Gib misinformation…

‘Mustafa’s dead,’ said Chair. No idea how his name is spelt, but it sounds like chair, so chair it is.

Partner had bumped into him down Main Street, as you do.

He came back from Morocco, was rushed into hospital in Spain, and died there after not very long at all.

Later Partner bumped into someone else from the previous firm. ‘Mustafa’s dead. He died in hospital in Gib.’

‘No he didn’t, it was in Spain,’ contradicted Partner confidently. Chair rents a flat underneath the deceased Mustafa so Partner was pretty sure about the authenticity of his information.

Mustafa was a painter (sort of) on the firm, pretty scruffy, smoked dope, had a finca a hundred kilometres or so outside Rabat (Morocco) and had a few girlfriends in Gib, as well as a wife and family in Morocco.

He’s worked all his life in Gib, and at 62, was planning to retire in three years and spend his retirement at home in Morocco.

Partner told the Moroccan who cleans cars in the car park. He knew Mustafa but hadn’t heard he’d died. He obviously doubted Partner, being a white non-Muslim Brit, as a source of information because a day or so later, he acknowledged that his information was correct. ‘He had his fecha de caducidad aquí,’ he said pointing to his forehead, referring to Mustafa’s time to go, literally sell-by date, or date of expiry.

One of the residents of a block Partner had worked on mentioned it to him. ‘Yes,’ said Partner, and rattled off his info. ‘You’re a good source of information,’ said the old boy. Partner shrugged. He gets on with Moroccans and Spaniards just as he does Brits and Gibbos. And there’s no language barrier because his Spanish is good enough for conversation. So it means he has a lot of networks.

‘You know what Gib’s like, you don’t always get it right, there’s always misinformation,’ and Partner quoted the two different stories about Mustafa’s place of death, adding that he figured the Moroccan who lived underneath Mustafa was more likely to be right than a Gibraltarian who lived 15 or 20 minutes away.

‘Yes,’ agreed the old boy. ‘There are always false stories doing the rounds.’

Photos of the cable car above the car park as it’s more interesting than cars parked.


Bumping into Big Al the other day, who’s retired and on a pension but looking for joinery work, Al mentioned there were loads of jobs at the job centre.

‘Go and see an employment officer, they’ve got a big book with lots of construction work in it,’ he said.

So Partner went to the Job Centre. No queue. Only one employment officer when there had been up to four previously and huge queues. No jobs on the board apart from gaming, previously there was a room full, then they blocked off half the room, then they closed the room and put the few token jobs in the main area.

The employment officer recognised Partner immediately. No jobs, he said.

‘What about the big book you have?’ asked Partner puzzled.

‘Nothing,’ EO said, ‘apart from two joinery jobs at £6.50 an hour.’

‘That’s below the official trade rate,’ said Partner.

‘What can we do?’ said EO. ‘We get Eastern Europeans coming in every day with contracts to be confirmed. If we were notified of all these jobs, we would have a bookful. It’s a question of knocking on doors.’

‘I thought this government was trying to support Gibraltarians,’ said Partner.

It used to be Spaniards, then Portuguese, now Eastern Europeans are here in droves. After all, they speak good English so Gib is an easy sunny option for them, and they share a cheap flat in Spain until they have amassed enough money to do whatever they want to do. Go on a world trip, pay off their house in Estonia, pay their university fees. Economic migrancy is an interesting phenomenon that has been totally changed by the open borders across Europe. Should Morocco ever join the EU… If you think the perilous trips made across the Med to Spain and Italy are bad, imagine what it will be like if the right to live and work in Europe becomes legal.

Meanwhile, our late sixties/early 70s neighbour was telling us about his browsing on Facebook. What is he doing on there? I wondered. Anyway he told us about some Muslim who flies back and forth to Luton airport and has a banner/sign/placard urging everyone to convert to Islam. And he has police protection. WTF? I haven’t checked out the veracity of this tale. If it’s true it would only depress me.

Would I get police protection if I settled outside Luton airport exhorting everyone to abandon their religion? Or maybe ‘Repent all ye sinners! Abandon your pernicious habits of killing animals to eat their flesh when there are perfectly good crops kicking around!’ (Assuming you can find any free from GM and pesticides).


And at the supermarket yesterday (no, I wasn’t there skipping gaily around on my crutches) the woman behind Partner commented on his healthy basket. Apart from the tins of San Miguel. ‘Everything’s fresh,’ she said in surprise. The trucks had come down from the UK to Morrisons so he’d bought organic tomatoes, cucumber, celery, red peppers, courgettes, and non-organic peas and broad beans.

It says a lot about our society that a shopping basket full of fresh food elicits comments whereas a trolley piled high with junk food is the norm.

The man in front didn’t have enough money for his shopping. He had to start putting back food, to get it down from £65 to £55. Back went two packs of bacon, two packs of cheddar cheese, and the pack of dog biscuits. ‘No!’ said Partner and the check-out woman together. ‘Don’t do that, don’t leave your dog without food, I’ll pay.’ But the man said he had some left at home anyway. Who knows?

Of course if he’d had a similar basket to Partner it wouldn’t have come to anywhere near £55 or £65. Although it’s not why we eat vegetarian, it’s still one hell of a lot cheaper than buying flesh, fowl, and fish.

Pinto beans in a red casserole
Pinto beans in a red casserole

Lance’s Travels – UK, by Lance Leuven (book review)

But onto Lance’s Travels which are humorous and informative. Approaching his 30th birthday, Lance Leuven decided to give up his job, buy a caravan and car and travel round the UK, as you do. I can empathise with that having chucked my job just after 40 and clearing off to Europe.

It must have taken him a hell of a long time to research his trip because there is a wealth of information in his book. The emphasis is on history, the natural environment, and local culture. It’s probably the sort of trip I would have made, so reading it was a pleasure. What it isn’t, is Tony Hawks traipsing round Ireland with a fridge.

Not only does Lance discuss history and natural history, he writes about people too – Churchill, Darwin, Emmeline Pankhurst. Interestingly, Pankhurst’s parents were keen supporters of suffrage, but thought Emmeline’s future would best be served as a homemaker. As she lay in bed one night, she heard her father saying, ‘What a pity she wasn’t born a lad’. Says it all. Other interesting characters include John Snow, Dickens, Alexander Fleming, Alan Turing, Isaac Newton, Robert Owen, Robert Burns, James Watt, and Shakespeare among others.

While I knew much of the history, there were items I didn’t know or had forgotten. The first computer being invented at Bletchley for example, but not revealed for years because of the information black-out.

I learned that Sydney Harbour Bridge isn’t based on the earlier completed Tyne bridge in Newcastle, both are based on Hell Gate Bridge in New York.

There were loads of other interesting facts and statistics that Lance had unearthed to get the most out of his trip.

It’s the sort of book to read with your feet up, enjoying a vicarious journey up the east coast, to York, over the North Yorkshire Moors, up to Northumberland and Bamburgh beach, on and up through Scotland with a trip to the Orkneys and the fabulous Skara Brae, back down the west coast, a trip over to Northern Ireland and Giant’s Causeway, back to GB and the Lakes, the Peak District, Wales… you get the idea. Southern destinations included Cornwall, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Stonehenge, Avebury, the New Forest, those counties in the bottom right hand, and of course, London.

It has a nice tidy ending in which he summarises his thoughts about his trip, and adds the practical side, such as needing to sell his car and caravan as he was tight for money.

Included in the book are a couple of photos at the end of each chapter. Cost prevented him uploading more, but they do provide a tasty treat. More photos are on his blog.

And in between the descriptions of the buildings, history, people, national parks and regional food, Lance manages to include his caravan mishaps, his run-in with the police as a suspicious character, and a predilection for getting lost when walking to and from camp sites. Add to that, an interesting social commentary and a dry sense of humour and it makes for a good read if this is your type of book. For anyone planning a long or short trip around the UK it would make for a travel guide to start your itinerary. It also reminds me that I really need to set aside time to write up my travels.

There are typos, not enough to detract heavily, but it’s always a shame when a decent book has more than the odd one or two. One thing I would have found helpful in a book like this would have been chapter titles rather than Chapter One, Two, Three etc. So a sense of days and destinations at the beginning of each chapter, eg Days 10-15 – York to the Scottish Border, would have given an indication of what the chapter held in store and given a feel for timescale. Plus, in the contents listing it would have served to give a full itinerary at a glance.

Thanks to Lance for a free copy of his book for an independent review.

Lance’s blog: Lance’s Travels – links to his photos and book available on there.

And apols to Sonel for no monkey pix. You will have to make do with my boys. So here they are, captions on each photo. Some from Spain where the major event was hacking up concrete, cycling around three towns to find the correct hose, and finally fixing it. A three-day event no less.

39 comments on “Gib misinformation…

  1. haha, you want misinformation – come live here. I’ll rather not say anything else. We have lots of folks here that want to sound clever but in the end they show everyone what doofuses they can be. The only one I believe around here is my hubby and my own eyes of course. LOL!

    Oh, that pinto beans in red casserole looks soooooooo delish! I’ll be there in a minute! hahahah! (I wish!)

    You can post photo’s of your two cuties every day and at any time. I LOVE seeing them. Monkeys are so overrated then. LOL! Next time I need to get plumbing done that professionally, I will be sure to call them. It’s not so hot here. At least not today. Cute butt! :D


    • I’m just taking about gossip misinformation, not political, although gibpolitiks are another matter. I don’t think I believe anyone :D I have to interrogate Partner to get the correct stories as they often have holes in them :D

      You can see why I don’t write a cookery blog with immaculately presented spotless dishes! I can’t be bothered to wipe off the dishes for a pic, it’s a bean stew with lots of fresh beg and that’s it. Taste good though :) plenty of red chilli in too.

      As I’m failing Pippa with his blog, I figured I’d better put a few pix on here. Just to remind people they are both well and happy. Partner worked for a plumbing firm at one point, so he’s pretty good at basic repairs. And that made more sense than hacking up loads and loads of cement and outside tiles and replacing the whole pipe. He’s a good looking bloke for 86. Seen far worse at less than half his age.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t care much for politics. Guess it’s mostly because I don’t understand most of it. All I can see is that they’re all in it for the money and power part. LOL!

        I think it was a great pic of what you cooked and it really looked so tasty! I love chilli but can’t eat it because of my IBS, but it doesn’t stop me from looking at lovely pics like yours and drooling. hahahaha

        I am sure Pippa is not going to sue you for that. hahahahah. They are both so adorable but that’s life. It gets away from us and we can’t get to everything. So don’t worry about it.

        It’s great to have men around the house that can do the basic repairs and I agree with you. He sure is. :D


  2. Recently in Ireland I noticed the huge number of Polish people working there on a temporary basis. The hotels, restaurants, shops and buses all seemed to be staffed by people not of Irish decent. The taxi drivers assured me they were mostly temporary workers; no intention of staying.
    That, in turn, reminded me of the situation back here in NL. While those from here commute 4000 km every few weeks for high paying Oil and Gas jobs (typically $160,000/a to $220,000/a), the vacuum left behind here is often filled by temporary skilled workers from the Philippines. And so it goes.
    Once–half a century ago–the workers would settle and, thus, change the local demographic. These days with cheap and easy transportation it’s all about commuting.
    The real issue is what it is doing to those trying to earn a living wage, isn’t it? Perhaps I’m just seeing what I want to see but it does appear that if you wish to live in one place you must resign yourself to commuting to work a place with a higher standard of living. If it’s true then we have certainly built an unpleasant and unsustainable economic system.


    • I think settling is acceptable. Floating into a richer economy, taking as much out of the system as possible, and then taking everything back ‘home’ to be rich there worries me.

      What hope for the person who wants to live and work in their local environment? No hope. What hope for a house, a secure future for family, for old age?

      I think it is highly unsustainable. A reasonable economy gets hit by a wave of migrants who undercut the rate, prob work on the black so don’t contribute to any welfare system, put locals out of work, and then piss off back home. Yeh, great idea. If that’s racism, so be it, but I see it happening. Daily.


  3. I was seriously hoping that Mustafa had suddenly rocked up to say the reports of his death had been exaggerated.
    Economic migration isn’t quite as wacky as some current racist migration, where you leave your home country because everyone else has and you don’t like living with imported foreigners.
    Lance seems to provide a good read.


    • Wd have been nice if he had. He was a funny bloke, but he was always polite to me when I saw him, and suddenly at less than ten years older than me, 62 seems rather young to keel over and die.

      Had I not left my home country years ago, I probably would now as it does indeed seem to be over-run.

      It’s an interesting take on the wealth of history in the UK and the environment, if you like that sort of book. It’s nice to travel abroad but he shows theres plenty to see of interest at home.


  4. The food issue merits special attention. The vast majority of food shows on UK television today are AMERICAN- of all things. That’s all people need, to adopt one of the worse diets in the world.
    The most popular is called Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and it’s outright disgusting food presented by a disgusting looking man with bleached hair who likes to emphasize the Italian pronunciation of his surname (Fieri) despite the fact that he has the face of a fat pilgrim woman- and has no understanding whatsoever of Mediterranean food culture.
    It’s no wonder diabetes and other diseases are sky-rocketing. Even around here where we’re allegedly educated I watch people’s food choices in utter shock. Large amounts of butter, double cream, animal fat- All Used Regularly. Absolutely clueless.


    • I didn’t know that. I used to watch telecinco’s Karlos Argui whatsisname and the Canalsur cookery prog. They were on at conflicting times so I had to find out what each was doing and then make a choice. You’d often see Karlos wandering into his huge veg garden in el norte to pick fresh veg. Both progs regularly made simple cheap fresh meals. No fancy ingredients.

      Don’t see double cream where I live in Spain. People rarely buy butter. We rarely buy it. People do buy far too much leche Pascual (sung in that ghastly sing song from the TV ad) and sweetened yoghurt though – interesting how the dairy industry has made inroads into rural Andalucía. Our old neighbours are the epitome of people living the classical Med diet. Fresh veg and fruit – local seasonal produce, pulses, the odd bit of that popular ugly (cheap) fish in a casserole, chicken in puchero, tortilla and salad, ensalada rusa (with home-made mayonnaise not bought), she doesn’t eat meat, he might have the occasional piece of jamón, chorizo or filete. They used to grill sardines outside, one large one each. In the UK people would have eaten two or three each. Years of poverty, or at least no affluence leads to living a cheap yet healthier diet. But the next generations don’t eat so well, I was round at the daughter’s one evening and they were having sausage and chips for tea. We live on bean slop and salads in Spain plus the occasional veg paella. Suits us.


  5. Still no skipping around, eh? Oh, there’s time before the cold and rain set in.
    All food has really gotten more expensive here – even with the mild weather and local rain. By now fresh corn should be 10 for a dollar, but it’s only 6 ears for that today. Grilling then freezing some Hatch chili peppers to use in cooking this winter (88 cents a pound). Really miss my dad’s giant garden (and field peas to shell and freeze)
    Your life there sounds like a small town with all the personalities and gossip – something I miss around here now. The neighborhood has changed occupants and the newer ones are far too busy working trying to survive or keep up with their kids to have much time to interact with each other. Miss the block parties we used to have. Somehow we all managed to have time, but AC keeps everyone inside along with big screen TVs and computer/games most of the time now.
    Sounds like there is economic migration everywhere now.
    For years locally we’ve had undocumented workers from Central and South America and Mexico who work off the books, live in big groups in crowded apartments/homes, and send the majority of their money back home. Most plan to eventually return home – no investment in/attachment to this country.
    The unions here are losing membership and want to add these newly arrived workers to their groups. They are encouraging people to run in over the border – but they are ignoring that these workers are quite willing to work below minimum wage and be paid in cash under the table. (so pay no income tax or state taxes even though they do use many local/state/federal services – who cannot ask about legal status) As a result the jobs (construction, trades, landscaping, food prep and cleaning/maid service) are going to them and wages are being pushed downwards – don’t the unions see what is happening?
    As you say, it is unsustainable. And a great worry as to how things will change to meet these challenges. Interesting that you are seeing something similar with different groups.
    Oh, it’s stopped raining – must run dog outside! (and bet you are glad I have to go.) Paw waves to charming bitey face and patient dog-who-is-really-in-charge.


    • Prices really fluctuate over here. When the corrida doesn’t offer enough to the growers they just leave their crops to rot, no idea how that affects pricing. Bizarre. José gave me a load of chillis last time, so I’ve got plenty :)
      Interesting the amount of AC units that went up in our part of the pueblo a few years ago. Not that we’ve got it. Old houses were sensibly built with small windows and shutters to keep out the sun.
      Your economic situation with cross border workers exactly mirrors ours. The only difference is that the illegal workers aren’t just Spanish nationals, in fact a lot of Spanish ones are legal, although rarely the cleaners, but the illegal ones are often Brits. Even the Eastern Europeans are getting legal contracts, but not at the going rate. The fact that they are temporary workers until they have amassed enough money to take out to a cheaper economy is the real problem.
      Bitey face says he will be getting on with the tunnel soon and hopes to see Molly in there shortly. Pippa sends a hot and furry pant. Rain. What’s that?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Keep telling husband there is no chance for work in Spain or Gib, so we’ll have to either save a bunch or sit here. He keeps thinking sailboat…but there’s pirates/drug runners and that shoulder of his…besides Molly would be trying to leap off to swim all the time.
        Architecture and construction of homes/buildings really changed here after AC. Before we all had lots of carefully placed windows on opposite sides of the house/schools for prevailing winds, big overhangs and strategically placed porches for shady afternoons – many had high ceilings to keep it cooler and we all had what was called attic fans that pulled air out of house into attic and out vents there ( now called whole house fans)…then that was all forgotten by many – there was a small group in the late 70-80 that proposed sensible building to meet area’s environmental needs (Flat roofs here are so foolish with the amount of rain we get…water seeps in the smallest places and then there’s mold) Some of the old smart building ideas are back – although the days of open windows is probably gone in metro areas due to people having more allergies now, air pollution, and increased crime. Humans seem to go in circles a lot.
        And now more thunder and downpours….Molly is bored and doesn’t understand why we can always have the German stay here. Although she is happy to dance in the rain, she’s getting where she doesn’t want to get her tummy wet – and the grass hasn’t been mowed due to rain…RC cat refuses to entertain any idea of an entertaining race around the house. So Molly is resigned to snoozing on the couch. She looks forward to Snowy’s tunneling in, but warns the water table is rather high right now.
        Now that school’s back in session, it may be time to
        load up and go to the mountains…or somewhere…feeling housebound.
        Paw waves and hope the recovery is going well


        • Could stay at the marinas here or even in the bay. Not sure about work, priority goes to EU citizens.

          Not into design at the expense of sense. Lots of flat rooves here too. We’ve never liked them, but we are first floor, so long way to drip down.

          No open windows? :( we’ve got rejas in Spain and mozzie nets in Gib (first floor = your second floor yes?) so keep that fresh air flowing through.

          Boys back into Giblife. Sofas, no barking, and polite walks around the block. Snowy will put the tunnel on hold but sends an excited jump.


          • This house has overhangs, dual paned opening windows (actually able to use them maybe next weekend if the front comes through..humidity and heat is bad now…and the mosquitos may carry you off outside right now). We used to follow building concepts of architect Roger Rashach who was into passive solar and environmentally friendly homes a very long time ago – his designs were very practical for TX climate.
            More rain this afternoon. Luckily The German had to visit unexpectedly for a few days – the two of them entertained each other. Molly is terribly sad right now without her partner in crime. Paw waves to polite doggies!


  6. If there is one redeeming feature about this neck of woods, it is the availability of fresh food. One is literally spoilt for choice.
    On misinformation, that we leave to the media houses


  7. I heard it wasn’t Mustafa but his cousin, and he died in Morocco. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

    Lance’s Travels sounds interesting; for me travel is inextricably linked to history, otherwise it’s pretty meaningless to just read about buildings and landscapes that have already been described to death. It’s a shame the links to Smashwords and Amazon on his blog don’t actually lead anywhere. To find it on you need to type in the full title: Lance’s Travels – UK unless you’re prepared to scroll through a couple of dozen other travel titles written by other people with ‘Lance’ in their names.


    • Ooops! Apologies for sending you on a bit of a goose chase. The links are fixed now. Schoolboy error on my part. Thanks for highlighting it.


  8. Isn’t it wonderful to live in a small town where everyone knows your business and you (could if you wanted) know theirs? I grew up in a place like that, which is why I now live in a faceless large city.

    As always, thanks for the puppy and food pics. The bean dish looks amazing, although it looks like cilantro in it (which I loathe). But minus the cilantro, if I put together pinto beans, tomatoes, onions and potatoes, would that be about right? Recipes, I need recipes, and you need another (food) blog — no need for clean dish pics because, really, who cooks and plates like that.


    • I loved faceless cities and anonymous hotels. Now I’ve learned to handle small towns and villages.

      Not cilantro. Loathed it in Thailand but do like it now, it was however, parsley. Chervil would work too. Plus mushrooms and peppers and a chilli or two. I did take some more pix this week for you, so I’ll post a recipe or two. Right, a food blog, when I’m not keeping up to the others? Roughseasroughfoodblog? :D

      No clean plates, pretty pix, just real cooking? Guaranteed to get me freshly pressed! I’ll add the pinto thingy in the next post or two, with options.


  9. RIP Mustafa. So sad that he died before he had time to enjoy his retirement. I suppose when you’re dead, you don’t really worry about people getting your place of death wrong. The story about the Muslim with police protection does sound a bit far fetched, but stranger things have happened. :? Your bean casserole looks very healthy, but I would have to add a bit of chicken to get it past hubby. :) I have started reading Lance’s Travels, but haven’t got past the first three chapters. I save it for when I’m on planes. Looks like your dogs keep you on your toes, well, not YOU at the moment. :(


    • I really felt sorry for him working away from home and family for most of his life, approaching retirement, and wham, the grim reaper struck. Yup, when you’re dead, it’s everyone else’s worry except yours. The good side of death, no more worries. It did occur to me before the op, hmm, no worries, peaceful way to go. Crap for my partner left behind of course :D

      Couldn’t find anything about the Muslim story and I am so not going back to FB.

      Chicken wouldn’t go so well. I would go with white beans and white meat and red/pinto/black beans and red meat. Red casserole after all. Stewing steak or mince? Maybe pork?

      I got distracted from Lance’s too (broken ankle yes? :D) but I decided to plunge in and read it at once and it was much more enjoyable that way.

      Toes? I have tip toes exercises. Amongst others. But still, I made it in the block unaided today and up the stairs, so I must be going somewhere, if only just for show. How’s the newsletters going? :D


  10. Everyone wants easy money so go to where the streets are paved with gold. I was surprised just how many foreign workers there were in Ireland.
    I’ll need to read that blog – thanks for the link. Round Ireland with a fridge was rubbish. Every travel book claims to be ‘better than Bryson’ but they never are!


    • Yes, everyone does want east money these days. *Insert rant about how hard I worked etc* I don’t dispute that Eastern Europeans for example, aren’t hard working, and often skilled and multi-lingual. The issue is what the underlying damage is that their employment causes to local economies.

      I quite liked the fridge one as a light read. Stupid idea, I mean just stupid. But I was travelling at the time so it passed a few hours before sleep. Not sure I’m impressed with Bryson though.


  11. To be 100% honest, typically when I see this much writing on a blog post I pass it right by.
    But I stuck with it here and thoroughly enjoyed your report on life in your area of Gib.
    I’m not saying this to give myself a pat on the back or to blow smoke up your ass, it just that I’m more of a visual guy with everything so I don’t do a lot of reading.
    This post was more then interesting, thanks.


    • We are chalk and cheese. Hardly surprising, you’re the photographer and I’m the reporter.

      I look at a photo with no words or context, and think, so what? We’re all different. Partly my problem is, my visuals come from words. I read and visualise in my mind, I don’t need photos or pictures. You could, for example, describe Mr Gator on one of your posts (here’s a challenge) without a pic, and I would see him, crawling across the road, lurking in the water like a log, whatever.

      Yours is one of the few photo blogs I follow, the pix are good, and at least you add some text.

      You paint life with photos, I do it with words…


  12. Yet another Gib – Taylors Arm moment of synchronicity… although Gib sources seem far more reliable than TA. Recently the G.O. got a call from TA LHS neighbour reporting that the father of unpopular [with LHS neighbour] across the road neighbour had died suddenly. Problem was LHS neighbour not being a local was unaware [given the politics] of the history and friendship between that person and the G.O. The G.O. was more than a little sad. But a few days later a somewhat chagrined LHS neighbour called, blaming his unreliable source [a relative of his] and amended the news to the G.O.’s friend was in intensive care but hadn’t died. This both annoyed and cheered the G.O. But sadly a final call ensued, as the G.O.’s friend did die while in intensive care. Not the first time repeating the relative’s nefarious gossiping has had them in trouble… Better to say nothing at all.
    I’m fascinated with the contents of supermarket trolleys, and supermarkets depending on their location/demographic. Currently the large supermarket we sometimes patronise is new, built in the middle of dense apartment blocks. I have never encountered a more extensive freezer section in a supermarket, but it also unusually has a proper butcher counter which sells goat meat – that also I’ve never encountered. We go there mostly to stock up on household items and wine but I love checking out what people buy… seems mostly lots of stuff with packaging and ready made meals.
    We’re recently back from a week at TA where the G.O. does much of the food so your pinto beans in a red casserole looks divine to me, although we did intersperse the meaty offerings with seafood and I made lots of vege sides for myself.
    All your boys look well. Hope your ease of mobility is improving :)


    • Gossip is so strange. 90% of the time it can be true but the other ten per cent?… And when it comes to ill health and death, even worse when it’s wrong. You would think in small places it would be right but not so.

      On the subject of trolleys, I am a total perv on the rare occasion I am seen in the sm because I just can’t believe what people buy. We buy beer, household and organic veg. But trolleys piled high with prepared food and soooooo many sweet things leaves me open-mouthed. I could write a blog post about it. Maybe I should!

      The pinto bean one is good, helped by a couple of hot chillies :)

      Slowly slowly. Catchee Gib injured monkee. Better but not hugely better. Still on crutches. It’s step by step rather than leaps and bounds.


  13. Cheers for the very detailed review! Glad you enojed it. Interesting that you picked out the Emmeline quote. Her’s was an fascinating story (I still shudder slighty at the thought of those force-feedings).

    You make a very interesting point about the chapter names. You’re right; it might make more sense if they related to the story more. It’s perhaps something I could consider for the future.

    Thanks again for the review. It’s greatly appreciated. It’s always helpful to read other people’s perspective. :-)


    • Thanks Lance. Well, it was a detailed book, so… I did like some of the people anecdotes, really added value to the trip.

      Just read a book with chapter names as well as numbers. I quite like it. Nothing like yours, but it just added extra context. More work for an author, but, for yours I think it would have been worth the effort.

      Thank you for the review copy, you’re welcome.


  14. You should come back to Hull for a visit… lots of completely worthless misinformation here from probably the most Unreliable sources in the world. :D
    Now that Pinto Bean Casserole looks very inviting! YUMMY! (might even tempt gollum then again, he is pretty hopeless)
    Doggy pics!!! I love the bitey face one and the romping in the garden one. :D :D :D


    • Might have been better if I’d ever worked for the HDM. Or is that Hull Waily Male?

      I link pinto beans. Easier to get in Spain than red ones, so I just treat them the same. Chilli. Picante. Nope. I don’t think it would tempt Gollum at all :D

      Two very different dogs. But hopefully two very happy rescued dogs :)


    • Thanks for the visit and the comment. I think they do happen everywhere, but given that Gibraltar is so small and is basically sealed off by the frontier with Spain, you would imagine the Chinese Whispers to be less.


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