sweet potatoes which I cook most of the year except summer when they are not at their best. I am allergic to Irish potatoes or what ever you want to call them.

            Getting stung by a wasp is the pits and it hurts in a malicious way. Knock on wood I’ve not had any wasp encounters in years since I hardly work in the garden as I did when feeling healthy. Fire ants have gotten me though and when I am stung I feel chilled and then dizzy so I try to be aware of those devils.

            Thanks for the comments, Ms. Gib.


          • Anise is another story. Only learned about it in Spain. My chamomile tea is with anise and I put grapes with anise. It’s the local firewater, or aguadente.

            I have saved a load of seeds from my tagetes so hopefully will have lots of flowers next year. I gave some to my neighbour as well, he said he’d sown some this year from his other neighbour but they hadn’t grown, so we’ll see what happens next year.

            I don’t really like sweet potatoes, batajas. I only use them when I get them given to me. It was a great recipe but it felt like a horror film with all the wasps buzzing around the door trying to get in.

            I try and garden when the ants aren’t around. Difficult, but they are smallish not your nasty ones. Still leave a nasty bite though. Spain is built on ants as someone once said to me.


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