Squashed – a foody post

I read ecstatic reviews about squash and just think, meh.

Although I do like marrow and courgette.

Anyways, nextdoors gave us an impressive piece of the tedious veg so I had to decide what to do with it.

Partner rapidly came up with a part solution. ‘Give half to our Indian neighbour.’ Good one mate. Apart from anything else he is keeping us supplied with nice hot chillies pickled in oil. Can you pickle in oil? OK, preserved in oil.

So we did. So then what next? A quick flick through my Indian (what else?) cook book and I found the easiest recipe ever.


Fry fenugreek seeds in oil.
Add cayenne, coriander, asafoetida.
Add chopped squash, put lid on and cook for about ten mins.

It even tasted all right!

I don’t want it every day, but it serves to use up free veg. Works well with other veg too as I added caul the second time around.

And no, I don’t want to try delicious rich creamy butternut squash soup, thank you very much.


Still on the foody roll, here is a rubbish menu.

Learn to write the menu!


Chicken liver parfait? Hmm. Is that a pretentious word for pâté? Especially as parfait is normally a dessert.

Pan fried scallops and black puddings.

Puddings? How many of them? Not something I have ever wanted to eat, let alone lots of them.

Serve with peas puree. Served? Possibly?

And Salad. Is this a special salad that merits a Capital Letter?

Onto our main course

Chateaubriand served with roast potato. What, one roast potato? I don’t eat much, but I normally manage more than one roast potato.

Julienned vegetables? I would have said vegetables Julienne, but styles change. For the worse.

Duck confit serve mash potato … what sort of English is that?

Back when I were a lass, gloopy duck à l’orange was all the rage. My mum did a duckling bigarade that was much the same but it wasn’t some syrupy sugary slop. Duck confit sounds pretty grotty.

And Patatas a lo Pobre … what sort of Spanish is that?

Twenty-six quid

Can’t people in catering write English (French or Spanish) these days? I never saw this garbage when I was a kid.

Oh. And, I know. No vegetarian options.

Meaty casserole, tempeh, seitan, veg sausage

The MoT in Gib has gone up for commercial vehicles from £40 to £55. This government really is an absolute accident waiting to be kicked out. I hope. And I helped vote them in.

Chuck Berry.

A pervert and an arsehole.

119 comments on “Squashed – a foody post

  1. At least the Mothers’Day special wasn’t andouillette…

    Squashes abound here…Danilo keeps growing them and i keep giving them back to him. They taste like blotting paper. I can’t bring myself to use my remaining fenugreek to make the blasted things palatable.

    Parfait or pate? All I can think is that with the parfait the livers are sie
    ved to keep back the odd sinew or so…but in the case of this place all probably depends on their frozen food supplier.

    When under pressure to use butternut squash in France I would make soup using prawn shells and heads for stock…it gave some sort of flavour, after all.

    I shall be in Spain shortly..but only for a few days. However I shall celebrate by eating black pudding for breakfast every day…not the Burgos one with rice, but a local one with plenty of meat in the filling. Bliss.

    Chuck Berry? Quite agree.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Andouilette is as bad as black pudding, n’est ce pas?

      My neighbour used to do a tolerable fried squash, but honestly I can’t understand why they buy it. Thick rind to peel off, stringy core to hack out, all for what? A decent photo on black granite? Tasteless or what?

      My mum made chicken liver pâté a couple of times. V good. A real faff though. Nearly as bad as cooking squash.

      Not seen any morcilla in our part of the world. Luckily. Adelina would prob hate it but José would like it. He does eat chorizo, so I imagine bp would come naturally. I’m there next week, would have been today but things change …

      The account of Chuck Berry’s porn collection is not to be read before a meal. Golden showers forever.


      • As General de Gaulle would have said: ‘Non’.
        Black pudding smells slightly when being cooked.
        Andouillette…well, let me just say that if you push open the door of a French caff and the interior smells like the drains of 1960s Calais in a heatwave then you will know that the plat du jour is andouillette.
        There can be no confusion.


  2. At least you are not opinionated – LOL – the world needs more like you. You would hate standard American food I fear. What is black pudding? I’ve never heard of it, can’t imagine what it is. This was much fun to read even if I’m not sure what it’s all about. I have to admit, I’m not very adventurous about food and usually go catatonic when trying to figure out a menu for guests to our home.


    • Indeed. I would dislike US fare.

      Black pudding is a sort of sausage made largely of blood. Pigs’ I think. Bleugh. I never ate it even when I wasn’t vegetarian. On a par with tripe. Usually fried for breakfast. Disgusting stuff. Scallops and black pudding? Vile combination. Chef should be sacked.

      Guests? What are they?

      And me, opinionated? Don’t be silly.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Can someone please tell me what “standard American food is”?
        Maybe it’s fast drive-thru foods? (which is available and basically uniform by chains across the country, so I guess that’s it?)
        With all the old farm foods, always available and now so fashionable again, all the regional (often rural) foods, and all the wide ethnic assortment of menus/ classes/recipes all over the place (and have been since early days), it’s confusing to me how anyone is able to narrow down and point to anything as standard American food (which I’ve heard is actually an urban rumor).
        Has to be fast food belching forth.
        Sooo, fish tacos, gyro, spring rolls, or pita bread anyone? We’ve mango salsa as well as hummus or tzatziki or let me rummage through the fridge for something else.
        Oh, salad, but not the fancy Capital letter kind. Yellow squash and zucchini stir fry from last night? Always yellow squash., Grows so easily here and grew up on it out of the garden. Yellow squash: endless uses for yellow squash…
        (Just to clarify, you know this is all mean in good fun right? Giggles added…soemwhere there’s a giggles emoj…People are so touchy these days…how about a HA Ha?
        Will try the seasonings – sounds yummy! (except the menu where marketing looking at line space available. You know how it is: marketing rules over mechanics and standard punctuation rules?)


        • I guess my stereo (ha) typical view is burger and chips, with tomato ketchup, mayonnaise and possibly a limp lettuce leaf. Or half a cow on a plate that would feed a sensible family for a month. Or half the ocean fried up. What else? Grits (whatever they may be). Muffins. Donuts. A huuuuuge turkey and chipolatas? Desserts. Pecan pie. Awful looking bacon. Wonder what standard Brit fare conjures up? The traditional meal used to be fish and chips but curry overtook that one as national favourite. Roast beef and yorkshire pud? Bacon and eggs for breakfast? Christmas cake and cheese? Mmm, getting hungry. Must get an apple for breakfast. Maybe keep the doctor away.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I’ll agree with the grits – crushed white corn which cooks like oatmeal. With pool of melting butter on top for some. UGH – but I do make them once in a while for husband
            Growing up kids didn’t like to eat at our house as we had piles of veggies every meal from the farm – and half the family had severe food allergies.And we didn’t get sugar. Mom hated deep fat frying as it smelled up the house and all that grease was left, so that was out. We got hamburgers once in a while on summer trips (usually tuna sandwiches made on a picnic table – cost lots less) – and donuts then – oh how wonderful that rare stuff tasted. She was trendy before it was known HA HA.
            I do eat an apple a day. It’s proven preventative (along with eating assorted colors of veggies)
            Brit food? Everyone warned us about it when we traveled again that direction a few years ago – actually, eating at low key local places, we found all the food great – found lots of variety there and police or tube employees stirred us to some nicely priced good places. Pleasantly surprised.
            Funny how people get ideas about other places.


          • We offered some Americans porridge once. They were gutted it was oat flakes not grits. I used to enjoy porridge. Put in bottom oven overnight, perfect in the morning.

            We always had veggies, but plenty of meat two. We had hamburgers once maybe – made by mum from prime beef. Never ate tuna, only (red) salmon, my family was quite pretentious in the food stakes (steaks?)

            British food has changed hugely over the years. Much more cosmopolitan these days. One friend has told me how much she likes pies when she visits London. Hard to tell these days though whether things are freshly made or tarted up prepacked food. But as I don’t eat out it doesn’t matter.

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          • I eat oatmeal – the old fashion kind – every morning. (Mom never cooked it – too much trouble. She was educated and liberated and hated the kitchen). In many cases the old fashioned food has turned out to be the best choices for health. Dad caught fish like trout or catfish from the farm lakes – I used to help him clean them outside on a bench by the hand water pump – Mom wasn’t about to do it. (we won’t talk about the squirrel and hunted fare. I will never eat squirrel again! UGH) Salmon was a luxury food I never had until grown.
            Eating out is too expensive and there quality not always the best as we are in a tourist/recreational area. But the fish markets/ boats are just down the road – and they know us well HA HA


    • You’re quite correct. I thought about that originally and then got distracted with all the other rubbish. Terrible menu isn’t it? :D.

      Even if I wasn’t vegetarian I would struggle. Crabmeat? Why not just crab? You are hardly going to eat the shell. Not convinced that avocado, crab and pickled cucumber is a match made in heaven. And pâté and brioche? I think brioche is not the right bread for pâté. I won’t even get into the scallops, black pud and jamon scenario. Or serrano.

      The chateaubriand is about the only decent dish on the menu. With its solitary roast potato. And I do like a decent Béarnaise sauce. I can only guess this one will be out of a jar.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey R,
    Well, I tried again and again with squash, and I gave up. Horrible stuff, to cut it short. We have a variety in Central Europe, rounder, more firm and of a weird pale bluish grey on the outside, which we cut in smaller pieces and bake in the oven until edges caramelise. It becomes very sweet, on its own like a pumpkin pie, minus the nutmeg, but really nice. The trick is they leave it on the field to be frostbitten, which increases sugars. Can’t find it in the UK though. BW 🙂


    • There are few vegetables I won’t/don’t eat, but squash is just unappealing. I wouldn’t buy it or grow it, but when it’s given …

      Not really into roasted veg although it seems to be trendy right now. Roasting is for potatoes. And I don’t like sweet veg. My father liked roast parsnips. Ugh. I never buy those either. My partner likes them, but as far as I’m concerned, he can buy them and cook them.

      I’d eat parsnips if they were given to me. Luckily they don’t seem to exist in my part of Spain. So my trials are limited to squash. Incidentally when I was a kid squash didn’t exist in the uk. Well, not where I lived. Luckily.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh, parsnips, yuk…
        Before moving 7 years ago to the UK, we noticed they started to appear in Central E. as we were using the roots of parsley instead, same shape and colour, just more firm and the taste lacking the sweet part, really aromatic if a bit older. Same here with roast veg, partner likes them, me, meh…
        Oh, and marrowfat, it was quite a staple over there, here’s as expensive as hell…
        Take care :-)


          • You’re most welcome, I can’t comment on discarding meat, as my body automatically switches to mortified mode… ;-)


          • Yay, love mushrooms, especially porcini and other, forest ones, oh and oyster mushrooms, yummy, just sautéed with onions and lots of parsley, maybe some eggs stirred loosely in…
            Enjoy :-)

            Liked by 1 person

          • Interesting how many varieties of mushrooms there are. I’d never had oyster ones before moving to Spain. Or not I remembered. And they do huge ones here. Setas. A local health food shop stocks organic ones sometimes. Much smaller but delicious flavour.

            I added some fusilli. Mush and onion and parsley is a perfect combination, oh, and a drop of white wine. Delicious.

            Liked by 1 person

          • You should try the bigger oyster mushrooms grilled over fire or charcoal grill, without any marinade, only a dash of salt. This is a “secret” known by mountain people, like myself ;-) And the bigger the better.
            You’ll experience a taste of it as you’ve never thought ;-)


          • They are cooked very plainly in Spain, ie just sautéed, probably with a dash of olive oil. Having no charcoal grill, and not having lit a fire for some years, I suspect that gastronomic adventure will not be happening any time soon :(

            Liked by 1 person

          • Not really, someone defined Hamburg parsley as “Hamburg parsley is an off-beat vegetable also known as parsley root or turnip-rooted parsley”. Parsley roots are the roots from which parsley leaves are harvested :-)

            Liked by 2 people

    • We used to have chateaubriand quite a lot at home when I was a kid. My mum was one good cook. But it was shared between three of us. I’m guessing the menu is referring to a few slices, think there is a pic on FB. Rather than the whole thing. Glad I don’t eat meat any more, saves one hell of a lot on the budget :)

      Berry? Interesting. Let’s use a comparator. Jimmy Sav? Good DJ? Voluntary hospital porter? And what else?

      Which is most important? The abuse someone did or their creative/good works? While Obama and Springsteen are lauding Berry, someone should be pointing out what else he did. And filming girls and women in the toilet is pretty crappy. That totally negates any decent music he performed, for me. The man abused women. Pretty simple.


      • Never liked Jimmy Sav in the first place. I once asked him to come and open a summer school for us in Wakefield in the ’70’s and he never turned up. Thank God !!
        I must admit your knowledge of Chuck Berry’s predilections is more detailed than mine.


        • Didn’t like Sav either. What summer school in Wakefield in the 70s? I went to school in Wakey. In the 70s.

          I did speak to him once. On the phone. It was the Scarborough thing and I was working on the paper there. He was ok, but there was a sense of I Am Important about him.

          I knew stuff all about Berry apart from his ding-a-ling (should have been an indicator?) until he died. Probably because you can’t libel the dead so people can start to tell the stories.


      • ? Our local press cover his records (both types of them)
        Husband remembers sneaking into a disreputable part of town and crawling into a back window after being turned away at the door for being underage. Three short skinny white boys in a black dive. No one cared. No problems. Everyone there to see Chuck before he was on major labels…and before arrested.
        (Very young underage girls, too, wasn’t it? Was all over the papers back then here, but I’ve forgotten most of it. He did influence a great number of musicians…some of whom probably have issues of their own. So creative types get a pass and artistic personalities don’t have to conform, right?)


  4. Don’t like squash, marra, pumpkin or any of those excuses for vegetables. Don’t like Chuck Berry, misogynist porn addicts, or rock and roll. And that menu sounds absolutely sick-inducing. You got anything else?


    • I think we are on the same page! I did read about some chained-up Pods. You wouldn’t like that either. How about my pods are on the sofa with me? I think that’s a good one :) or a Beethoven piano concerto?


        • Need to go to my Spanish place. My piano concerto albums are there not here.
          Málaga airport. Bus into town, then bus to our village.
          Put record on player, ye olde vinyl thingy, pour drinks, sit on terrace with music streaming gently (well noisily really, it is Bang and Olufsen) out.
          Enjoy sun. Tosca lies on plastic compost sack, Snowy lies on his chair, or the table, adults (allegedly) sit on chairs. Wearing free hats from local romería for sun protection.
          Please note, spare bed is full of plastic boxes following sale of mother’s house from more than ten years ago.

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          • Oh my! Thought I was the last remaining person with a B&O. Doesn’t half put CD computer music to shame. We had the option for four speakers, but my parents only bought two. My dad obviously got sick of opera, told my mum it didn’t work. Ha. Soon fixed that. We are lucky we have two places. Otherwise the inheritance junk would be a bigger nightmare. I still have far too much wedgwood than you can poke a stick at. Trouble is, I actually like the gold florentine. Don’t use it, but I like it.

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          • Husband bought his first B&O radio when he was a student. Then he bought me one. Then he bought another (second hand), then he bought a radio cassette player, very stylish but some childish fingers broke the thing the cassette goes in. Then he bought a whole B&O sound system (second hand) and a set of even bigger B&O speakers. Now we need a new house to put it all in…

            Liked by 1 person

          • I did like the look of the radios. B&O were a bit like apples in terms of design. Down from school was one of the city’s main streets. Police station, court house, Eagle Press (books!) and Woods. Woods was the B&O shop. Droolissimo. One Tuesday afternoon I walked in after school and there it sat. My dad had just gone in and bought the whole shebang. Nearly fifty years ago.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I remember the white ones. Ours is some sort of veneer finish that is peeling off. Our speakers often need a twiddle. But I twiddle well :) I was trying to find a vid I’ve done for the sound, but not sure where I’ve hidden them. Think it was Lady Eleanor.

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          • I’ve no patience with them. If the ribbon doesn’t get tangled up in the mechanism it stretches so you get a ghostly whoo whoo noise and long drawn out words. And you can’t go to the track you want.


          • It’s such a nuisance when they stuff up like that. My bat out of hell has been terminal for some time now, suppose I should just bite the bullet and buy vinyl. Twenty odd quid though. We have a record shop opened up recently here. I went for a browse and there were three LPs I’d wanted but not bought, BOOH, Rumours, and Parallel Lines. Of course I didn’t buy any of them.


          • The flea market here has several huge stands selling vinyl now. They cost a fortune! Eldest daughter and her young man are into vinyl records and treat themselves exactly the way we did when we were poverty-stricken kids.


          • These were twenty-odd quid, mind you, looking at some of the stickers on mine (yeah I still have thirty plus year old hand-written prices on them) they weren’t cheap even then.


          • All my records were abandoned when I left London and moved to Paris. And I think Twenty quid is a lot for a second hand record complete with scratches and a tatty sleeve.


          • Think they are remixes. My LPs are mostly in good nick mind. Some sleeves are a bit er tired? My 45s are virtually perfect. Beatles, Stones, Dave Clark Five, Batchelors …


          • The Batchelors! Bloody hell! My grandma liked them. And Val Doonican. We never had any of their records though. I’m a bit of a Philistine when it comes to ‘sound’. I just like it loud :)


          • My grandma did too. And Val. But my parents bought my singles so they were a strange mix. My singles. Although my parents too, I suppose.

            I like some music loud. Verdi, beethoven, for example.


          • Turandot’s ok, otherwise he’s sort of ok. Mother loved him. But verdi did noise so well. Requiem mass to die for. So to write. I never like Bowie but a university colleage indoctrinated me, somewhat, and I acquired (cough) two albums. So heroes is not bad. But if we listen to anything it’s Seventh Sojourn, Nicely out of Tune, or Band on the Run. I know, Paul Mccartney. But still, it’s a good album.


          • You’ll probably hate me for this but I really can’t stand the Beatles. Don’t like the Stones either. Our party play list would either never happen, or we’d have two, in two separate rooms/buildings :)


        • Ah, the quality of the older sound systems. We have ours big speakers in fairly good conditions, but in storage right now due to space. Along with all the old albums from both parents and our own. A bit of work needed on the components, but fixable. Now that is how to really listen to music.
          (And the patio sound inviting)


          • I sometimes need to twiddle the connecting cables a bit and remember which two of the four sockets I should use, but otherwise, worky well enough. I have far too many albums. My pop ones from the 70s, my classics from late 70s early 80s, my mum and dad’s and the world’s biggest collection of organ music from my mum’s neighbour.


          • Organ music. We managed to avoid that! I took great pleasure in smashing the recording of my piano recital attempts. Unlike my talented cousin, I hated the piano…for years and years. Much to mom’s distress
            I can’t decide to do with our albums ranging from 50’s-70’s. My dad had the old country western cowboy or what was called hill billy music – and some of the religious/old fashion gospel albums by those same rural singers. Mom hated that stuff, but her classical records are MIA.


          • I like some organ music, but there is a limit, and two hundred or so records well exceeds it. There must be something from every single chapel in Germany.

            I do like gospel music, if not the sentiments. Wouldn’t rush out and buy it. My faves are the classics, and as I bought them all, I’m happy with that collection :)


  5. So, hey: are you reviewing restaurant menus now? (big smile)
    I love butternut squash in particular.
    I like your recipe, and seasonings such as asafoetida and fenugreek (in my house we call it Funny Greek) sound exciting. p.s. I guess any orange-coloured squash would work with that recipe?


  6. Down market establishments are unlikely to speak ( write ) the Queen’s English. And would you have recognised this as a child? Can’t imagine the food is much good at that price. Mothers are worth more than a cut price menu anyway. I’d rather have a bunch of daffs😀


          • Well it isn’t very big. But I did put a fence around it when I first began the garden thing. I don’t have anything planted yet except catnip( hold over from about two years back) which is flourishing and d0es not freeze where I live. It’s really hardy and I snip sprigs several times a week. My cats love fresh cat nip/mint.


          • I have made a veg garden in all my houses. Usually involved carving up the lawn. Right now we have acelgas and parsley and basil, new thyme and mint, plus I planted cabbage seeds, and something else. We’ll see. Plus nasturtiums are flourishing so they make salad, oh and I have lettuces and some late garlic that suddenly appeared.

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          • I have yet to plant anything. I got sick last night with sinusitis and bronchitis. Went doctor and he prescribed Doxycycline and generic Flonase. I have a bottle of codeine and robutussin. I feel like crap. Hope to be better in a few days so I can at least get the peppers and tomatoes in the ground. I have oodles of garlic which will be ready to pull about June-July. I give it away- my body is not fond of garlic but I love the taste and hate that it makes me dizzy when I eat it. I’ve never heard of acelgas and will go look it up.


          • Is it the weather? We tend to get blocked up/chesty when it’s damp/cold. Not that we take anything for it. Why would doxy help? My main problem is when I get stressed I end up with D&V. Puts me out for a day or two and I get zilch done.

            I am no good with tomatoes. Wish I was as we eat loads. Next doors usually gives me chilli peppers which is good. Have you tried the garlic fresh rather than letting the bulbs develop? I think it’s much nicer, maybe your body might cope with that. Acelgas is swiss chard I think in english. There are pix a couple of blog posts back. Looks and tastes like spinach but has thick white stalks. Grows like wildfire in my garden and self-seeds. When I have too much I give some away to a neighbour who lives in a van. Can’t give it to nextdoors because the young sons (early 20s) don’t eat veg. Prefer junk food. Ugh.

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          • Doxy is an antibiotic and my sinuses and bronchial tubes are infected. I have an awful cough. I had never known Swiss chard called that. I grow it every year and love it. Vey easy to grow. I will at some point try to email or include in a comment how to be successful with tomatoes. I’m feeling terrible today and slept most of the day. Still must do more pet chores in a few hours.


          • Pippa had doxy for tick disease, didn’t realise you had infection :) My mum’s side had bronch probs too. Emphysema lurked. With which cheerful note I will move onto acelgas. It’s the Spanish name. Ha! Tomatoes. I know my strengths. Not toms. Sleep well and recuperate, look after your animals too xx

            Liked by 1 person

  7. wow – you covered an impressive expanse of subjects in this post :)

    marrow and courgette – new terms to me here is US – sound infinitely more interesting than zuccini


    • It was quite limited for me!

      I guess in Europe we do the multi lingual thing. Even us Brits! So I know zucchini, but we call them courgettes. I know you differentiate between cilantro and coriander. Although you probably don’t do perejil.

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    • Hi Teagan :) I sure wouldn’t be buying it for the amount of effort needed. I prefer podding a kilo of peas. Much more rewarding end result. I’m late with this reply (blame it on WP, always a useful scapegoat) so happy week.


  8. I love Squash, it’s a great alternative to having carrots or swede on the plate. Mashed like potatoes in lots of lovely butter… can’t go wrong!

    Ooh yes it can! We hates it precious we does. It chokes us. Give us fissh and keep nassty squashes!

    Shut up, Gollum!


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