Gibraltar and Brexit (part one)

Gibraltar’s sudden rise to prominence in the Brexit negotiations has resulted in the predictable proliferation of ignorant comments and opinions that the internet seems to excel in. I have read an amazing amount of tosh. So, to counteract said tosh, here are some facts given that I have lived in Spain and Gib for nearly twenty years.

  1. Gibraltar is not an island. Nor is it in Southern Spain. It is an isthmus of less than three square miles, connected to Spain at the north end, which involves crossing the airport runway. It is at the southern tip of the Iberian peninsula.
  2. Gibraltarians are not English or part of the UK. They are Gibraltarian with full British citizenship. We are a British Overseas Territory, not a colony. Although this status is argued at the UN (influenced by Spain of course) which insists we need to be decolonised. We think we are. The UK thinks we are and wants us taken off the non-self-governing territories list.
  3. We have our own (appalling) government, but foreign affairs and defence are the responsibility of the UK.
  4. In the 1967 sovereignty referendum the vote to remain British was 99.64%. That nice man Mr Franco then closed the border in 1969 and it wasn’t reopened until 1985 (ten years after his death). It was in fact Mr Franco who raised the whole issue in the fifties and Spain has hung onto this one ever since.
  5. In 2002 we had another referendum. The result wasn’t quite so clear. Only 98.97% voted to remain British.
  6. Gibraltar was captured in 1704 by an Anglo-Dutch force during the Spanish war of succession, and ceded to Great Britain by Spain in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht. It was ceded in perpetuity. For the benefit of some serious thickos out there, that means for ever.
  7. Some of Spain’s many spurious arguments are that this treaty only referred to the original city area and that the runway shouldn’t have been built (it came in helpful during the war for planes though).
  8. Spain, while we are on the topic of spurious arguments, isn’t exactly rushing to hand back its enclaves in North Africa. Morocco would quite like to have Ceuta and Melilla.
  9. If Spain held Gibraltar as well, it would be in sole control of the entrance to the Mediterranean, with Ceuta in North Africa and Gib in Europe. The straits are only eight miles wide and even today half the world’s seaborne trade passes through. It is, therefore, of some strategic importance and was particularly significant in WW2 for the RN.

    Let’s look at some of the (ridiculous) comments for handing Gib to Spain.

    • ‘It’s part of Spain.’ No it isn’t. See Fact 1.
    • ‘They speak Spanish.’ Actually Gibraltarians speak llanito, which although mainly Andalucían Spanish, includes some Genoese, Hebrew, Maltese and Portuguese. It also includes English, and both full sentences and conversations can switch rapidly from one to the other.
    • ‘It’s too far from England, who cares?’ Gibraltarians maybe? The 99% who prefer to remain British. See the referendum results. And the point about strategic importance (duh).
    • ‘I went there on holiday and wasn’t impressed.’ Fine. If you don’t like old architecture, winding streets, a Moorish castle, Europa Point, Parson’s Battery, Rosia Bay, Catalan Bay, the ancient baths below the museum, 100 ton gun, the tunnels, the park on the Upper Rock, the only wild macaques in Europe, and somewhere you can walk safely at all times of the day and night, that’s your choice. But it doesn’t give you a say in sovereignty decisions.
    • ‘They are hypocrites, they voted to remain in the EU so Spain can have them.’ So did Scotland. Give Scotland to Denmark? In the Brexit referendum, 96% of the populace voted to remain. Which is less than the percentage of people wishing to remain British. There’s no denying Gibraltarians like to have their cake and eat it, but while I may have voted out, I can see why people wouldn’t want the status quo to change, and, they probably anticipated problems with an out vote. To wit, the delights of six lane frontier queues as the weather warms up. The local Guardia Civil on the frontier have been replaced by the evil black beret brigade. Rumours are flying round about them pulling a gun on a family last week.

    That smug complacent self-satisfied little piece of scum, Peter Hain, recently wrote in the Grauniad about his brilliant attempt to secure a joint sovereignty deal with the support of Jack Straw, Tony Blair, and then Gibraltarian leader, Peter Caruana. According to Hain, Aznar (Spain’s PM at the time) wobbled. Meanwhile at the same time, 98.97% of people voted against the idea. Maybe that had something to do with it not happening? Sleazy little toerags doing deals behind closed doors that THE PEOPLE DO NOT WANT. Sorry for shouting, but it needs saying. Smug Hain says that if his wonderful brilliant deal had gone through, we wouldn’t be having problems now. Yes we would. Idiot. First joint sovereignty, then full sovereignty. Give Spain an inch, they will want the full mile. I wonder about the so-called level of intelligence of politicians. It’s probably in inverse proportion to their greed. Self-seeking self-important shitheads like Hain should keep right out of it.

    However there is a big issue here. It is called self-determination. Which seems to be ignored by tossers like Hain, Straw and Blair. And various others who insist that Gib is just something to be tossed around at will. Also, it needs to be pointed out it was only Spanish for a couple of hundred years. A mere drop in the Mediterranean. It was Moorish for far longer. Let’s give Al-Andalus (Andalucía) back too while we’re at it.

    And the other issue here is territorial integrity. Which is the biggest red herring ever. It is code for give little places to nasty big bullies. Give NI to Ireland. Give Wales to England. Give Scotland to England too (ha Nicola!). Give Monaco to France. Andorra to er well, either France or Spain.

    No. Just no.

    With which it is time for a distraction. Many thanks to my brill friend of excellent photo skills for turning Snowy into Anubis :) Thank you Vicky.

    Back to black?

    The real Anubis, but not too different eh?

    And, to finish with, a book review. A mystery set in Scotland.

    Deadly Inheritance by Karen Randau

    A decent read, about an American, newly wed couple who visit Scotland to meet the husband’s British grandfather. Except, natch, he’s dead. The couple then become murder targets and someone else gets killed instead of him.

    I was drawn to this book by the sheer location. Who can fail to love a book that involves Edinburgh, the Trossachs, Loch Lomond, Oban, and malt whisky?

    With a few murders, money, family secrets and intrigue?

    I thought this was far better than its predecessor, Deadly Deceit. It was better constructed, the plot was logical, although I was left guessing who the baddies were right until the end. Plenty of red herrings in this one for amateur sleuths. Or, useless sleuths in my case.

    The story was unveiled nicely and the characters came to life as they were developed through the book.

    I liked the sub-plot of hidden family history. Who has a family without secrets? Most of us don’t even know our real family history.

    The female main character, Rita, is as tough as ever, although her new husband Cliff, is maybe a little wooden in parts. But when he decided to claim his Scottish inheritance and run the family farm I totally empathised. Did he though? Read the book.

    Only one thing confused me. Whenever Rita and Cliff stayed at a hotel, they were given two keys. Two? Is this an American thing (the author is American) or have hotels changed? Never in my life have I stayed anywhere and received more than one key to a room. In fact even in the late 90s, it was usually a card, not a key.

    Book cover

    Karen comes from the southwestern USA and has been writing and telling stories since elementary school. She holds a degree in journalism/public relations from the University of Texas at Austin and has had a long career in marketing communications.

    In her work with an international non-profit, she has traveled to numerous developing countries, witnessing famines, violence, and hopeful people working to overcome abject poverty.

    Book provided by Red Moon Book Tours.

102 comments on “Gibraltar and Brexit (part one)

    • When the frontier was closed, people went via Morocco, ie ferry to Maruec, and then another to Algeciras. There’s a certain amount of backbone here. And resistance to Spain.

      Planes only come in a few times a day. The real issue is Guardia Civil being a pain in the arse.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. From the little I’ve heard, it’s going to be exceptionally hard to maintain your current status once the UK leaves the EU. Presently, that appears to be the only thing stopping the EU from saying, “OK, let’s have a look at this…”


  2. Hi. Thanks for an informative lesson. I guess it is not a surprise to you that my local news here in Florida has covered none of this issue. I was curious about a couple things, like so did they go ahead with the joint sovereignty ( I have no idea how that would work ) if not why is Spanish police allowed to operate in what is a British territory? Also the place you describe seems really seeped in culture, so do you have like lots of museums and cultural heritage stuff. I don’t know how to phrase what I am trying to ask, but in the daily life is art and culture appreciation more important than like work and stuff? Anyway I loved the post you did on the new sea wall remodel. Any chance of more pictures? Have a great weekend. Hugs


    • It’s my understanding that America isn’t big on covering non-American news, and using Gibraltar as a political football in Brexit negotiations would presumably be of zilch interest. Gibraltar? Where? Oh yes, Wisconsin.

      No, joint sovereignty did not go ahead. Gibraltarians want nothing to do with Spanish jurisdiction. Spanish police, two lots, Policia Nacional and Guardia Civil operate at the frontier. Policia for passports and Guardia for customs. Technically I assume they are on Spanish soil by the time we get there. They do however make incursions into British Gibraltarian waters from time to time, naughtily.

      One museum, couple of art galleries, exhibitions at our local hall across the road, talks etc. We are only 30,000 people so we are like a small town. There is a heritage society, a histoy society, a fine arts society except they all have a membership fee :( But the culture and heritage is there if you know where to look. Many people visit and just see British style pubs serving fish and chips and pints of beer. It’s a place to explore and absorb. As with anywhere work takes priority but when I do a follow up I’ll write about the local economy which is somewhat surreal.

      Thanks for the comment about Wellington Front. I walked up there the other evenin and could hear music. I looked down and the local photo club was obviously having a social event with a jazz band playing. More culture huh? It was very nice to have an evening stroll accompanied by mellow jazz.

      You and Ron have a lovely weekend too.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Glad to see you have lost not one Gib whit of your sarcastic humour. :) Opinions will always be rampant and necessarily ignorant, when attached to human beings. Sigh. Very interesting as always to hear about things from such a unique perspective, being on the spot, so to speak.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have noticed the increased attention. Living in Dublin, I hear a lot about Ireland’s northern border and trying to get Britain to recognize the special circumstances around it. The next couple of years are going to be eye-opening, confusing, and frustrating, I think, for many.


    • Years ago I was working in an archive office and one of my colleagues had worked in NI. It had totally changed his (lefty) view of the issue, so instead of saying the two Irelands should be one, he respected the wishes of NI to remain part of the UK. When we were travelling round Ireland we crossed the border to visit Londonderry. It was weird to see all the empty disused border stations/guard posts. Sometimes I really think you have to be on the ground to grasp a situation. Theory only goes so far.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I have been completely entertained and educated. I like history current or past. I like reading book reviews. And last but by the best was seeing the wonderful work of Vicky who turned Snowy into an Anubis. He really is an eye catching dog. Just perfect.


    • Thank you Y :) I can churn out Gib’s basic history off the top of my head although I don’t carry the other dates eg when it was Moorish, when the Spanish tried to invade in the eighteenth century. I’ll mention some of that next time.

      I think Snowy looks rather good in black, and the necklace suits him just fine.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. So glad you reiterated that Gib is occupied by Brits under Spanish law through a treaty and not something we walked in and laid claim to as some suggest. I hoe you’re enjoying the holiday weekend and The Welshman is off with you.
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


    • Yes there is a treaty, but we also did capture it, so some of both there. However Spain signed the bloody treaty so what’s with wanting to just wave it away?

      The WM was planning to work today, but knocked it on the head. There’s always next week. You enjoy the long weekend too. xx


  7. At last! An intelligent summary of the status quo as applied to the Rock. We here. back in in cold old UK, had to put up with a rather patronising little canter through a 10 minute ‘travelogue’ from the BBC, to allow the great unwashed to get the picture on a suddenly popular place which is being threatened by an invasion from Spain. That is if you read the more lurid of the xenophobic Right Wing press. This was swiftly countered by an article in The Guardian which gave the lie to that warmongering tripe and listed all that was ‘wrong’ in their view with Gib. as it stands in the world today, pointing out that its economy has boomed with the influx of money from Gambling Houses and UK National Betting Shop Chains as they all scurry to the Rock to bury their loot and keep it from that nasty Mr Taxman. Other things were implied to give their view that the Rock was a den of thieves and even harboured Vladimir Putin when he, in an earlier life, wanted a private meeting place with his co conspirators whilst they hatched a plot for world dominance or to take over MacDonald’s Big Burgers ( one of the two!)

    This Left Wing view was then countered by a more “middle of the road” sort pointing out that as the British Government had almost completely denuded The Rock of it;s upwards of 3000 strong Garrison of Squaddies, Blue Jobs and Matelots over a 30 year period beginning in 1960, thus leaving Gib. with a gaping hole in their finance plans. Little places like The Caymans and Lichtenstein were then offered up as examples of “what else did you expect us to do”

    I see myself,as is usual for me, seeing both sides of the question
    I married a Spaniard on The Rock in the early 60s. As a British Squaddy and Spouse, we were looked after by the Army equivalent of the NHS and Welfare State all rolled in to one, making for a life of comparative ease …. Married Quarters? No problem! And so we moved into an ‘A’ Class, one bedroom, stone built MSQ which had been at one time, in the past 200 years stable block but now was ‘Ours’ for the princely sum of 10/- per week ( That’s 50 pence today!) They were still there some 4 years ago, viewed from the rear balcony of the Elliot hotel, on the approach road to the once thriving and humming Calpe Power Station just one of the many public and military mixes provided for and run by the men of the Corps of Royal Engineers

    So I am stuck with my own particular opinions with one foot in the Spanish side of the Border and the other on the Rock with all its military memories, both social and geographical. A great young friend of mine lies buried at the North Front Cemetery, A double victim of a sudden and very untypical storm which plucked him off our construction site at Little Bay and drowned him in front of our horrified eyes. A double victim? There were absolutely no life saving equipment any where near our shoreline excavations and all our efforts of reaching him were repulsed by the raging seas which hurled us back, one by one against the wooden formwork. My attempt to save my best mate ended there and then as I was hurled back on to the stout timbers and suffered a concussion ,waking several hours later in the Military Hospital.
    I still blame the Army for its sheer carelessness, but those were the days long before today’s myriad of Health and Safety rules and regs. were even thought about. Mike was 19 on that wild day and lies yet in his cold grave a few miles from that tragic site.


    • Why, thank you sir. I think it’s important to start a discussion about Gib (& Brexit) with the most relevant facts. And to me, those are the Treaty of Utrecht and the pro British vote in the referendums. The rest can come later.

      Like you, I’ve got a foot in both camps as we moved to Spain before coming to Gib, and I like Spain very much. Otherwise we wouldn’t have moved there. But I can like the country and my neighbours and still criticise their abhorrent politicians. I’m going to be looking at Spain too in the next post. There are one or two stable blocks on Town Range, all going/gone down the road of luxury flats, A was working in one before Xmas.

      There is a plaque at Little or Camp Bay in the wall. Is that for your friend?


  8. A masterpiece of exposition, which to anyone but a politician (because they are inherently brainless and with a built-in immunity to logic) presents an unassailable argument. The ultimate solution might have to be for Gib to conquer Spain. That would settle things for good, and the first thing done would be to get rid of the Berets Uncivil and restore the Guardia Civil.
    The review certainly creates a strong desire to read that book.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Col. Politicians will argue about anything and with anything, presumably preferably a deaf post so they won’t get any responses. I’m not sure the Gib Regiment is up to taking over Spain. Still, with a bit of conscription and some Home Guard (Partner could do that), it could be a goer ;) The Guardia of both types are doing their job. Politics, politics. Nothing new.

      The book was an easy read within its genre. I tend to enjoy mysteries for a chill.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Always wondered which/what was the dominant language there. Is there one for official/government forms?
    Gib has such a rich history. Very strategic location. And so much moorish influence from their rule there (Hmm, Spain had the same. Do they forget that? HA HA) Yes, Gib should conquer Spain.
    You’re right, Only one on the ground and living it really understands what is going on. (Good to know for any place) Enjoyed all the facts and updates of info.
    Snowy is perfect! Cool
    (And yes, they always hand you 2 keys – or at least ask how many you want.)


    • Llanito is the spoken one but with a lot of switching into English, although not all the older people are fluent in English. The official language, unsurprisingly is English, so that’s used for forms etc. The Gib newspapers are in English. Signs on the buses are in English and Spanish I think, eg ida y vuelta.

      The history is truly fascinating. I ccould concoct a degree programme studying history and culture of Gibraltar, although ’twould be of little use. You’ve just reminded me there is an archaeology lecture I must try and get to on Thursday.

      Moorish influence throught the Caliphate of Cordoba is huge, and in our part of Andalucía, the terracing from the agriculture remains, it’s evident in many place names, usually beginning with Bena …

      People who mouth off could look things up before they do so, but no. The internet is agog waiting for their latest pronouncement of ridiculousness.

      Snowy bestows a regal Egyptian nod – must have got it from RC cat.

      That’s interesting about the keys. Thanks for that. Might send a mail. Might. Might not. Sad fact-checking there.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I loved Cordoba. I remember the terracing. Where and how do people never see all the stories – that’s all history is – fascinating stories wrapping up literature, art, music, even math and science all into tale after tale building to and affecting now. AS you say, even the town and street names have stories and histories. I don’t know when that curiosity is lost or is it that day to day life dull down and shutters all the curiosity rooms. Sad in any case.
        We’ve always had a mix mash of languages here – more than ever now. Probably seems odd to newcomers. Some states are proposing English for formal/government official things, but doubt it will gain traction. Makes sense, but people don’t like to hear that.
        Saw the German today, she’s never been a fan of thunderstorms and we’ve had those since late last night. We’re soggy, but not flooding.


        • Cordoba is one of my fave places. I felt safe and happy there. Found places to stay, to eat and to wander. Plus, we stopped the main bus in the high street to get back to our town. I like Cordoba. Less touristy.
          Need an official language or two …
          Paw waves to German, welcome on our sofa. 🐾🐾

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Yes, but from a distance (Australia)I can see the Spanish being a bit miffed about Gibraltar still being British. Pointing out the Treaty of Utrecht signed in 1713 is hardly going to carry much weight or change their feelings. Isn’t Brexit a bit anti foreign designated? Can one be sure this latest about Gibraltar is not a longing for the days of good old Victorian gun-boat policy. I suppose the Spaniards are now seeking a bit of Brexit for themselves as well. Indeed, they might well call it Spainit.


      • And the economy, and unemployment, especially, for young people, the hike in utility bills and community charges, the banks, allegations of corruption … why bother dealing with those when you can repeat the tedious claim to Gibraltar?


    • Why? You might as well say that the UK should be miffed about American independence. Makes about as much sense. Gibraltar has been British far longer than Aemerican has been independent. What part of self-determination don’t you understand? It’s a political football. Perhaps when I compare the economies in the next post you might understand what Spain gains from Gibraltar.

      Brexit, for many of us, was about regaining sovereignty and not having Brussels taking precedence. And wanting to stop paying in more than we got out. And being restricted by stupid EU regulations. Did you hear about the Dutch woman who expanded her cattle herd on EU advice, put in a load of investment, but because they’re now looking at nitrous oxide emissions, they’ve changed their minds so she’ll probably lose the lot? EU for you.


      • Holland is doing fine and export about twice as much as the total exports of the UK. It is almost the largest exporter of agricultural products in the world. That’s tiny over populated Holland. Doing things together always beat going at it alone and in isolation.


        • I wasn’t talking about Holland in general. I was giving an example of how the EU had given a Dutch farmer certain advice and then done a total volte face which means she needs to kill her extra cattle and may face bankruptcy. BBC Countryfile.
          Remind me when you last lived in Europe? Before I lived in Australia I think?


  11. A mere drop in the Mediterranean – What a wonderful line!

    Not sure that there is a direct analogy with NI – two different set of complex issues.

    Can’t help smiling about Spanish hypocrisy over Cueta and Melilla – an interesting case that they have established though!


    • It was good wasn’t it? I thought so when I wrote it, (she says, immodestly).

      OK. Well, 1) NI is about territorial integrity = similarity 2) NI is about self-determination ie a majority wish to remain British = similarity. I’ll agree there are no religious issues (that I know of) in the Gib factor, but those two reasons are the ones people cite for swapping sovereignty and for retaining the status quo – in a number of cases. Think Falklands.

      I’ll mention Spain’s disputed territories, not just Ceuta and Melilla, and how they have blatantly defied the law.


      • In NI the Protestant Unionists are the ancestors of English/Scottish settlers from the time of the Plantations. They fear that United Ireland will result in them being displaced and becoming virtual refugees. The UK Government supports them to prevent this. I may be wrong (I am sure you will tell me) but Gibraltarians do not fear expulsion from the rock but the loss of their preferred status? In both cases it is a combination of self-determination and self-interest.
        The important point is that in both cases the status quo must have priority over political geographical ambition until the will of the people concerned changes it and approves.


        • ’Sokay, I do remember that ;)

          “I may be wrong … ”

          Well, we have spoken to a number of older Gibraltarians who lived through the Franco era, and their fears, whether founded/unfounded, are of being evicted, rounded up, and put in concentration camps in Spain. I joke not, and neither did they. So, more similar than you imagined.

          Most people vote in self-interest. Remain would have bern in ours, but it didn’t suit, so there you go.

          But yes, unless the populace demands change, then it isn’t up to suits to play games with peoples’ lives.


    • I read that and left a comment. I think – hope? – that we have moved on over the years although I increasingly doubt it. But people, and their territories, are not moveable chattels to be passed across the board in exchange for something else. Or are they?

      Gib and Spanish economies up next.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Your comments on altases came through. I’ll be back for more history (we in the USA do not get much European history, except for what filtered through our rebellion against King George (III?) a couple of centuries ago.)


  12. ” … the predictable proliferation of ignorant comments and opinions that the internet seems to excel in.” I don’t know what Internet you use, but it must be different from mine as I can’t swing a dead cat without coming across a logical, well-researched, polite discussion on just about any topic.

    On a more serious note, if anyone ever wondered what the problem with allowing people to hide behind anonymity is, they only need to research a single politically oriented Internet discussion.

    I can understand making an honest mistake or two regarding facts, but why someone would want to pontificate on subjects they know nothing about without at least doing a tiny bit of research is beyond me. I can make a fool of myself without trying; I don’t need to go out of my way and wade into a fray I don’t understand in the least.

    By the way, your background on Gibraltar was excellent; makes me want to visit it even more.


    • Ah. I must be mixing in the wrong circles. Needless to state, the rubbish I read came from FB. Which I avoid as much as poss but need to frequent for £s ops. I was involved in a political discussion which I thought was perfectly reasonable ie I was asking in all innocence about the US govt going into shutdown mode over abortion and found myself sans a number of friends the day after!

      This time round I have my partner, three dog friends and a dog as my friends. No more.

      I wonder, as with many issues, if it’s an age thing. The older we get, the more we realise how little we know?

      Thank you. Hoping to do the next post Fri/Sat, but must sort some editing work first.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations for your fight against nonsense. A rising threat the world over.
    I particularly liked your point #8.
    Now, about appalling governments… Welcome to the Club. ;)


  14. I learned a lot about Gibraltar that I didn’t know. It is amazing that the back room dealing takes place at all with the will of the people so clear. And uninformed opinions by those without a clue continue to litter social media everywhere on every topic, including the US (we’re in the thick of it). Snowy looks just like Anubis in black with the gold collar. Great photo! :-D


    • Thanks Diana. I don’t think any of us knew much about Gibraltar. We certainly didn’t before we came here. My knowledge was limited to the macaques (monkeys) and what my dad told me from his naval days. Even then, I didn’t know that the wild macaques are the only ones in Europe (originally thought to have come from Africa).

      I am cringing reading about US politics. The election of Trump has released a nightmare, not just a literal one, but certainly on the internet as people are either a) saying how wonderful he is or b) demagnifying every step his government (wife, daughter and son) take. And then there is all the endless analysis on Clinton didn’t win because, and what if Bernie …

      It’s so similar to Brexit where Removers are endlessly bleating about a decision taken by a majority of the people, unlike the Trump election. In either case, whether one agrees or not, a decision has been taken, so live with it.

      Snowy sends you a regal nod.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree that rehashing and over analyzing past decisions doesn’t make sense. In the US, though, we have to stand up against the insane and heartless policies of our new leader. It’s not a matter of “if” people are going to lose their lives, but “how many.”

        Liked by 1 person

        • I think there is more validity in criticising Trump’s narcissistic and crazy decisions because he technically didn’t win the popular vote, even though he said he did.

          Two or three things primarily worry me about him. His belligerent and bellicose attitude qv Syria, North Korea, and whoever comes next; his attitude towards women and reproductive health care; his attitude towards funding health care in general. That’s before I start on education, how many golf trips he has had since taking office, his refusal to share his tax returns and his lies in general.

          Liked by 2 people

  15. Well, I’m glad we got that all straightened out! 🙄 I can’t be arsed to get involved in any such discussion, I honestly don’t know enough about it to be honest, although, I do know a little more after reading this post! 😎
    Love the Anubis… Pods would look cool posing like that… An albino Anubis? 🙈🙉🙊


    • Think of it like this. Ull being part of Humberside not Yorkshire. Good enough?

      There were egyptian cat gods too.I suspect Snows is going for both. Greedy toe rag. I nominate the black panther for egyptian cat dog. S is most undignified right now. On back looking tan chilled. Silly boy.

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  16. What a horrible situation for Gibraltar. Thanks for the history and the current political situation. We are so consumed here in the US by our own awful situation, I never paid attention to what was happening in your country. A tiny place with a huge importance for its people.Now I know the turmoil your name really addresses.


  17. I’ve really enjoyed reading your post and I found it very informative. We didn’t get taught Gibraltar history in my day though I’ve heard that it will be included in the curriculum some time. Loved reading all the comments too.


    • I’m from Barcelona and, if it helps, I have friends and acquaintances of very differents political views and Gibraltar doesn’t even come into the conversations. We don’t care. Personally I believe it belongs to its people.
      I think that Spain is, and has been, ruled for many centuries by a superprivileged class who consider the country to be theirs. They walk their status around by stealing and nepotism. Of course the country works like shit, but then you have the flag and an invented and supremacist national history to balance things out and get some voters.
      I became an independentist because we suffer a lot of backlash due to this patriotic mentality. I think Gibraltar is another issue coming from the same, and so are the ridiculous stances Spain takes regarding cases like Kosovo or Scotland.
      The fact that most of our presidents, and certainly the present one, are so destitute with languages that they can hardly speak their own, could be also because of this hidalgo supremacist mentality.
      News coming from Spain are infuriating as every statement issued by the government or its allies is an attack on public mental well-being. But nothing will happen whatsoever and of course there won’t be a war. I think Spaniards and Brits are, and will remain, basically friends.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Maybe we could test out the “vote with your feet” hypothesis of governance, by doing as we in the USA do with healthcare (at least while any of us have insurance). Let’s have an “open enrolement” period of 30 days each year in which each person can sign up for whatever country his or her household would like to affiliate for the year. I’m sure that Google-Cloud can handle the data. Then lets look at who selects what country. Got to think out of the box, when the obvious solutions are not desireable. 🌎 or 🌍 or 🌏 – Oscar


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