Saturday, what sorta day?

Wake up, half asleep after yesterday evening’s walk.

Partner fired up with enthusiasm to go and hide a geocache of our own. Groan.

Dishes to wash, floor to mop, furniture to dust, lunch to cook, board papers to write and we spend an hour and a half wandering around the block – that is normally a 15 minute walk – looking for a place to hide a cache. I think we’ll back off the caching for a while.

But we found these adorable mastiffs very tough guard dogs.

I'm happy for a photo. I'm not.
I’m happy for a photo.
I’m not.
Hello friend :)
Hello friend :)

Far more interesting than looking for holes in the wall to hide silly geocaches.

I am of course, always instructed not to touch strange dogs. Er whose hand is in the photos below? Not mine. I did stroke them of course and did little scratchies. Beautiful dogs with such a friendly temperament.

Hey, get out of the way, that hand is for me to sniff and lick
Hey, get out of the way, that hand is for me to sniff and lick
But where are you going? :(
But where are you going? :(

Back up to the flat, and the local re-enactment society was just finishing outside the Governor’s house. Off I skipped for a couple of pix.

‘COMPANY DISMISSED!’ as soon as I got there, and they all flopped about. Oh well.

At ease
At ease
Pipe band outside the guardhouse
Pipe band outside the guardhouse

The orthodox Jews had obviously been dismissed from schul too.

Going home
Going home

And on our evening dog walk, we heard some barking, so we stopped where we were to let another small dog go past. Pippa likes all dogs and people unless they are aggressive. Otherwise he does tail wags and sniffy sniffies.

‘Fucking wolf over there,’ shouted one of the party.

‘Oyé,’ said Partner, which is what gibbos say for oiga ie listen. Pronounced oijay.

‘There’s no need for that.’ That was pretty moderate for Partner.

It was a dog we didn’t know, so we stood waiting up the street so that they could continue and we get insulted?

What is wrong with wolves anyway, might I ask? Damn sight more civilised than people.

But do you really need to shout insults at people (and their dog) who you have never seen in your life before for no good reason? Who are respectfully waiting for you to go past in case your small dog is aggressive (some small dogs are).

And yet the other night we met a different small dog (16 years old). Sadly for Pippa, she wasn’t interested in a new boyfriend (even a toyboy at a mere 12 or so).

The dog’s person correctly identified Pippa as GSD/husky cross, and said what a lovely dog we had. What a contrast.

Wolfdog. Just snoozing in the sun and happy with life
Wolfdog. Just snoozing in the sun and happy with life

ETA Should have said, I wrote this post with Yvonne in mind. Thanks Y for your encouragement.

37 comments on “Saturday, what sorta day?

  1. Aw, Pippa. Never you mind. It good to see you again. You are a wonderful dog and anyone who says otherwise is simply badly mistaken. Sending you some scratches behind the ear!


  2. I think my response would have been to shout back: Yes, its a big bad wolf, and let Pippa off the leash. Either they get a big lick (which makes them look stupid), a nasty bite (well deserved) or a look of studied indifference (inbred superiority). Any qualms about the consequences of a bite attack should be dismissed on the grounds of extreme provocation / self-defence.

    We have a Pipe Band in HK too. A legacy of the colonial past. Still popular though.


    • ‘A big bad wolf who ate five babies last week and three cuddly grannies, plus countless cats?’

      Sadly knowing Pippa he would have a) dashed straight past them looking for cats b) looked for any people or dogs that he knew c) jumped on their dog if she was a bitch and tried to shag her. That would have been the most we could have hoped for. And given my view about unwanted/rescue dogs, I can’t really recommend that option.

      Our pipe band is sea cadets. The band and the re-enactors parade every Saturday, which is quite fun because they meet up just at the top of our street, and start off just from the bottom on Main Street.


    • Highly unlikely. The other evening a couple of women we didn’t know dashed up to him and gave him big hugs. He just stands there smiling. An American we met here in Gib told us they specifically bred cross husky/GSDs in his part of the US (think it was Pennsylvania) for their lovely temperament and appearance.


        • Calm is definitely the word – unless there is a cat around or breakfast/toast in the offing. He is differently intelligent to our pure GSD who we had before. I do like huskies, so it was good for a cross breed to find us some years ago. He seems happy enough.


    • Honestly, I was just amazed. Who on earth yells out insults at people/dogs like that? It’s like me yelling ‘fucking chav with a dork hat, stupid sunglasses, and a pink shirt.’ The only difference is that my description would have been accurate.


  3. We went geocaching with friends last year who are heavily into hiding tiny bits of paper in the most unlikely places. They have a dog (sadly, we don’t), and grandchildren (ditto, but I live in hope) which are good combinations for this activity – I can see how it becomes addictive.


    • We like doing it in Gib because we don’t have to drive. I’m not into driving miles just to rack up my number of ‘finds’. So Gib caches are great. We don’t take the dog because a) he is too old and can’t walk far – brings on arthritis b) it can get too hot and c) it means only one of us can look if the other has the dog – and we need two sets of eyes and brains!

      We did go out this morning after I had solved a puzzle cache – you don’t get the co-ords you have to solve a cryptic puzzle first. Nightmare. I might write it up later as it was interesting. So you don’t just get physical exercise, there’s some mental exercise too! I could have been doing something better, but there you go. It is Sunday.


  4. Roughy I really enjoyed this post a lot. The photos are all very good and I gained a bit of knowledge of the culture there. Interesting. Please post more such as this one today.

    You have taken extremely good care of Pippa. Sixteen is quite an age for a GSD but the mixed breed affect I still believe adds to longevity in many dogs. The husky/GSD cross produces excellent dogs with very good temperament. “You done good” when Pippa found you or is it the other way around?

    Back to the rude A– hat. I loathe people who show their a– in public. And I really despise people that make rude comments about a dog. I hope his dog bites him on the a—. between the legs!


    • Thanks Y. I should have said I wrote it with you in mind. Sorry, I’ll go back and add a link. I also wasn’t clear about the ages, the little dog he liked was 16, but he is only around 12, I’ll change that too. I do try and vary my posts, depends what strikes me at the time.

      Interesting you know about the husky/GSD mix. Not something I had ever heard of, but we did have a (rescue) GSD for not sure how many years (8 or 9), maybe 12 ish when he died? Pippa found us without a doubt. There are stories about him finding us, on his blog.

      There was just no reason for the idiot’s comment. Pippa was interested in the other dog, as he always is, because he is sociable. But we didn’t know them so we waited up a different street for them to pass. He wasn’t even walking the dog, that was down to a woman. There were half a dozen of them in a group. Rude people. No need.

      We met another tiny dog today. Pippa wanted to be friends. The other dog, according to the owner was nasty. Sad Pippa when it started barking at him.


      • Pippa really is a sweet dog. I did not know that “he has a blog.” I’m wondering how I missed that or is that not a well known fact. So, how do I find Pippa’s blog?

        I’m using a milder form of a– h—- and I am trying to become more “genteel.” So yes, that particular group of people were way out of line. I called those kind of people crude. crass, and trashy.

        Don’t worry about a link. I’m not obsessed with my blog and if people find my blog and something of interest that is good and if not that is good as well. Truthfully, that never entered my mind when I suggested that you write a post about the incident.


        • It’s on ‘my other blogs’ page at the top, but here is the link anyway:

          I have been too busy with my blogs to keep up with his of late :(

          Poor neglected dog. Well, his blog, not him.

          When I was on blogger, it was all very active, and it has dropped off since I moved to WP whereas mine is much busier. Plus I have to log in as him :D

          It must be your upbringing, I understand you Texans are very polite. I have no interest in being genteel. I am afraid we call a spade a shovel where I come from. However, while I wouldn’t normally have written something like that on this blog, because I try and keep it relatively polite, I wanted to convey the shock, and repeating the language was the only way to do it.

          And yes to your description of CC&T.

          I’ve already done the link. And as you inspired me to write the post, I think it is reasonable for me to acknowledge that. Of course I didn’t think that was why you suggested it, but as some people on here are interested in animals and rescued/rehomed ones, perhaps they may look at your blog. Who knows?

          Hope that computer is working better …..


          • Too cute. You have neglected poor Mr.Pippa’s blog. It needs to be on WP. I could not comment over there. Didn’t have time to set up an account because the “thang” wanted email name and a password.

            Yes, you have many things on your plate. Apparently you are organized and a rapid typist.

            I’ll return to read more. Great sense of humor.


          • It is on WordPress now, I moved it after I moved mine. Don’t know why it wanted your info, unless you weren’t logged into your account? There’s no comment moderation, unless I set it to first comment mod. I’ll check that out.

            Thanks for looking and glad you enjoyed your visit to his blog. As one dogblogging friend said (and she’d been dogblogging longer than me), there comes a point at which you can only say – your dog goes for a walk, this is what he eats, this is what he likes to do – so many times. I was a bit more creative with it in the past too, and that was partly a result of the community at the time. When so many of those dogs have died (all of whom I shed a tear or more over), sometimes it’s easier to stand back from that kind of involvement.

            I need to tidy it up a bit though.

            Organised me? In a disorganised sort of way. I do type pretty quickly. No faster than any decent journalist or secretary though but comes of working in a newspaper office on olde-fashioned tripewriters. And when I left university and inherited my great-uncle’s old tripewriter (also a journalist), I taught myself to touch-type which was a very smart move so I was up and running when I got my first journo job. Writing a blog post takes no time. It’s the thinking, researching, adding links, and adding the photos, which may or may not have been slightly fiddled with although often cropped in a separate programme. All the dog ones were left as they were, but I did crop the other three, saturated the two colour ones and turned the Jewish one to B&W. I should have made this a blog post … :D


  5. The idiots shouting ‘fucking wolf’ to Pippa sound just like the showy loud mouthed chavs that wander around our town!
    Such beautiful faces on those mastiffs, where they in a compound on someone’s land?
    Pippa looks extremely relaxed lying by his gate :-)


    • That is exactly the correct description. Stupid ignorant moronic git.

      It’s an industrial depot sort of place :( so there was no-one there when we went. They had plenty of food and water and decent shelter but obviously lack company at the weekend. :( Meant to go see them today but got distracted walking in the other direction.

      Pippa is (almost) always relaxed. Just thought a photo of a fucking wolf would be helpful.


  6. Your description of this one day is a delight, from the glance at all that needed to done around the house, to the detailed stops along your way. Thanks for taking us along for a day in your life!


    • Thank you Marilyn. It was one of those odd sort of days that didn’t go as planned! Still, neither did today. I do have a few dog people read my blogs, so I thought they might be entertained – and the puppies were just so cute.


  7. A lovely read and, very well complimented by pictures- or, maybe the other way round. Ahh.. I am not sure :) Either way, it was pleasant experience. I wish I had pets myself…

    You have a beautiful blog. Keep it up.


    • Thank you Tatsat. I think you are right, the pictures really wrote the blog. A few random photos – and – there is a post.

      All our dogs have been rescue dogs, so as much as anything else, we have tried to give unwanted animals a home.

      Thank you. I’ve been blogging for six years, although only around 18 months on WordPress, so I guess I’m not going anywhere in a hurry.


      • That is quite a journey, I must admit.
        Really heartening to know about your endeavour vis-a-vis dogs. Not many I know would even give it a serious thought,sadly.

        Would be coming around more often :)


        • Every day of life is a journey. Some short, some long.

          Here on the internet, I do have friends who rescue/rehome animals, so all is not gloom.

          I’ll be over to yours, maybe in the morning now though.


  8. Despite the domestic duties still waiting, the geocaching walk sounded a far better option. I like Bull Mastiffs. We have one near us, Axel, and his owner is Richard – both lovely, and friendly like your two. My dog Bo, also had a Mastiff friend who would visit to play and hang out as his humans were rarely home. Eventually he took himself off to new humans. They are social dogs – I guess most dogs are.
    Pippa is good to like small dogs, I’m not so fussed, it depends on the dog & the owner, would probably say the git who called Pippa a wolf has small dog syndrome… and no manners… some people truly have no social skills.
    A colourful day in so many ways. I enjoyed the glimpse into it :)


    • Some of the duties got done today, but sadly another GC walk was undertaken at lunchtime :D

      The BMs were adorable. Could have taken them both home as new girlfriends for Pippa.

      They were puppies, OK, they weren’t small, but they did puppy run and enthusiasm and wanting attention. Shame they were left alone over the weekend :(

      Pippa is so friendly, and he looks so puzzled when other dogs decide to bark or growl at him. ‘Hello, I am friendly Pippa.’

      Small dog syndrome is spot on. I suspect one of my other commenters would echo that remark.

      Weekends in Gib are odd. Quiet but always something happening. Thought it would make for a different insight.


  9. You do have the most interesting events – even on an ordinary day. Pictures! Pippa is handsome, of course.
    Wolf mixes are popular here. Much to the wolf purists who worry about the wolf gene pool – and wolf rescue groups who say too many people, who have no business owning any dog, are getting these strong willed mixes.
    Little dogs and their owners are a problem here – there are leash laws but one says “my dog is so old”, another says” he won’t walk on a leash – he just sits down”…people always glare at the big dogs when those are generally calm and well mannered. Tired of getting charged by little fur blobs with barred teeth and having them circle and nip while owners laugh.
    Molly is just enchanted with Pippa’s reclining pose


    • I love weekends here because they are so quiet. On Saturday there are few cross-border workers, offices and banks are closed, many shops are closed because the owners are Jewish, so it is a good time to be out and about unlike busy weekdays.

      I can see the concern about people owning a wolf mix dog if they don’t know what to expect. But on the other hand is that any different to owning a GSD or a husky for example, both of which have very distinctive and different temperaments.

      In fact all our dogs have had strong personalities – Ben the Lab, I WILL go to find the nearest water for swimming or paddling, Paddy cross setter (so hunting type dog) I WILL chase the birds, Prince the GSD, I WILL do exactly what you say and then do what I want, and Pippa husky/GSD, I am so nice and love everyone but excuse me I MUST just go and chase that cat.

      I can’t think of any big dogs we know who aren’t good with people, although a couple aren’t very socialised. Certainly there are for more aggressive smaller dogs. Isn’t that the way of life though? Poor Pippa always looks so surprised when small dogs start growling and being nasty.

      Pippa thanks Molly and blushes slightly. Most of his poses are reclined :D


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